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  1. rikusorakairiown
    protip: it happened to every normal member since it was due to a permissions change for the group "Member"
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. rikusorakairiown
    I'm feeling rather warm, which is counter logical since it's 11pm
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. rikusorakairiown
    System of a Down - B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Bombs)

    Marching forward hypocritic
    And hypnotic computers.
    You depend on our protection,
    Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. rikusorakairiown
    Trivium - Contempt Breeds Contamination

    Racially singled out
    He must have a gun
    And yet you get off with no time
    How can this be the answer
    No crime yet they shot away
    He now lies dead, the blood is on your hands
    Hands which were supposed to protect
    People like the man you blew away
    This isn't justice, this is corruption
    The four protectors fired 41 shots
    Hitting him 19 times
    Searching the body there were no weapons found
    He lies with all who died in vain
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. rikusorakairiown

    Raise the guns
    At every self-made suspicion
    Build the bombs
    Corrupt policy's decision
    Our Leaders Preach if we disagree
    We're the traitors of society
    Our Systems breed supremacy
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. rikusorakairiown
    Trivium - Anthem (We Are The Fire)

    Our masses strength an unstoppable horde...
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. rikusorakairiown
    Sigh. I suppose I'm going to have to out myself sooner or later.

    Might as well get it over with.

    I'm an MtF transgender peoples person
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. rikusorakairiown
    Yes I'm that same whiny emo kid.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. rikusorakairiown
    As you wish.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. rikusorakairiown
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. rikusorakairiown
  12. rikusorakairiown
    My gender is indeed female.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. rikusorakairiown
  14. rikusorakairiown
    If I hear one more person say batman or any other DC character should be in the next avengers movie I'll cry.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. rikusorakairiown
    .. Populous 3: The Beginning?
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. rikusorakairiown
    Improve your civilization!
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. rikusorakairiown


    You possess a strong sense of self-importance or an overdeveloped self regard. You nevertheless have the ability to make emotional connections to others and are capable of achieving satisfaction in a romantic relationship. However, your self-regard has the tendency to limit your emotional depth and to leave you feeling not completely committed or emotionally distanced. You do not easily form strong emotional bonds.

    You are often unstable, and tend to blame your problems on others and on circumstances that are beyond your control. Although you greatly desires to make a good impression and to be known and respected by others, you are very easily frustrated from your goals and will very quickly devolve into a feeling of helplessness. The idea of failing is often so frightening that the fear itself will lead to failure. After stress has left you to pick up the pieces, you will often feel victimized by forces around you.

    I started panicking halfway through for some reason and now I feel sick ._.


    I disagree with the first paragrph but wholly agree with the second.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 12, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. rikusorakairiown
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. rikusorakairiown
    Insert better filler than this here.

    Perhaps the root of the problem might not actually lie in feeling that I am inconveniencing others with my presence. I can't really claim to know right now. I'll think on it.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 11, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  20. rikusorakairiown
    Wanting to feel guilty? hrm.. Well it's not a voluntary action as far as I'm aware, unless the desire in unconscious.

    As for my belief I am a christfag but I'm far from religious. And although it does not strictly atone for anything as that which I'm atoning for is no crime at all it still atones for the transgressions my mind percieves, it is less a matter of paying for crimes than convincing my mind that I have, and thus allowing it to grant me a moment of rest and satisfaction. As for trying to fix my wrongs that would involve removing myself from society completely.

    Quite frankly I'd love to be a hikikomori.

    They've been around for a few years, but not permanently, I seem to go through periods wherein I feel like such and periods wherein I do not. And as for cutting not being the answer it is a means to an end, it isa way to remove this feeling of guilt, should I therefore choose to keep it within instead of removing it? It is perfectly acceptable in society for people to cause far worse mental and emotional and on some occasions even physical scars, yet as soon as one turns to doing it to oneself it is deemed wrong, odd.

    Also I do have a meeting with a counsellor on the 30th, however I plan to raise another issue in it for which getting help involves a very long difficult, and not very surefire process, mentioning this may harm my chances.

    I should probably start doing that again
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, May 11, 2012 in forum: Help with Life