no and i gtg ima log on tomorrow like 3 we'll talk then
hey .
lol wow
any game news?
awesome. g2g ill see if i can log on later
nah i have to log out soon
nice im here chillin
lol wats sup
thats what i did but im tryin to get it off piratebay so i can get it free but i cant find that one ima give it another try though
dam man i keep tryin but it never gives me the right version so is that any good?
the song's name is "Till I Collapse" and thats not how it realy goes it was remixed and switched a bit theres also a remixed version with 50 cent and 2pac that is better than the original
you do for a lot of programs including model viewer click "open with" and you'll see how it says "internet" as its opening method its just that its not a web page so we dont notice it
i think i got the adobe game making program pic: [IMG]
thanks it looks awesome and for some reason i can no longer open things with internet that's why my model viewers and other progrms no longer work
dam my computer cant open that kind of file do u have it in other formats?
hope you get better and yeah we can wait
cant quote it at the moment but the coder IWANTTOEXPLODE said that we do allow it just not links to it
that same thing happened to me with KH Re: CoM and i guess that the only solution is to get a new memory card
no need to apologize i came out a little strong with that anyways mines never worked so i think that thats the main reason people have problems...
it doesnt i know from PERSONAL experience im not assuming!