i wanna try those out can tifa and cloud fight enemies with boss warps?
cool pics got me more interrested in BBS still cant believe that zack is in it and young kairi i think dat here they'll explain howshe ended up in the islands and why she forgot maybe they never found a reason to or forgot because of Namine
wow those are some amazin codes sadly cloud seems a lil too glitchy have u tested them on ps2?
which code?
wats sup
wow sora idk how u did it but good job
rami which characters can we expect on episode 4? and will any be 3d?
seems good and good idea about puttin it hold until bbs. well you know i'll help in any way i can
hey i havent read ur game thread in a while can u update me a bit?
kh1 riku he had darnkess form and some good attacks
hold up im downloadin msn
i need that youtube link to view da vid
cool ima glad that its back on track and that you got that important stuff out of the way
hey any updates?
they always comeout early in jap later
ima get da too wen does it come out?
i got it its awesome
got it i had it a li mixed up have u played dissidia?
this is wat i mean: sora--> ur roxas donald--> data roxas 1 goofy--> data roxas 2 ?--> data roxas 3
yeah but doesnt ur roxas replace sora?