cool wats da meanin of this:
which ones?
well it works in first second and third district dats all dat matters
but it shouldnt be unless u deleted it?
well it doesnt matter it looks perfect
dam but ur a good hacker u can fix it
str8 how long is it so far? and how long do u think it'll be?
dats wat i needed to kno. nice goin on dat riku 2nd district code
wat? .
da ntsc axel
i doubt it i mean my ex wanted to stay best friends but i was like no plus after like a week unless u hook up or something you'll move on
yo wats sup with dat pic wit 3 rikus and cloud wats da code for dat? also did u make play as axel for da u.s. version or just jap?
must have taken for ever ill see if i can get it through usb
yeah but did u write it or put it via usb?
yeah fake some guy here has a pic like that in his sig but with soras head instead
thanks for the link they got some raw pics in there
alrigh did u write it all on ur ps2 codebreaker of find a way to make it work with an usb?
oh and wat if u mod goofy and donald into other bosses would dat bsod or work?
so how did u put sephiroth into cloud's fight?
kinda looks like he wanted to put some of Squall (Leon) into Sora he even has the Griever keychain in the chainsaw he should have looked like that on pride lands would have been better than lion sora but im glad that he updated it to the current sora