cool cant wait to check them out good job
i played it man its raw ill advertize again to get the audience back
dats alrigh for a code like dat
dats good how many lines?
nice job is it for ps2 also?
i can get this site to work just fine but i cant get the game to work either and i gave it time it just doesnt load
cool i saw da vid u posted of dat other game u was makin but ep. 4 demo just didnt load idk why
cool im glad ur still on it i thought u quit
the site doesnt load on my comp wat is it?
yo can the invisibles (kh1 cheat u made) attack?
A Separate Peace in a way its a book about 2 gay kids falling in love with each other and one dies at least thats how the class saw it
nice vid cant wait to try it out
watever bottom line is he's invisible and da keyblade thing usually shows up when i use play as codes so theres no way i would have known
theres no sora its just da key
look below clouds sword in 1:35 and u'll see it clearly
da link i gave u
at the beginin of da vid before da fight it shows him wit a keyblade but its a glitch it happens to me wen i use d leon code and **** but right...
cloud had a keyblade
but he had a keyblade glitch so it was royal rumble
wtf u said cloud only worked in dat other room