then you still have strong feelings for her you know you have been through a lot try to calm down and get back on track hope you can get her back and stuff im trying to tell you not to stress too much and dont just hope for the best, make it happen
im just telling you how it works i dont care how special she was to you im not here to pity you im trying to help you get over it before it evolves into a big problem and you do things that you might regret i seen some people do crazy stuff over a break up and though i dont know you i wouldnt want it to happen to you try to understand my purpose before you judge my actions and take my advice it'll be better that way and who knows you might hook back up
just another girl as far as me and anyone can see your being over dramatic you'll get over it and see what i mean this happens a lot after break ups
in my opinion you lost ur gf so what? they come and go like the wind blow you lost you dad that's heavy that should be your only problem i mean sure, you liked her a lot, but if she doesnt want you then you shouldnt want her either you dad's loss will hunt you forever though that part is tough and you'll have to try and deal with it as best as possible just try not to think about it and try to have fun being down and not doing anything and feeling bad and not hanging out with people and staying home is something that when you are older and you think back to it you'll say: "dam I lost friends and time for stressing over some girl" and thats bad just try to ignore her break up and deal with you dad's lost as best as you can hope it works out I mean I can never imagine losing my dad or something thats real hard
yeah its raw
nice hacks
thanks that info online i was only able to see the first episode now i can watch them all
that must really suck workin all your life to make it and dying just hours before it happens...
Cavaliers they cant loose now
nice job evil they seem like good codes cant wait to try them
watever i dont care
well they aint workin just lettin u kno but if u wanna be like dat then **** it
mulan works but freezes when she goes to da conerstone place or is about to fight enemies ur slippin
yo recheck da code maybe u posted it wrong
dam . did da dark riku vs sephy work for u?
yeah the battle system can use some improvement but its impoved since the earlier episodes
w.e do u have an auron fix for NTSC?
i used a save on the collosium hall and a save on TT and both were bsod
well you posted it Kingdom Hearts 1 Release that wasn't featured Play as Dark Riku in...
the riku vs sephiroth code didnt work