Happy New Years to you too c:
That gif = <3
This thread will be remembered forever as your first thread of 2011. Are you proud of it?
Nooo don't worry about it, I've been on very little as well lately, I'll probably be just as slow replying O:
What is my pin's psych? D:
Haha, it's alright xD and nope, I love it, hope you enjoyed your Christmas <3
Merry Christmas, I don't know if you saw the thread or not but I really love the sig, thank you very much for it c:
Merry Christmas DPWolf c: http://fav.me/d35n4ox Spoiler Edit: You'll have to download from the dA link to see the fullview.
I lol'd at the vid xD
Omfg just saw this now <3 I love it, I must admit it made my day 8D thank you very much c: And I will post later with my gift in a bit *still finishing ffuuu*
Yerp :c it's on "sale" now for $45
I have no idea why D:
Yerp, Microsoft just increased the pricing for live membership too I think.
Not bad, and you? 8D On the fourth day of christmas spdude gave to me A time warp back to summer for Kay ayche vee
Omfg hi, it's alright 8D On the second day of christmas spdude gave to me, a database error for kay aych vee
And maybe I can meet Rumbleroar.
Yep xD a lot of people are quite into console wars, I know many who fight about which is better
Yepper O:
Yessss I've heard good things about it xD
A ps3 O: