At least Oak names people at the age of 10.
Johanna Egbert.
Thank you xD math just isn't my thing. Still trying though :c Best of luck with Pre Calc D:
Just an update, I've been working very hard this quarter to get ungrounded, those of you with my msn have noticed I've been on it every day still, haha, my dad isn't very suspicious about a lot of typing. But still I've been to very few sites such as here, I dunno, I guess I needed a break from here anyway. But anyway, I just got back up to a B in math when I had a test and did completely terrible on it, I didn't know pretty much everything on it :c dammit trigonometry. My dad said he'll think about not grounding me if he calls my teacher about it because he doesn't understand how if I study really hard and attend extra help, that I don't understand the math still. If it doesn't convince him that I've been working really hard, then I'm going to be grounded next quarter too, meaning I won't really be back til the summer :c
I got a C in math and gym, so grounded this next quarter. Only allowed on the comp for art, I may sneak on msn from time to time, to those of you who'd like my MSN it's Until then, I'll miss you all. If you have a deviantart account, you can contact me there, it's probably the only site I'll really be able to reply on if I can't get on msn.
Umm...the person saying the rumor can be considered a source. All rumors have sources :v so yes, it would need one.
Yaaay I'm glad 8D
It's not loading for me :c
Lolhai .
I swear to god if I hadn't beaten that game yesterday I would have been so angry at you xD
*puts my hands up* fine B(
*slams open the doors* WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING IN MY HOUSE.
Death Note so I can kill people by using a book. :D
Hanna is amazing xD
Happy birthday c:
Eets so quiet.
Nope.avi .
I saw that yesterday actually xD
Jackal Queenston = <3 And I would buy it.
Sprinkles and Soda