Thank you 8D
Trainer image: The female veteran from black and white (the short brown haired one in the black coat with white scarf), I would like it if the red in her dress can be edited to a paler cyanish color, and if her hair could be replaced with the b/w preson with the watering can with pokeballs in it's ponytail but blonde, I'd appreciate it 8D Pokemon team: Marowak, Scyther, Nidoking, Floatzel, Quilava, Lugia Name: Xaale Favorite Type(s): Ground, Flying Date of birth: 7/7/1995 Hometown: Ecruteak City Badges: All of the Johto ones Card color (blue, green, bronze, silver): Silver
Aww, that's not very exciting :c
Panicking a bit at the weather, there's a chance of strong winds and they freak me out xD you?
Nah, just saying "I see" in response xD I'm a bad conversationalist D8
*joins* .
I see o:
Music controls my emotions a lot. When I'm feeling down and I listen to a sad song, even that helps me vent because it's matching how I'm feeling. If I listen to something inspirational or happy, it really helps me pick up my mood a lot too. I honestly could not imagine not having music in my life :c it's the perfect way to vent, it's very inspirational for when I draw, and it helps keep me going when I feel like I can't.
Oh not too much I'd say, you?
Well, enjoy c:
Yep o: how's Florida been?
That's alright xD
Yep xD
Yep :'D I've been premium for about a year and a half actually *shot*
Anyone who can see that text is fated to die a painful death.
Ooh, and not much here really O:
-17 .
-16 derp
Hello, how are you? Its been a while O:
Oh god its so... SO HORRIFYING.