Zack nodded, taking off. He looked upward, wondering how he'd ever find Angeal. When he was a bit of a distance away from the flowerbed he cupped his hands around the sides of his mouth and shouted, "Angeal!" Just to see if he was anywhere nearby.
Mike shrugged, looking at the lady, "You can't keep us here!" he shouted. Actually, I do believe that you're screwed, in my opinion. Mike heard the strange man say, although Mike was no longer affected by the voice, By the way, I think you should stop calling me 'the voice', and just a reminder, I know everything you're thinking Michael Larkna. Mike winced, Aragog, soul and flesh. the voice finished. Mike shook off the fact that Aragog knew his name, and got focused back on the problem right now.
I know I am sounding like a total 'n00b,' but I have no idea what is happening. I'm trying to resize the image (I do scale image) to 400x120 pixels but it becomes really small. I tried the other settings (inches, etc.) but I have no idea what I'm doing.
To become 12 years old like Misty again, and never grow up. Imagine, just being a kid your whole life, never having to deal with problems of older people? Sounds fun to me.
Zack sighed, looking at Aerith, "I need to go and find Angeal." he stated, looking at her with a bit of concern. "I'll come back though. I promise." he smiled a little bit, standing up and looking down at Aerith.
Monochrome, I'm 'interested'.
Dan frowned at Sam, "Umm..I think Sam?" he asked himself, shielding his eyes. He grinned wildly at Daisuke, "Nice to work with you. I believe we met yesterday." He looked up at the ceiling, "HEY Merlin! Can Lloyd come with us?" Dan shouted.
Carter shrugged, sitting back down in his seat. He securely put his ear buds back on again and slumped down in his seat. "I'm not crazy. Institutionalized! Your the one that's crazy. Institutionalized! Driving me crazy, Institutionalized!" he muttered extremely softly, opening his large binder and taking out drumsticks inside the hooks. He held them properly in his hands and did the drum part on his knees, hoping he was unnoticed by the teacher.
OOC: May I please have a recap on everything, where we are at the moment, etc.? I've tried reading the past few pages..but I'm completely dumbfounded.
Mike just stood there watching in both fear and surprise. He couldn't even have a full conversation with a girl, and he had no idea what to do. Mike just summoned his sword, holding it out in front of him. "Just freaking give us Dante." he shouted, his voice shaking. "I'm done with all of this! I'm done with everything! Just go the-" and then he said a word anybody at school would've scolded him for, "away!" he shouted, his voice still shaking as he ran toward the lady.
Correction: DMW hates me. I would get something like "7" "6" "7" and then shout "Dammit!"
Leveling up currently hates me! :D
Avy 6/10 Signature 5/10 It looks like shes trying to make out with her hair.
I'm prepared to own everybody in Hell at Black Ops.
"Eh. Everybody is making a big deal over nothing. Do you have any weapon, or keyblade experience? Because if Merlin dude agrees you can chill with us." he grinned.
Dan held out his arm as if he was a waiter, "Dan, at your service. Stuck with you and Daisuke I'm guessing?" he asked. He looked at Lloyd, studying him, "Yeah. Don't suppose I've seen you. What's your name?"
Most likely to grow up to be a nerd. Most likely to become famous. Most likely to stay on KH-Vids forever. Greatest stalker Biggest Failure
Just thought I'd tell you here (Because I don't want to get chewed up by DPWolf) That it's actually the Sephiroth battle, and it would be pretty...
Indeed, I've been too much of a wimp to post first.