Nothing much, you?
Hello there stranger got any candy? Wassup?
Yeah, I want to post insanely to get to prem, thanks for the little tip. Then retire to the spamzone/roleplaying area
From New York City to a nice quiet place in the UK, or maybe Australia.
I also have to did you get so many posts so fast? When I first joined you had a lot less.
I also must agree with this. Dreams become a reality, reality becomes a dream. Normally these are complete color, and extremely realistic.
We'll miss you. Have fun in France.
It's a little bit cute but I feel so bad for the poor fellah D:
Smile and nod. Smile and nod.
Zach laughed, looking down at the ground, "Agreed. Heck, I don't even think I'm awake right now, just my way of 'making sense of things.' But we're here, and lets make the best of it, eh?"
Yesyesyesyes thanks so much. Downloading to my iPod<3 EDIT: The Roxas one<33333333
Pokemon has gone downhill since season 5 ended, and by the time that the 8th season was over it was rock bottom. Welcome to KH-Vids! Enjoy your stay, have fun, read the rules, and hope to see you around the website!
Hey there, you look cool. Welcome to KHV, read the rules, blahblahblah everybody else already said what I was going to say. Enjoy your stay [Oh..and I wouldn't consider myself normal..more..erm..'unknown'.] Any questions or if you just want to talk feel free to contact me by VM/PM or whatever. Hope to see you in the forums!
I'm newer here..soo.. Anyway, welcome back! [And you know the rest]
That..really deserves rep. Must..spread..around..more..rep.. Welcome to KHV! Read the rules, enjoy your stay, and we'll see you in the spamzone!
Welcome to KHV! Read the rules and jump right in, hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk.
Hey there! Welcome to KHV, and we all once had no idea what we were doing except for Aqua101, shes already owned me with her posts counts. Anyway just read the rules and have fun!
Right now the story is absolutely boring me to death. But the gameplay keeps me playing.
Ienzo- This is amazing, I love all of it. Norox- It's also quite good, definite 2nd spot. DPWolf- I remember first seeing this and thinking Hey, this is pretty good! Love the text.
Your Scott Pilgrim one I'm in love with. The first one although I like the text the background and the guy [I don't know his name..] and the background I think aren't the greatest fit. Good job though. :)