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  1. AwkwardFailure


    Zach grinned madly, looking at everybody, "Finally, time to eat some food!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air and flopping them back again.
    Dante drummed his fingers against his pants, looking around anxiously. He peered over to the left, then to the right, and as if somebody had scared the hell out of him he practically jumped up out of his chair. He was expecting for her to be back soon..but he couldn't help but to worry, especially after the earthquake. He stood up from the floor and ran to the entrance, and he immediately stopped in his tracks when he turned the corner and saw much more than just Carmen. There were other people. He quickly ran behind the wall again, biting his lower lip. He put his hand in a fist and put the side of his hand over his mouth, practically wanting to scream. He took a deep breath, breathing in deeply, then breathing out. He straightened himself out with perfect posture and form, stepping outward and walking toward Carmen and the others, although from his neck up he was as pale as a ghost..and since neck and below he had reptile scales..well, it wasn't possible to be pale. He strode up to them, looking at Carmen and giving her a silent glare with his startling yellow eyes, We'll talk about this later.. was what his glare looked like. Then he put on a sweet innocent face, although it wasn't as easy to pull off as it use to be, considering at the age of 11 an innocent face was perfect, but in your mid-20s, nope. "Carmen, glad to see your safe! That was quite an earthquake..I think it was a bit more than usual, eh? And..who are these..children?" he asked, saying the word 'children' as if it was the worst possible thing to say.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AwkwardFailure
    Wahh! It's dieing! Somebody must post.
    Insert siren noise here.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AwkwardFailure
    In next round.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AwkwardFailure
    This just made my day.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 19, 2011 in forum: 2011
  5. AwkwardFailure
    Noo! Now if I ever want a Danny Phantom marathon I have nobody to do it with! Anyway..enjoy your life!
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: Departure Hall
  6. AwkwardFailure
    Name: Unknown
    Age (either the age you are now or the age you died) 17
    Looks [​IMG]FULL CREDIT TO AUTHOR. Also with blue eyes and average clothing, blue t-shirt and baggy black jeans. [Highlight the text then right click, then open, sorry the image is being annoying.]
    Bio: Died. Returned having no idea who or what he is. He saw an advertisement on a nearby building when he woke up, "Go by _____ and get an autograph with Chase Mildrid!" Therefore, he chose the name Chase. He has control over the water, in other words being able to, if he can, channel it, and breath underwater also.
    Did you die? Yes.
    If not do you accept them?
    If you're dead what's your new name? Chase.

    Are you allowed to make another character? Also is this RP supposed to be kept PG? Is there allowed to be slight romance, like just kissing/holding hands? If your allowed to make another character I'm going to make two more..but if you can't I'll take two off and just have one.
    Name Alexander "Alex" Wilson
    Age (either the age you are now or the age you died) 18
    Bio Grew up in an orphanage, and he had two best friends he went to school with, Gregory and Kristen. When Greg died his world became worse than it already was, having no guy friend to mess around with. He is extremely skilled with a two-handed giant black sword, and often acts/acted very sarcastic and care-free.
    Did you die? No.
    If not do you accept them? Yes.
    If you're dead what's your new name?
    Name Kristen Bartha
    Age (either the age you are now or the age you died) 17
    Looks [​IMG] FULL CREDIT TO AUTHOR. Normally wears an oversized sweatshirt and black skinny jeans w/ converse. A.K.A kind of tomboy-ish.
    Bio Grew up with an average life with her best friend, Alex and Greg. When Greg died she had great grief, but accepted what happened. Doesn't like to remember that day. Still spends a lot of time with Alex, and she is quite skilled at the sword.
    Did you die? No
    If not do you accept them? Yes
    If you're dead what's your new name?
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AwkwardFailure
    Guests have overpowered us for a long time or at least since I got here
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AwkwardFailure sir is glorious.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AwkwardFailure
    Zack looked around at the mess around him, then at the pool of blood on the ground. He grinned, scratching the back of his hand with his free hand, "Name's Zack. And..uhm..yeah I need some transportation.." he said, looking down at his teachers golf club, now soaked with blood. Or else I'll be zombie food next.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AwkwardFailure
    Zack gasped, and had no time to think as he ran up and hit the zombie as though he were hitting a baseball, making it stumble to the side for a second. Zack grinned wildly, whacking the zombie again as he picked up the baseball bat and held the handle out for the other boy, watching the zombie completely still. He took deep breaths, his strength lessening from hitting so hard so many times with a golf club.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AwkwardFailure
    Zack heard pounding footsteps behind him, and he took a quick glimpse back, thankful to see it wasn't a zombie. He slowly slowed down, coming to a stop and turning back around. He felt as though something was breathing on the back of his neck, and he turned around as quickly as possible. Of course, his dreams hadn't come true, a zombie was heading toward him almost as though in slow motion. Zack jumped a little bit, wanted to scream, but he controlled himself, running up and furiously whacking it at it's head as quick as he could, screaming when a bit of blood splattered. He wouldn't stop hitting, stepped back when it stepped back, but then the zombie seemed to lunge at him. Zack did what he learned in baseball, run to the side and slide. Of course, he only fulfilled the 'slide part.' He scrambled up while moving backwards, holding his golf club like a baseball bat and as the zombie moved to just the right range he swung, knocking the zombie sideways, but still not killing it. He looked at the boy he didn't know, "You're kidding me, right?" he asked, holding the golf club at his side, running and doing an uppercut, hitting mainly behind the chin. It's knees buckled, but it caught itself, "A little bit of help?" he asked, the zombie still not very phased and crawling back up.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AwkwardFailure
  13. AwkwardFailure

    1st date

    Just be yourself, it's probably why she said yes in the first place, because you are you, but be a gentleman and polite.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 14, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  14. AwkwardFailure
    Zack sneezed, the noise echoing off the walls of the musty janitors office. He often hid in here, but today he had a good reason. He fumbled with his phone, managing to call his moms phone, a loud voice picked up, "Hello!" the background was filled with disorientated noises, "Mom, are you okay?!" Zack asked with slight fear, "HOLY SHlT!" he heard his mother shout, surprised of the fact she cursed while talking to him, the nerve of her! "Mom?" he asked shakily, followed by a something that sounded like a phone falling, then everything became silent. With trembling hands he closed his phone and put it in his pocket. He took a shaky breath, Calm. Calm. Stay clam. he thought to himself, completely wiping the soothing thought away and bolting out of the small closet, running straight for the gym. In the hallway students were screaming, some practically running in circles. He ran inside the equipment room, or in other words, the 5th grade boys locker room. He opened up the heavy door and sprinted toward the back, bending into the abandoned shower room, now filled high with various sports items. There, right at the front, perfectly clean and new, was his gym teachers golfing kit. No wonder he put it there, probably since other kids never come back here. He took a 5 Iron from the golf set, walking out of the locker room a bit less tense, but still keeping a solid run.
    Zack ran out the door, other students still running in circles inside, the teachers trying to calm them. He knew the only place where he would find some kind of transportation.."The High School parking lot." he muttered to himself, coming to a short stop, his heart pounding like a bass drum. Adrenaline made his body tremble, not sure if he should be running for his life or grinning wildly. But he could figure that out later. He ran off in the direction of the high school parking lot, waving his golf club high in the air, which made a kind of swoosh noise. He payed no attention to his surroundings, just what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go. He completely drowned out a scream or two, but he drew closer..closer..
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AwkwardFailure
  16. AwkwardFailure
    Zack looked in every direction, checking for any of his friends, All clear. he thought with relief, ignoring other people around him, looking straight at the bulletin board. Do I really want to do this? he doubtfully thought, taking a pen out of his pocket. He ignored people around him and signed his name very small and sloppy, hopefully none of his friends would see. He put the pen away and took off down the hallway toward his locker, away from the board that seems to mock him.
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AwkwardFailure
    I'm okay, how about you?
    Profile Post by AwkwardFailure for Final_Ian997, Jun 14, 2011
  18. AwkwardFailure
    Is it too late to join?
    Username: AwkwardFailure

    Name: Mark Regan

    Age: 11

    Appearance: 5 feet tall, for some reason wears the same clothes everyday [but their clean], a plain black t-shirt and camouflage shorts. Quite scrawny, as green eyes and black hair that falls down naturally over his face [looking a bit like bangs, but he pushes them over to the side] and the back of his head [goes down to the 'end' of his head, the beginning of his neck], tan.

    Personality: Kind, easy-going, sarcastic, can act very mature for his age, the farthest thing from a 'crybaby' and 'complainer', quite shy when first meeting people but opens up more as he gets acquainted.

    Biography: Grew up normally with his family, and an older brother that is 15, did baseball as a younger child.

    Likes: Baseball, going completely wild like a kid should, screaming, Saying something 'intelligent'.

    Dislikes: Standing still, people who try to control him just because he's younger than them, thinking about something before doing it.

    Strengths: Often underestimated by his age and height he packs a big punch.

    Weaknesses: Being told what to do, it doesn't turn out pretty.

    Car: None

    Weapon Pack: None.

    For the weapon pack are we allowed to create our own..?
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AwkwardFailure
  20. AwkwardFailure
    Too late to join?

    Name: Zack Heppler
    Age and grade: 16, Sophomore [10]
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This hair style in brown, normally wears graphic or plain t-shirts [I would describe it for that day], baggy jeans, about 6' 1", tan, blue eyes, wears glasses when reading, has a small silver hoop in his left ear.
    Personality: Kind, cares but never shows it, sarcastic, childish, although he takes things loosely he can be serious. He doesn't get mad very easily, but when you make him mad, he's mad. He doesn't like to show it around his other friends but he has a strong passion for music, and although he hates to sing alone in front of other people he will when he puts his complete heart into it, although he prefers to play instruments.
    Biography: He never knew his mother and grew up with two gay 'fathers'. He often never spoke or speaks about his family, too embarrassed to admit it. Normally in school he had his friends and haters, just like everybody else. He likes to go to high places and just relax, think everything over. He was embarrased to have friends that were also boys because he always felt kind of 'different' around them. As he aged a bit more and discovered more things about life, including himself, as though reality slapped him, as soon as he learned out what 'gay' meant it was as though everything in his life made sense, in other words, he was gay. Ever since he found that out he never told anybody, too embarrassed to admit it, and his face turning red like a tomato whenever he thought of what would happen if anybody knew. He likes to clear his head out a lot through music.
    Club/ job: Glee member and a bus boy at a diner.
    Preferred singing genre: Rock.
    Other: Plays [electric] guitar, drums, and piano [Though mostly plays electric guitar]

    Glee <3
    Post by: AwkwardFailure, Jun 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home