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  1. Keyblade Heroine
    I've already played all the characters and I've also done the Secret Episode.
    Do I hafta play as Terra and Ven again and save after the Final Boss to have them available?
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Keyblade Heroine
    I've seen countless videos on YouTube where players are fighting Vanitas' Remnant, but as Terra or Ventus. As far as I know, you can only fight him as Aqua because she's the only character you can play with at that time.
    Am I right? Is it some kinda hack?
    Or am I just missing something...? O.o

    Thanks! :)
    Thread by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Keyblade Heroine
    Hmmm... I don't think it tells you how much you hafta pay till you land on it. :/
    Plz forgive me if I'm wrong... >.<
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. Keyblade Heroine
    Omg! O.O
    She didn't like it?! Idk... My Dad is that way too. :/ He laughs at how they fight with "keys".
    Maybe some ppl just have to wait until their calling. XD That's how it was with me. ;)
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Keyblade Heroine

    Hello! ^^

    Hehe. Thank-you so much everybody! -^.^- I feel welcome already! :)
    You guys rawk! X3
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Keyblade Heroine
    Omg Omg Omg!!! <3
    That was so freakin' amazing! Omg I think I'm gonna pass out! *trouble breathing* XD
    I'm soooooo super excited! This game looks perfect! The graphics are top notch and look as good as its PlayStation siblings! The gameplay looks fast and intense--perfect for button mashing! X3 I also love how Sora is his own Gummi Ship now... XD
    And Omg... All the beloved characters are there! Sora, Kairi, Riku, Namine, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Xemnas, Zexion, etc... You name it! :) Omg Even Vanitas and Xehanort are back!!! And Lea!!! *fangirl squeal* I just love them all! (Except Xehanort... >.>)
    The choice of worlds are great and I know I'm gonna love 'em. Particularly "The Three Muskateers". ^^
    Lol I can go on and on and on. (I tend to ramble when it comes to KH... ^^')
    I gotta admit... I had tears in my eyes as I saw all the beauty KH is known for unfold. <:') *sniff* All those sweet characters and the whole meaning of "friendship, love, connection and the light"... That's what makes KH so so so amazing... <3
    I know I'm getting this game the moment it comes out! -^.^-
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Keyblade Heroine
    Profile Post

    Thank you. ^^

    Thank you. ^^
    Profile Post by Keyblade Heroine for Ventus PSP Aqua, Dec 19, 2011
  8. Keyblade Heroine
    Profile Post

    Lol Thank you. :)

    Lol Thank you. :)
    Status Update by Keyblade Heroine, Dec 19, 2011
  9. Keyblade Heroine

    Hello! ^^

    Ok! *smile* Lolz ^^

    Lol Thnx. :) Although, I am curious to know why you don't like Xion. She's amazing! X3
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Keyblade Heroine

    Hello! ^^

    Ummm... Hello, everybody! ^^' Lol

    I'm a pretty shy person and I guess you could say I keep to myself a lot... I haven't done online chatting in a while too... XD But, anyways, I'm super excited to be apart of an awesome KH Fan Site. <3 I really love Kingdom Hearts & I have all the games. I'm proud to say I've cosplayed as cute lil Xion. :) And I also have a growing KH Fan Item Collection. :)

    Well, I guess that's that. ^^' Heh-heh.
    It's nice to meet you all--its always a treat (in my opinion) to meet fellow KH Fans who love Kingdom Hearts like I do... <3

    Thank you! -^.^-
    Thread by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 19, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Keyblade Heroine
    Nice to meet you, Cloudrunner62. :)
    I'm new here too. Lol I hafta admit, I'm nervous cuz I haven't done online chatting in a while... O.o Idk, I'm a shy person. But anyway, that's so awesome you cosplay as Riku! Riku is AWE-some. Lol I've done Xion, but I need to do some touch ups... Well, I hope you have a fun time here and I hope I do too. :)
    Post by: Keyblade Heroine, Dec 18, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Keyblade Heroine
    I think the Dream Eaters are unique! I love the look of them--their colors are a kinda dreamy look with the light blues and pink/purple hues. And some look real cute (like that bear thingy Lol), or really cool (like that seahorse and ram...thingy. Lol). And the whole design of them makes sense cuz you're basically in a "Dream World". Gotta say I love 'em and their insignia already! :)