Awww... I was hoping for a May/June release. :( I mean, it shouldn't take THAT long, right? It's just translation and voice recording... *sigh* T___T
OMG IKR!!! XD Yayz! Somebody who thinks like me! X3 KH Guys are so freakin hawtt. <3 If only they were real... :'( Lol
Lolz Ikr! <3 It's lil Roxas with sea-salt ice cream shaped as a paopu fruit! X3 I just wanna eat him. Lol Ooooh! I know--Lea is back!!! Omg I...
OMG So weird! O.O The moment I finished reading this article, my sister came running over to me with the Nintendo Power issue--seriously! It just came in the mail now! X3 OMG Lolz I just grabbed the magazine from her and I'm reading it now. <3 Lucky me to be a Nintendo Power subscriber. -^^-
Awww! *huggle* Thanks. <3 How've you been doing? Excited for 3D? I'm sooooo excited!!! -^.^- I've been playing Chain of Memories to brush up on...
Lol I guess so. XD I had a friend like that. :) She was always the youngest in the class. She was my best friend, but she moved away and I never...
OMG It looks so gorgeous! X3 Mmm... I already have a Nintendo 3DS, Days and Re:coded... :'( *sigh* I want that case and the cards. Oh! And that awesome cardboard box! <3
Omg omg omg omg omg!!! I can't believe it! That was so amazing--I couldn't stop smiling for 10 freakin' minutes! My jaw hurts! Omg I screamed like crazy at the end!!! Omg omg omg <3 <3 <3 *dies of a heart attack and goes to heaven* *_* 3 min later... *watches last mintute of the trailer* Yup, it's official. I'm in heaven. *____*
You know what? I don't really know. XD I just equipped Lucky Lucky to Sora (and I believe Goofy has it too...) and kept whacking away at 'em till I got one. O.o Sorry, hope it helps! ^^'
Lol Awww... Just a kid. X3 There's nothing wrong with being young--I bet you're still not much farther than me in age. And I'm still treated as a...
OMG OMG OMG I looove it!!! <3 <3 <3 Amazing work as always, Nomura! ^^
Awww... I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to tell me. :( So far, you remind me of myself. Lol It's funny. I don't like saying much on the...
I know what you mean. :) Why grade are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
Oh wow! Yay! ^^ And you're welcome! :) Idk why but I love religious ppl. Lolz They're always the nicest and have a lot of good morality. X3
Hi. :) Thanks for wanting to be friends. ^^ I read your biography and it seems you're very religious. That's great--I'm very religious myself and...
Oh wow! I really like the new look! <3 (Not saying that the old one was bad--loved it too. Lol) Anybody correct me if I'm wrong... But I believe North America's KH Portal Site is undergoing construction as well. I have the site as my homepage on my Android and it says "webpage not found" or "may be undergoing construction". So yay! So can't wait to see how it'll look. -^.^-
Oh! Lol I remember being a Junior! XD Saying that makes me sound old. Lolz >.< I'm on my fourth semester in college--although you're probably...
Damn it! >.< I totally love the whole 10th anniversary bundle, but I already have 358/2 Days and Re:coded! O_o I so want those picture cards and all that good stuff that comes with it, but there's no way I'm paying that much and getting two games I already have. :/ I think Square Enix should release another bundle for fans who already have the older games and who want 3D and all the other stuff--and no doubt it should be cheaper. (Should be like $90 cheaper.) Another thing that sucks is that I already have a Nintendo 3DS, but I really want that epic KH 3D bundle... *sigh* This is unfair... :'( Wish I knew about this years ago so I wouldn't have bought all that already. T~T Anyways, all this is great and I totally love it. <3 I also don't think this is it for the 10th Anniversary--I bet there's somthing much bigger coming. -^.^- I'm thinking its gonna be an HD Bundle Set of previous KH games. <3 *squeal* I LOVE YOU KINGDOM HEARTS! X3
Awww... How cute! <3 You're brave--I'm too afraid (attached is more the word) to leave my home. I live in California - the best place EVA! XD And...
Ok, Hikari. ^^ You can call me Destiny. (A name I some-what go by.) Lol Have you ever been to the U.S.? :)