Hiya! ^^ I was was curious to know if your latest post on the Home Menu was gonna contain any spoilers on KH 3D? I've been avoiding all the last...
Omg Me too! Lol I want English trailers already... >.< That way, the game will feel like its coming out even sooner. :P
Yeah... T___T *sniff* But I'm sooo excited to see her in 3D. Yay!!! -^o^- Lmao I almost cried when I saw her in the Special Trailer. XD
OMG I rented Calling before and passed it! O.O It was pretty good! It was cheesy, so I got a good laugh. Lol But it did have some creepy moments. >.<
Thanks! I love Namine. <3 Your avatar is cute too! X3 Roxas... ^w^ <3 Omg I watched 358/2 Data's ending yesterday... :'( I knew I shouldn't have...
North America. I live in the U.S. I'm hoping for a June release. ^^ Then I could get it on my Birthday.
Lol So true! ;D
Hiya! Thanks for wanting to be my fwend. X3
Oooh. For what system? I like horror games... X3
Lol I guess. But I know I'm gonna pre-order it & I have a 3DS, so I'm keeping away. XD
Lol No kidding. :P We have much more KH obsessed fans here than there. X3
Ooh. I love drawing! ^^ Ikr. I'm trying my best to make sure I don't accidentally catch some kinda spoiler on KH 3D. >.< It's hard cuz I keep...
Lmao I've never played that game. Is it good? :)
Yo Bro. What it do? ;)
Lol It would've been cool if it reached you. :) But who knows? Maybe its still being sent around? ;) Nothin much. Been exercising lately to get...
Omg No kidding. >.< Disneyland Japan has Kingdom Hearts stuff in it. *sigh* If only America's media was more leaning toward gaming. :/ Instead its...
Oh! What's also awesome is that I started a chain of text messages to celebrate KH's 10th Birthday. X3 I sent a text to all my gamer friends...
Loool Awesomeee! ^^ You rawk gurl. X3 I'm gonna move in to your hotel too. XD Kingdom Hearts' 10th Anniversary passed a few days ago. I'm so...
Lol Ikr. XD
Welcome! ^^ OMG You're awesome just for loving COM/re:COM! X3 That game is so under-appreciated, but its so awesome and I loves it tooh. <3 Have fun around here and don't be a stranger! ;)