Damn. I barely drink water... -___- It's no wonder I always feel dry.
I was hanging with my sisters when I asked, "If you had a theme song, what would it be?" So then we went on and choose a song for ourselves that we thought fit each of us best. It was really fun and we got to learn more about each others feelings through it. Sooo... I thought I could bring our little game to all you nerds to try out. (Lol Jk. We're all nerds... :P) Anyways, you may choose any song to be your "theme"--be it from a video game, movie, tv show, some famous persons song, or your own song, I don't really care. Just post the title of the song and the artist if you can find their name. Also, post WHY you choose that particular song as your theme. Have fun.~ ^^ For my theme I choose... "Xion's Theme" by Yoko Shimomura I choose this song as my theme because when I first played 358/2 Days, I did not only love Xion as the character she is...but I also saw myself in her. She's kind and wants nothing more than to keep the people she loves happy. She feels lost and confused... No clear path to where she's heading or no place she feels she totally belongs... And this song portrays that. And I have always felt that way... Funny enough, Xion looks a lot like me as well. Oh! And if ya want, you can post a YouTube link to the song you choose or put up an MP3 link or whatever... :P Idk how it works. XD
Awww. Ok, then. I'll take you up on your offer. Thank you. <3 Could you plz put my name on the Sig? I'd really love that. :)
Lol I saw your user note you posted for me. ;) I left one for you too. ^^
Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. :(
Oooh. Thank-you! :) Awww. You're sweet. X3 But how could I repay you if you make me one? I don't want to trouble you. :)
Oh! That's nice! X3 I love drawing too but my art isn't the best... Lol I'm good, thank you for asking. :) School is slow and I'm terrified of a...
Hey. ;) Cute avatar. Did you make it?
Loool Me too. I have a question... Do you know how to make sigs? Or at least post a picture as a sig? Cuz idk how. :P
Thanks, schweetie. X3
LOL XD I'm happy I don't have a brother. Just me and my three sisters. ;) I gtg. Me and my sis are gonna watch a movie. ;) Ttyl and take care. ^^
Yes, the hijab is the headscarf. :) Lol Guys are idiots. XD
Awww! Friendship that turns love is always the cutest to me. X3 Lol I don't really mind. Islam says no cuz it's for protection. :) It's just...
Wait? I was late or something? Bummer. :/
Awww... It's ok. Maybe next year. :) I can't date cuz I'm Muslim. Lol
I'm off too. Yay! Spring Break! ^^ Oh! Did you go to Prom? I never went--actually, I took home school. :P 10th year and after.
Posted. X3
Ikr! X3 Lolz Are you on Spring Break yet? ;)
Lmao XD I'm a freak fan-girl too. X3 I literally screamed when I saw the Organization back! Lol Me and my sis say KH rawks as it is for...
Awww... :/ Ok. Thanks for letting me know.