I do that on Gaia when I re-read it and realize how stupid it is. xD Then I think, "Yeah...I wouldn't reply to this either..." Lol, I guess ignoring you is better than people being rude, ne?
I watched/read it all from the beginning, then onto Shippuden....until about Ep/Ch 360 or something....I didn't have the patience anymore, I got tired of it. Maybe I'll finish it one day, but I still really love it. I'm just too busy or it to be enjoyable anymore. Of Course, Shonen Jump really saved me from that alot of the time. O_O" Still though...I'd like to see one day what happens. I hate spoilers! Yet I watched Eureka 7, which only has 50 episodes, like 400 times and I never get tired of it. xD There must be something wrong with me...
it's "Supercalifragalisticexpialidosious" and backwards it's "suoisodilaipxecitsilagarfilacrepuS" :)
YES! THANK YOU! I keep saying that and nobody thinks so! (lol, cuz they're all like 13 and think that everything on now is awesome xD) But at school when I say it, ppl are like HELL YEAH! I can't believe Teen Titans is on Boomerang..It's not old!!! :'(
i guess if i were banned I'd make like 14 more accounts (One for every org.13 member) and troll until I annoyed people enough that they'd request my main account back xD *almost feels bad* oh, that's so bad...
After you've had the class for about 4 months and you realize that stuff on your shoulder has been your brain slowly dripping out of your ear. I freaking HATE Chemistry. T_T The girl who sits next to me is like an otaku at a con without the cuteness or nerdiness. *brain explodes* She's the blackest girl I've seen and she acts white but says she's ghetto. And Chemistry is haaaaaaaaard! >.< Good luck...
Nandayo!? I already have Re:Coded and 358/2 Days! Grr...>.<
Yay <3 I'm so glad org.13 finally reached it's goal. (sorta...) It made me really sad knowing they were all doomed. :'( I wonder what Lea/Axel could be searching for? Roxas-kun maybe? I guess I'll find out, ne? Still, the more I hear, the more excited I am. Thank you so much for this! *Is trying not to cry.* STUPID AMERICA WAITING FOREVER FOR JAPANESE IMPORTS!! Grr.... This is one of the MANY reasons I'm moving to Shibuya after college. T_T So maybe Sora will have Roxas' memories as well? *Thinks of Xion.* Maybe not... The same for Namine/kairi? It's very confusing after a while...Speculation hurts. xD
I drew an Anti-Form Sora on the anniversary but I don't have a scanner anymore so I posted it on my FB instead. *cries*
Does Disney own the rights to that? 0_o (I can't remember.) That would be really cool...<3 Gawds I hope Fantasia doesn't turn out like Atlantica in KH2. *Cries* Only good thing about that place: Shirtless Sora.
It baffles me why a gamer still uses a Mac. 0_o I can't stand them in the first place, but if you're a gamer like me, then it's out the window with it!
Every time I read it, it's just like the first time I did. I get super excited! And then depressed cause I want it to be out already....*sniffle* Gawds, I need a 3DS!
You really should! It's like playing KH2 without FF7...you like the characters but you don't know the story. Plus it's really fun. Bested only by the KH series! <3 I agree 100%! But..I think Fearless is such a Hectopascal... Come on now, JOSHUA? Seriously, we've got Riku and possibley the Grim Heaper...why would you want that evil little git? >.< (As you can see, I can't stand Yoshiryu.)
As much as I love Disney, I really hope the don't totally ruin the dramatic story tied in with TWEWY. To me, Disney sort of botches on re-creating Squeenix's ideas effectively. I am excited though. <3 I can't wait for Dream Drop Distance! Daisukenojo looks awesome! *Is thankful* Haha, my sister's gonna freak when she sees these. xD
Ok, so I'm requesting a Gif of a KH Character doing the Caramell Dansen for my signature. Roxas or Axel if you can but any KH O.C. (No FF/Squeenix or Disney.) is fine really except Kairi in KH2. I think you can find it on Youtube. No effects or anything, and I'm still not sure about the dimensions, I'll have to see it first. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
I usually pick the sword. Once I got the Official Strategy Guide. (I'm not a cheater, the picture was just really pretty! >.<) I tried the shield....got my @$$ kicked. T_T Restarted before I got to the 2nd Save Point, lol. My first play-through was the sword I think, then the staff the second time.
I wanted to say COM, but I didn't play the hand-held version. (I played Re:COM on the PS2) BBS: still waiting T_T Coded: Got really irritated >.< 358/2 days: OMFG, it was so freaking emotional! I mean, they "technically" don't have hearts (i only partially believe that xD) then why were they so emotional??? another question: if memories are stored in the heart, then how do nobodies (org.13) remember their lives before becoming nobodies? and why is Axel so ANGRY? HA! anger is an emotion! take that, Xemnas! anyways...i still pick 358/2 Days xD eh...probly cuzza Roxas. <3
I thought it was a hint towards DDD, but then I also thought it was too soon. (maybe?) because Zexion said the same thing in Re:COM before 358/2 Days came out. (Not sure about production dates, but it seems a little early.) Where else would Riku have gone but the worlds in DDD? Of course, both Riku and Sora in DDD talk about stuff that happened in KH2 even though it's supposed to take place in their subconcious before kh1. (after most of BBS) Am I missing something here? O_o *is confused* I think Roxas "remembered" because they were his own memories (before he and Sora were seperated) in the first place. When Sora "lost" his memories, they had to go somewhere, right? Why not his other half? Also, in Roxas' beginning part of KH2, he was still "remembering" through dreams instead of visions. Its just that the org.13 memories were added as well. HIs memories in kh2 weren't "gone" just transferred. that's why at the beginning (right after u find Sora in his pod) he feels like Twilight Town is familiar. he's never been there of course, but Roxas has, and his memories were transferred to Sora, ne?
TWEWY: because its still a Squeenix game. (My fav besides KH! yay!) Gawd it sounds so epic. Need a 3DS so bad (No, really, my DSi's top screen is cracked) JEEZ my TWEWY got thrown away T_T so im double psyched for this! I just need FM, BBS, and DDD & my (damn near) life long obsession will be complete! Eh, actually, still need more random merch xD.
All but about 2-3 times I went anti my first play-through were from fighting Xigbar. O_o I can never go anti that often in any other play-through except at that point. I even spam my drives to get it. (Doesn't really work...)T_T I love anti. <3 Except when I accidentally get it at a low health and can't heal. o_o" (Again, mostly happens w/ Xiggy.) How sad is that, lol? Both my "Saved by Mickey's" were from that problem. Most used form:Valor (Every time) Why? Because Master is Pre-Final, imo. xD