I've rewatched this only a billion times and re-posted it on like 3 different sites. xD And yet I still cry or almost cry everytime I see it. <3 :') Wow, it's been 10 years already.... Yeah, but Nomura isn't J.K. Rowling. He won't kill off Sora. xP I agree it seems alot more likely. (NOT BECAUSE I'M AN AKUROKU FAN!) lol It's cuz they are still best friends. (Right...?) :'( </3
Milk Inc -"Sunrise" (Dj Mario Magrao's remix)
Didn't one of the FF (I think 8) Have a guy with a tail? O_o All I remember was it had Garnet in it. xD It doesn't look too bad, just way different than what we're used to. I remember the first time I saw it. I was a little disturbed. xD Too furry...
Yea, I thought that too when I first saw them. xP
I used to get so ridiculously angry when people called BBS "KH3" Alot of ranting came from those incidents, but at least there will be a KH3 that's ACTUALLY a KH3 now. I really hope DDD answers some unaswered questions (but it'll probably double them too xD) and it seems like it will. I feel so sorry for Sora. He went through saving all the worlds TWICE, losing, gaining, and then losing again his memories, saving his best friend from darkness, rescuing the King, FINALLY gets to go back home, and then Yen Sid just goes, "Nah, yer not a true Keyblade Master yet." If I was Sora I'd be like, "They're ASLEEP! Just LET THEM! >:/" But, as a fan, I have to say, YES, ANOTHER ONE! And probably another if Nomura decides he really wants to do KH3 after KH3D. <3
I agree it seems like there would be alot more participation that way. Not to mention it would just be fun in general! :)
If it was an original we'd already seen, (Like TWTNW ot Twilight Town) then they'd just show it. The seventh is probably one we haven't seen yet. Or maybe Shibuya. xD (Lol, I hope not, even though I love TWEWY.) I'm curious to know what it is now!!
I know this is a random thing to register in my brain, but....wasn't the raft destroyed when Darkside blew up the island ans Sora was dumped in Traverse Town in KH1? Anyways, random thoughts aside, we need an Famitsu published in America! I'm overly obsessively excited for DDD!!!! <3
Jeez, I thought I was gonna cry reading all of that! I'm SO HAPPY now! <3 Thank you for making this day so much better! :D
Around 3 1/2 years of choir and I still can't sing. xP I'd like to participate, but I don't have a microphone or any recording device. :'(
Seems like more of an expiramental thing than anything else. Maybe this was like a polled feature. (I.e., do we use this or not?") and someone just happened to record it.
You should look up the YT User "Geekyfandubs." She's amazing! O_O She puts fan-made lyrics to anime/game songs/themes, and she sings them. They're alot like what you posted here.
It seems so different from the usual style. Especially since they're putting in real people. It all looks really good though!
Gotta be Ansem. T_T
OMFG, Mickey! I always stacked 3 for a Miracle Lv.3
After a certain point with Sora's story I got irritated and became a sleight-spammer. I was ashamed. xD so I went back to a balanced style...
He has heightened senses thanks to the darkness. I think logically smell would be the best way to recognize someone because they can always change how they look/sound and feeling them is honestly pointless unless you're blind. Er...unless you want Riku to go around licking people. O_O' Which is kind of scary to think about...
He loved, past tense, as in not anymore, Kairi. He loves, as in, forever & always, Riku. I don't need to prove it just play the game and have a brain and BOOM you know the answer. End of discussion. I daydream about my sister. That doesn't make me in love with her. xD
I own a few I jack the rest from my library. I used to read them online until my computer's screen was broken, now I'm 2 lazy 2 add all my favorites to the new one because I still plan on getting my laptop fixed. :/ I think they're hilarious. xD
Even though it's technically a dictionary, he uses it as a spellbook. Maybe it's a spell-dictionary? like, spell reference book? And if he uses it for spells, isn't it automatically a spellbook?