Naval Criminal Investigative Services. It's a TV show on CBS. Yes, everyone loves Roxas, but not for the fact he's manly and sexy. ;) XD
I made it to Oreburgh, am going to challenge the Gym Leader soon. Hopefully I'll also run into some Bronzong!
Not my all time fave (that goes to Roxas) but he's up there. I love his voice and the fact the actor has been on NCIS before. :)
I have an update for the challenge- I'm in Oreburgh, no new Pokemon or Badges.
Oh, right! XD Haha, silly me! But yes. I totally wish Xaldin/Dilan was real, he is the coolest ever.
I'm still here! I am still in this, I just have been swamped with work and school. I should have an update by the end of this week. Don't remove me from the roster, please!
So cool! I like this version of the Tron world better. You can actually see their real faces. Thanks for the update!
Not really. The hardest part will be the facials, and that's not that bad.
Pretty close. I need to fix some weighting issues, and give him some facial expressions.
No kidding. Plus, I'm trying to FINALLY finish this Master Eraqus model.
You are. Plus, right now we're registering for next years classes, so I'm running around trying to get all my forms approved and filled out, plus...
Just got back from school as well, but I'm still in school. Until spring break. Ugh.
Heehee. So what're you up to?
Hehe, yeah. And that's cool, that's cool. :) Girls are way more awesome.
I just got my first pin! For the tea party. And, just out of curiosity, why do you always use girls for your avatar?
Well, I don't know if I wish Even was real... he's kinda creepy. But yes to Roxas, and Sora, and Riku, and Ven, and Terra...
Well, I caught my first HM Slave, Skylar the Starly, and I made it to Jubilife City and delivered the Parcel. Am now chilling in the city's Pokemon Center. :)
OMG I love that movie! And Makaze's right, they're really dark. I'm gonna keep an eye out for Kitty ones- she's my favorite.
Oh man. I was sitting on the edge of my seat squealing like a small kid. I love love Roxas. :3 He's adorable and yet incredibly bad boy sexy at...
I made it to Sandgem Town. Roster's still a Chimchar.