Meh. I'll get over it. At least it still looks like his Chakrams. Here's the link to the fanfic. It's short... It was a lot longer on paper.
Aaah. You're a Xion fan. :) Me too!
No kidding. But I'm on spring break this week, so no school period. :)
I'm not either, and I don't want to. Lea has a Keyblade. T.T
Neat! Who is it? She looks kinda sad... BTW I'm currently in the process of typing up my fanfic... when I'm done, will you read it?
Me neither. I mean, the chakrams work just fine. And they fit his character. Maybe... it's all just a hoax? *she says hopefully...* Keyblade =/=...
So... have you read the "secret ending" spoilers for DDD yet?
Am I the only one disturbed by the fact Lea now has a Keyblade?
Guess so. T.T Still NOT HAPPY.
The "Secret Ending Revealed Thread." NO!! I REFUSE THIS REALITY AND INSERT MY OWN. Lea does not have a Keyblade. Lea has Chakrams and Frisbees.
Okay, really? Lea has a Keyblade now? And supposedly that thing is picky about who it lets wield it.
OMG OMG OMG. Lea has a Keyblade. NOT COOL.
Hey, Nicko. Miss you too. I've been good, school's pretty stressful though.
Do we have anyone to translate it?
This is one of the times I wish I understood Japanese. As it is, I can't read any of it.
:D Nah, you're not alone. It was so much fun. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Hehe, Roxas, Vanitas, and Ven are currently staying here. Plus Axel,...
Absolutely. I had a friend on another KH site that would pretend they were actually staying with her. :) I did too, it was very amusing at times....
NCIS is amazing. Roxas is cute, sexy, and manly. :D I love him to death.