Had the Pokemon Gym Leader challenge in mind when I did this, and was listening to the Black and White theme song. I did draw the renders myself, so please don't flame those. Anyway. Thoughts?
haha, no spells involved. We have spring break every march/april, either before or after easter.
Thanks, bud. :) It'll be up soon.
Haha, okay. ^^
I can read it, if you'd like. I'm not an expert, but I do read a lot.
^^ You got that right.
Same here. *sigh* My problem is I never write enough of it to be a chapter. At least, not until now. It's always too short.
Maybe, maybe. Thanks! Chapter two is almost done... finally. Would you believe I've been working on this for almost two years? Just chapter one, btw.
^^ Hopefully the rest will flow better.
Just looking for crit, I guess. I'm trying to improve as a writer, and I need people to read things I write. <- Is slightly tired and brain is...
Sorry about that... I'm transition challenged. Thanks! :) I hope to post chapter 2 soon. ^^
http://sta.sh/02fd4og1bce9 Hey... can you read this, and tell me if it's any good?
Thanks. http://sta.sh/02fd4og1bce9 I know it's kinda short... I'm probably going to have to add some description to it.
That's okay. I'll get it eventually. ... Um, could you read a fanfic chapter I wrote and tell me if it's any good?
Awww. I have a few friends like that that shoot me dirty (all in good fun, of course) looks when I'm drawing. I can't go randomly kill...
Haha. I'm still struggling my way through KH1. I'm a slow player. Mostly I'm drawing, though. Curls have become quite entertaining to draw, as...
After reading all this lovely advice, I went back and did a close up of her hair for practice. How do you think I did? http://fav.me/d4uxbia I did flip her bangs, though.
Hey, it's been a while. What's up?
haha, Anytime. This should prove entertaining.
Lucky you! Bye, enjoy the movie! You too, dahling.