My sketch for the Worlds meme, this time for Beast's Castle. I like drawing ball gowns and dresses, despite the fact I never wear anything of the sort. Thoughts?
Yeah, it's adorable! ^^... what is it? ^^'
I really like all of these. The first one makes me think of childhood, for some reason. And the design one- my gosh, that's really good. I can never get that much detail in. Ever. The third one's really cute, it does remind of a mix between Vocaloids and shojo manga.
Hey, what's up?
Chocolate makes everything better, especially Swiss chocolate. ^^ But you seem to be having a lot of fun, I wish I'd stowed away somehow.
Woah. My family and I travel a lot, I could not imagine doing it so much if all those things happened to us. XD Best of luck at dinner, dahling. :)
I'm at this stage right now... I can't wait for it to end.
PYT or Thriller, probably. ^^ I haven't heard many of his songs.
How've you been since we messaged last?
So. How've you been?
Cool! I always liked this picture. ^^ Too bad it's only for Japan.
Avatar: 7.5/10 Simple, but cute. Signature: 9/10 Simple, but epically awesome.
Thanks, and yes, I did. I even drew the picture, for both my sig and my avatar.
Thanks! :)
Ello. I finished my new avvy and sig. ^^
Careers are the ones that are trained to kill, like Kato?Cato?, they're all from Districts 1 and 2.
I find the fact I'm the career funny. LOOK OUT, EVERYONE. I'M COMING TO KILL YOU WHILE SADISTICALLY LAUGHING. (That was the impression I got from the careers in the movie.)
Thank you, River. There's really not much more I can say but thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind while making future art! :) Something I started on deviantART a few weeks ago. Figured I'd post it here too, not many people responded on there. Feel free to ask the questions here, you don't have to ask them on the journal.
Steals your food: DarkTraitor Betrays you but you kill them instantly: Maggy The career: RikuxXion Your mentor: . : tale_wind The one who gets killed by nature: Marushi 1st to die: Maru The one you form an alliance with: Krown The one you have to kill to win: LingeringAqua This is extremely depressing, but interesting nonetheless.