All right, will do. ^^
Pretty well. I'm hoping to get some more time to work on it this weekend. I've been pretty busy with school and life lately.
Pretty good. Just doing some designs for a friend. :) He tried to do them in MS Paint first... the results were... scary.
Aww. ^^ It's adorable, and thanks!
:) I've only been to a few. But they were very, very very very LOUD. And I don't think so, not me anyway. My voice is insanely bad.
No. I do not, under any circumstances whatsoever, sing. Not even in church. Well, I do sing at concerts where no one can hear me. And yes. The...
I'm sure that's not true. And that's okay. Internet stalking is fun. I do it myself sometimes. Hey. I fangirl over Xaldin sometimes. Something...
I've never actually played, so... I'd probably fail too. I'm not a good strategist, I have artist/writer brain. And wow... that would suck, not...
For three years? That's awful! Marluxia... singing? In japanese or english? And GX is good, although most fans didn't like it much. I like it...
Aw, thanks! I'm really just a beginner. ^^ Aww, you're sick? I hope you feel better. And I'm good, just watching some Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. ^^
Hello, Vexen. ^^ May I call you that? Anyway, how are you?
Hey, it's been a while. ...*sees your profile picture* That is the cutest picture of Roxas I've ever seen. Where'd you get it?
Yes, and same to you! HE IS RISEN. ^^
OH. Okay. Sorry about that. Hehe. I had to do that with my phone once, after I left it outside overnight in the rain.
All right, thanks. I didn't know if it would work with deviantART or not. And thanks. ^^ Uh, no, I just already had it on dA and saw no reason to put it anywhere else. And thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I'm not sure if it would work for her though, she has an... odd body type that no human would have, rather like Axel's body type. ^^ Thanks. ^^ I don't know about that, though, I'm just a beginner at this.
Test your iPod..? This is why I stick to Sansa mp3 players.
Envy? Aw, thanks. ^^ And yes, I'm going to color it. ^^
Why are you acting anxious? Is something wrong?
Gonna sound so cheesy, but... [video][/video] This is me. No joke.
Woah. That is a little bit creepy, the description. But again, the charm is cute. ^^