Ehhhhh, not necessarily. For a Japanese Blu-ray for an anime that just got released or is currently being aired, it's about $60-$80 USD for about 3 episodes. I **** you not. Not to mention that it probably doesn't even come with subs. And the Nipponese do make extra content in the blu-rays/DVDs that the TV series might not have had to add incentive to buy them. Like, more detailed scenes (Madoka), director's cut versions of episodes (NGE), or uncensored versions for the more ecchi anime out there. But anyway, you do make a lot of good points. However, my main problem with those legal streaming sites (Crunchyroll especially) is that it benefits the WEBSITE or service more than the studio that produced the anime you're watching. Crunchyroll is making a fortune off of other companies' IPs (CR is worth $27.6 Million right now) and that's not something I really want to support. CR binds these studios into really unfair contracts, and the studios have to agree to it because they don't have any other choice really. It's either sign with CR or nothing. It's a low-cost, low-benefit situation for the studio. One might argue that CR needs that revenue to pay its translators, but there are countless fansubbers on the internet who do this stuff for free. There has always been people who would translate their favorite anime for free and put it out on the internet, and there always will be, which implies that it isn't a hard enough job that would validate being paid for it. But that's just my two cents.
WHELP, TIME TO START TORRENTING GUYS. Naw, but, I think it's kinda silly and severely disadvantageous on their part. Free streaming and free manga scans are basically just free promotion to overseas audiences (US in particular) of anime and manga that they wouldn't have seen otherwise. And due to this pirating, there's more popularity and demand for them to bring their anime/manga overseas officially and fully translated, which results in more money for them. Companies, especially Japanese companies, need to understand that piracy doesn't necessarily mean less money/lost sales.
Sad Boys :(
It sure does.
I only played Silk Road Online, FlyFF, and MapleStory back in the day. Probably not gonna get into MMOs for a long while though. Don't have the time/interest. I enjoy my games having a definitive end. I might mess around on Tera though. Heard you can make some really cute lolis on it.[DOUBLEPOST=1406432634][/DOUBLEPOST] Same. I'm pretty impressed with it. The whole hub and the UI is all just really well done. It makes the game feel really big. I enjoyed making an Aqua-lookalike character too haha. Warlock is best class though.
Is it just me, or does Cinque try to dig out a wedgie after every battle? No, like seriously, go play as her and stand still after a battle and just watch.
Since it's the last weekend, everybody gets it for free. Anybody on PSN wanna play with? I'm: Boku_no_Pyro
I can definitely see the difference. Try playing it at 720p.
This guy kinda reminds me of a really poppy Death From Above 1979. Oh, and I guess I'll have thigh highs with stripes? S-rank?
Maaaaan, if 2.5 looked like this? Shieeeet. It probably won't. ;_;
Eh, the only tedious parts I can remember is the Agrabah and Halloween Town bosses. Plus, the Riku Boss battle is pretty much a joke, even on Proud Mode.
Proud/Critical for all of the games, in my opinion. I think getting the highest difficulty out of all of the games is the only way to play (besides Re: Coded, since I never played it). I think beating a game on the highest difficulty is a lot more rewarding, because you've mastered the worst the devs could throw at you without making the game unplayable. Now, that in my opinion is really satisfying. It's especially satisfying when you figure out a bosses pattern, find a specific way to dodge/counter their attacks and exploit their weaknesses. And sure, you might get frustrated and might not wanna play the game anymore, but that usually doesn't happen with me and KH games, since I've always been motivated to see what happens next in the game. Plus, most KH games reward you the secret ending just for completing the game on hardest mode, so there's incentive to do it if you're not a fan of 100% -ing games and hunt and grind for stuff you don't even need. Just takes too much time, imo, so playing on the hardest difficulty is better. Now, playing on Critical and playing as level 1 for the whole game? Now that's unnecessarily difficult
lol My first time getting nominated since "Most Annoying Member" way back when haha. Needless to say, it's a step up. lol
Haha, that's the worst feeling. It's like, yeah, I wanna go to office hours and ask for help, but I have no idea what to ask about.
I die in the process. You die in the process. Kill or jump rope?
Haha, really cute. Also, this is really eerie, but you guys look just like me and this girl I used to date.
Would you date someone who had the same physical features as the gender you're attracted to, but with different genitalia? Why or why not? And remember, these are just people's opinions and preferences. There is no right or wrong answer, and no one is obligated to date a certain type of person. Me personally? I would, so long as they looked feminine enough. However, I feel as though trans women would be more emotionally unstable.