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  1. Chad Thundercucc


    You lost me.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Chad Thundercucc


    Ehhhh, not really. She could be anywhere between 16 - 26.

    And that's the weird thing about us humans. We reach this stage from our mid-teens to our mid to late-20's where we don't change much and look pretty much the same throughout that period.

    It makes it pretty awkward if I'm checking out a cute girl at the mall and I have to rebuff her in my mind because there's a chance that she's still in high school.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Chad Thundercucc


    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Chad Thundercucc


    Damn. First the capes, and now this? Reaaaaally second-guessing buying this game now.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Chad Thundercucc



    for science
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Chad Thundercucc
    What Final Fantasy characters would you guys like to see in KH3?

    Personally, I would love to see Lightning (I know, I know, unpopular opinion, what's wrong with me etc. etc.) and the dude from FFXV.

    But what would be an even bigger treat is if they added in a FF Type-0 world in which the heartless invade a nearby nation, and Sora and the gang have to liberate it. And you can replace Donald and Goofy with any of the 14 playable characters in Type-0. Imagine all of the limits you can do with them!

    What do you guys think?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Chad Thundercucc


    I have 3 tests this week, two finals next week and I'm tempted to pick up KH2.5 today. Someone talk me out of it.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Dec 2, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Chad Thundercucc
    Plot twist: No one noticed.

    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 18, 2014, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Chad Thundercucc
    They both make some good points, the woman much more than man. I felt like the dude was going somewhere at some points, but kind of shot himself in the foot by just saying things to get a reaction out of the one woman.

    My problem with the ORIGINAL original video is that it showcased both "cat-callers" and people who genuinely want to greet her/compliment her, but lumped it all up together as cat-calling. That's just really irresponsible imo. Also, I don't think showing sexual attraction to someone should be equated to objectifying them. Just because I find you sexy doesn't also mean that I don't know you're a person with complex emotions.

    While a lot of women may legitimately hate cat-calling because they feel like they're in danger (which is completely valid), part of me can't help but think that at least a few women only complain about cat-calling because it's coming from men they find unattractive. I mean, let's be honest. How many women in this thread would honestly feel uncomfortable from a cat-call by someone who was a 10/10?

    This. ****ing this. So much.


    I'm confused. You acknowledging compliments and internalizing them is a result of you having a lack of respect for yourself? Self-respect is all about being able to love yourself, and being able to take compliments instead of deflecting them away due to a lack of self-esteem.

    I'm not too sure about that. If someone were to catcall and say "Hey, you're sexy" to someone walking by, I'm pretty sure the subtext isn't "Hey, you're sexy and that's all you have to offer." To say that would be quite the jump.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Chad Thundercucc
    Needs more belts and zippers.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 17, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Chad Thundercucc
    And, it was actually really ahead of its time. Looking back at it, Mulan brought up a lot of discussion about gender identity and gender roles. From songs like reflection:

    "Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?"
    "Why is my reflection someone I don't know?"
    "When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

    to, of course, Make a Man Out of You, which illustrates everything a man "should be", which is contrasted by the fact that Mulan, a woman, proved to be all of these things. The movie helped show how useless, and constraining gender roles are, and that people don't always fit into a certain category. I say this movie is ahead of its time because it brings up issues that are just now, over 15 years later, being brought to the forefront of everyone's mind with the new wave of feminists and activists for gender equality.

    So, yeah. It's still one of my favorite Disney movies.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Nov 4, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Chad Thundercucc
    Then it would make very little sense having both her and Marth in the game. And Dr Mario. And Dark Pit.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chad Thundercucc
    u prolly smell like doodie

    Bowser/Palutena master race reporting in.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 27, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Chad Thundercucc
  15. Chad Thundercucc


    Because none of the games I actually care about are coming to PC.

    Yeah, but I mean let's face it. The PS4 and Xbone are pretty much the same thing at this point. The only thing that's really separating them is the voice controls and the exclusives. I know it sounds ridiculous on paper, but you have no idea how convenient that thing is. My friend has an Xbone and it's so much fun to use the voice commands, especially for like Netflix.

    Yeah, me neither. But still...
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Chad Thundercucc


    I'm a Playstation loyalist, but the Xbone is looking pretty good right now with the voice command stuff it's got going on. Especially since all of the games I'm hyped for (KH3, FFXV, FF: Type-0) are coming out for both systems, and since most of my friends have the Xbone anyway. Persona 5 is the only PS4 exclusive I'm hyped for, but that's also coming out for the PS3, so I can just get that version.

    So, should I just buy the PS4, have faith that they're gonna upgrade their voice commands on their camera thing, and just hope for their VR headset to be released soon? Or just buy the Xbone with its voice commands?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 19, 2014, 36 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chad Thundercucc
    How was Destiny bad?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Chad Thundercucc

    Anime is Dead

    That's it guys. Anime is over. After Pharrell released this anime-inspired video, it means that anime is mainstream now and other R&B artists and rappers are going to infuse anime with their music. That's it, anime is mainstream now. The cool kids like it now. It's over.

    RIP Anime
    You will be missed.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Sep 30, 2014, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Chad Thundercucc
    Prove me wrong.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Sep 29, 2014, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Chad Thundercucc
    I'd say yes to all of these.

    Only if you get to that point, of course. Can't do this too soon, considering that this person can easily take advantage of your secrets and insecurities and turn it against you. But, of course, after you feel as though you can trust this person, it's totally fine to do that.

    Not necessarily, but it does help.

    Literally anything.

    I'd like to think so.

    Yes, actually. If you're in love with someone, you're thinking about them more often than not, so you want to have conversations with them all the time and share whatever trivia or useless thought that comes to mind, with them.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: Discussion