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  1. Chad Thundercucc
    What difficulty do you guys usually like to play on, and why?

    Personally, I always choose the highest difficulty. Not because I wanna get trophies or whatever, but because it's so satisfying knowing that I can beat the very hardest, without breaking the game, that the devs can give me. However, I personally don't like doing lvl 1 runs, because it feels like artificial difficulty, and the game goes on for way too long.

    Plus, KH2FM on Critical mode feels like a COMPLETELY different game from Proud mode in vanilla KH2, in the sense that each boss battle is actually challenging, magic becomes necessary at some points, and it makes you a master of the game's mechanics.
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Feb 11, 2015, 12 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Chad Thundercucc
    I haven't got to finish KH2FM yet (I have vanilla KH2 though), but so far, I gotta say that the Larxene's Absent Silhouette battle was the most fun. Having to deal with her and her clone, cutting combos short so that you got out before she recovered, having to use the Kingdom Key so that you can take the extra hits, etc.

    What about you guys?
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Feb 11, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Chad Thundercucc

    Great band. Totally addicted to this song. Is that why you chose the name?

    But yeah, I got saved by him in my current playthrough against the boss in your first visit to Land of the Dragons. And I'm pretty sure there's an even higher chance of being saved while fighting Xaldin. Got saved by him a crap load of times in vanilla KH2.

    Does anyone have an exact statistic of how likely you'll be saved by Mickey in certain fights? I feel like it's at least 1 in 10 for the Xaldin fights.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Feb 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Chad Thundercucc

    I DID IT

    Is there CFW for the 3DS already? If so, then I'm really out of the loop.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Chad Thundercucc

    I DID IT

    You could just download it in the e-shop at midnight, which is what I did.

    But as I type this, I'm starting to realize that you probably are talking about the Wii U version.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Chad Thundercucc

    I DID IT

    Congrats on the pre-order.

    Never understood the point of pre-ordering, though. Because I mean, when has anything sold out ever? Do you REALLY think your local store is gonna run out of whatever game you're hyped about?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Chad Thundercucc
    It's too bad that knowing that you're crappy doesn't make you any less crappy. If it did, this show would be bearable and I'd be president.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Chad Thundercucc
    Kotaku also said

    But the interview doesn't say anything about a release date, so...I'm not sure how valid that is.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Chad Thundercucc
    BBS straight up froze for me when I played it on KH2.5.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Chad Thundercucc
    Damn, really wish I was there to see that.

    Yeah, some tracks he goes ****ING OFF on, like Sh!t, Hot Nigga, HollyWeezy, Try Me (Mack Maine's verse was ****ing awesome too), Used To, etc. But then there are others where he's kinda just on cruise control. It's decent overall, but what it shows is that Wayne is still capable. But I'm almost certain that Tha Carter V is gonna suck though. And lol everybody says that him getting off of lean is what made him start to suck, so maybe that explains why the mixtape was better than usual?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Chad Thundercucc
    A bodacious booty is the universal sign of fertility.

    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Chad Thundercucc
    Damn. I knew Fox was idiotic, but to straight up report lies is just ridiculous.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Chad Thundercucc
    Yeah, they were pretty decent. I thought Believe Me was better though. And word? What was your favorite song that he played?

    And cool. I'm listening to Lamborghini Angels right now, and I'm digging F&L2 so far. Wayne's Sorry 4 The Wait 2 just dropped. Have you heard it yet?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Chad Thundercucc
    Oh word? Damn, wish I knew. Probably coulda met up with him haha.

    And word. He doesn't even need to drop an album to stay relevant, just a few throwaway tracks haha. Drake is actually headlining Gov Ball this year, so hopefully that's gonna be good. I'm tight I missed Kanye two years ago, but I'm definitely not missing this. Sucks that all of Drake's thots are buying out the tickets before I even have the money for it. Hopefully I make that deadline though.

    I can understand that, though. He kinda went south after Friday Night Lights. He's a bit too derivative, also.

    And sweet, I'll have to check out T&Y. I already have it downloaded but haven't listened yet. Might pick up the vinyl of it if I like it. Do you think it tops The Cool? Because The Cool is one of my favorite albums of all times. If he happened to top that, then I'm gonna start bumping it right now haha.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Chad Thundercucc
    I saw J Cole live last year at Governor's Ball, and the dude sucked ass. He's terrible at performing live. But his last album was pretty damn solid, even though he's jocking hard off of a couple of artists right now (choosing minimalist beats like Drake did in NWTS, having juke and gospel-inspired beats ("Hello") like Chance does, long ass shoutout outro like Kanye did and making another obscure Anna Mae reference like Jay-Z did). Great album though.

    I haven't listened to Lupe's new album because I haven't sat down and listened to Food & Liquor 2, because LAZERS left a bad taste in my mouth. I'll probably get to both of them tonight.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Chad Thundercucc
    **** good ***** we demand great
    Order Dominoes and she take off all her clothes
    ***** you know how it goes, make the pizza man wait

    (Hol' up, hol' up!)
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Chad Thundercucc
    Thread by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Chad Thundercucc


    Christ, that's a dense claim haha.

    Glad to hear that you're fine, though. What's your major?
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Chad Thundercucc
    Hmm, I suppose. Plus I'd imagine it's easier to digest if a couple chapters every few months is released.

    And yeah, I wouldn't watch an anime over 26 episodes, sometimes 52 if it's really good.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Chad Thundercucc
    I never understood this.
    Post by: Chad Thundercucc, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone