So, is the remake gonna be turn based, or not?
I've never seen a list of words more punchable than these.
So, I've been waiting for about a year to be a guest on the podcast (I submitted the request to be a guest form) still haven't been contacted, and yet there are guests who've already been on the podcast more than once? Maybe there's something I'm missing? Can someone explain why this happened?
So I'm guessing you guys don't like it that much?
And it made me cry like an infant, my lord, this show is good.
Welp, my feelings on the confederate flag have already been wonderfully articulated in this thread. So here's a anecdote of my interaction with someone wearing the confederate flag on their hat. Spoiler I was working the early morning shift at Tim Horton's (coffee shop) and these two old guys come in; One wearing a pearl harbor shirt and another wearing the confederate flag on his hat. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy, especially since I live in New York, no where near the South.The guy with the confederate flag on his hat wouldn't even talk to me (I'm a minority) and instead had his friend do it. So, I get them their order, and they leave. In less than 10 minutes, they come back to get more food, and I serve them again. They get a pretty big order, and I allegedly forgot to make a coffee for their order (I honestly don't know if I actually made it or not, it was so early in the morning and I was running on 3 hours of sleep, and I'm not sure if I got distracted by some other task or not). So, the guy with the confederate flag on his hat decides to get the store number and information so that he can file a complaint to the head office over some coffee that was late. He told my supervisor that it was me who was serving him and he wrote a big "F" on a notepad and angrily presented it to me. And then they stormed out. It was weird.
Hell yeah man. I'm down. When rent is a fraction of where you used to live, you start to enjoy the finer things of being an adult.
I was too busy adulting in Buffalo, broseph. And we literally missed each other by a week haha.[DOUBLEPOST=1435505896][/DOUBLEPOST] I heard that show starts sucking towards the end?
And being an adult is pretty fun.
Do you think Drive Forms/Command Styles will make a return? Do you want them to make a return? Why or why not? I personally think Drive Forms will make a return because they've just become such a big part of the series since KH2, minus a few games here and there. Not to mention, the excitement you get from earning a new drive form for the first time and getting to try it out is unmatched to most other things in the game. Plus, earning Final Form as that sort of surprise that could happen at any moment (after a certain point) was a really fun aspect and should really be put into KH3. And KH3 wouldn't be exciting to me without some form of Drive Forms being in the game.
Thoughts on Sora's new costume for KH3? Also, what order, from best to worst, would you rank Sora's outfits? I'm a bit disappointed in this new outfit, because it's just so much more basic and not as eye-catching as KH2's. I'd rank his outfits as KH2 > KH3 > KH3D > KH1.
Well, that just makes one wonder...what significance can Twilight Town possibly have in this game? All lose ends there have pretty much been tied up there.
This is all nice and everything, but I'm still waiting to see if Star Wars or Marvel will be implemented. Kinda wanna also see if any other original worlds will be returning. Dunno if Twilight Town in the original trailer was just a placement holder, or if they do plan to put it in the final game.
Pretty sure Static Shock doesn't wear skirts. Teen Titans movie when tho?
I woke up around 5 am this morning, inspired to create. I've been kind of obsessed with this new vaporwave/seapunk (try google-ing it before critiquing to see what I was going for) graphic art style that's been getting popular as of late, so I thought it would be fun to just try and dabble in it a little bit. Let me know what you guys think.
Which do you guys prefer? I personally like both, but have had better, more consistently fun experiences with Action RPGs.
Is very blue. Spoiler
I'd also like to throw in Bakemonogatari in there. It's very atmospheric and slow-paced for a good portion of the show, but the animation for the action scenes are almost always on point. Especially the blu-ray versions of it. Samurai Champloo goes without saying, I suppose.
Seconded. I forgot how good the soundtrack was. Dat Scanty and Kneesocks theme. Dat Fly Away Now. Dat EPTM.
Watch it. It's really (stupid) fun.