later after i sent you that message i met a girl that i think has one but im not sure i didnt ask her. i am in school right now.
sweet. i don't know any users of this web site in real life.
graphic arts or golf? your opinion on acadec? are you in acadec? how much a nerd do you view yourself? favorite book? favorite subject? single or not?
malfunction. my brain isn't exacly how it should be aka growing ever more insane.
oh i live in arizona. st johns the onne with the kid that killed his dad and the recently broken 23 year streak for regional champs in academic...
nope i don't know you in real life. my name is jared, pure white but not racist.
yes rep i don't unrep
farts. something that shoots colorful destructive blasts.
a wookie with bad gass and a lazerbeam-shooting left eye.
i think it should have jesus with a robotic arm like iron man's and a battle axe in the other hand.
am i allawed to cheat on my gf untill summer if i won't see her again till summer(distance relationship)? do you play Runescape? if so what is your user name?
welcome. is your real name catherine?
what would jesus do for a klondike bar?
women always get mad when you find out they are on their period and ask them if that is why they are mad.
reminds me of my history class.
your name, age, and the fact that you remind me of someone i know.
no offence but i think her period just ended so now she is not pissy at the world.
meet the creeper by rob zombie.
at this moment i am listening to ROB ZOMBIE.