some but my real mom gives them to me also(i live with my dad and step-mom).
i prefer 1 because it was more challenging i.e. hollow bastian that was hard to get from one place to another.
wow i wish my parents would do stuff like that for me but instead they tell me not to they say it is a waste of money.
a puppy that appears cute but has huge claws and teath. no offence is intended.
well hury up or you will die a virgin at a verry old age. unless you rape young children, but don't do that or you will find your testacles missing.
mtg is magic the gathering it is a trading-card game.
i beg to differ. nevermind i don't beg i just differ because why make games just like life that defeats the purpose of making a game.
and play the guitar very poorly.
good idea. 937 555 1947
who says i gave my real number? and that phone doesn't have calling.
derp real numbers derp
thats quite a bit better than i.
i have some wow cards but i don't play because i frefer MTG. i have a bad A artifact deck.
that kid that seems to be the one that mows my lawn... ...during the winter.
naw my teacher don't care just as long as i don't get on runescape. he hates that.
i've got no idea what you people are talking about.
i was in the library but right now i am in my graphic arts class. we also have a strict blocking system but as you can tell this site isn't...
goofy says: a hyuk. donald: WHAT!!!
that one female that seems to have a crush on sora.