yes, yes i have.
it is amazing it is more fun than texting yourself.
ya he kicks the same kid out every day.
Username:soras twin Name:jared Age:15 Gender:both Appearance:nerd Personality: " Army or Infected:infected Suit Colors (army only): Special Suit Ability (army only): Relation to the infected (army only): Were you infected before joining the army: Time and reason for infection (infected only):siblings spreading it to me Plan for Homicide (infected only):kill all jocks that i don't like History:born in cali moved to arizone to idaho to cali another part of cali arizone again Specialties:thinking of cruel and perverted things Other Information:i am not gay.
sometimes my history teacher seems like he is on his period.
that sucks. my teachers like me, but my third hour teacher does kick this kid out every day.
split personality syndrome about 100 times. and i can't look at things when i talk or i will say what i see, or go extremely slow.
i'm not listening to music but recordings i made that make fun of the all american rejects.
there i did but you didn't see it so i will just tell you. yes, i am insane.
if you can't read it you must have problems... with your "brain".
so do i and why are there so many of them that are all different???
oh ok that makes sence if they care more why it is not free for the public.
wow that is pretty cool and works if you don't go slow.
that is different yours are counseling his are telling.
wake up--korn
it means that he can't think for himself because he is too stupid.
where is my nickle???
sweet. my last day is on the 17th. i go to a public school. what exactly is the difference between public and private schools?
for the most part yes. when does school end for the year for you?
ill be jesus. jesus: how about we all solve these things peacefully.