"Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care" ~Relient K Cuz I have a short attention span XD
Hi! Welcome to KH-Vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* Your name is cool!
Hi! Welcome to KH-Vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* I get bored a lot too. That's why I like to play games!
Hi! Welcome to KH-Vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* Please don't eat this post!
Amber told me to use good capitalization and grammar in my posts from now on. She says I look like a n00b. I vote for Pyro. Amber says she's cool! :)
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* i have temper problems too. i'm working on it though...
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* well, everyone else already said what you can do here lol
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* i wish i knew how to enter codes into my games...
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* i like youtube :) i'll check out your videos.
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* lots of people get their gender mixed up lol i hate pink too
hi! welcome to kh-vids! *gives welcoming pepsi* i'm 12 too, but i'll be 13 soon :)
i know english (duh!) and ASL which is american sign language. also, i know a few words in japanese
i haven't finished kh2 yet, but out of the ones i've done, my favorite would be the second axel fight.
least favorite character: xemnas weapon: i haven't played the game that much, i watched the cutscenes on youtube member: xemnas again
my cousin and i were at a bowling all-nighter and she kept bugging me about kingdom hearts, so i asked her to show me the videos on youtube since she didnt have the games yet.
hi peoples sorry i havn't been on in awhile
whats worst tickletorcher by DF or eating your own toes again whats worst tickle torcher or Question Time torcher why do you call yourself the kookie kween why is your cookie castle only online whats worst tickle torcher by good DF or evil DF do you like cheese what question should i ask you next
hey guys, quick to the question time with~Amber~ thead she needs more questions
what is your favorite: color number letter cookie kh-vids member tickler ticklee you tube video video game font font color font size keyblade kh world kh2 world movie book song sims game computer game have fun
I'm voting for my pwnsome cousin, ~Amber~