I think your username just about describes what my reaction was. He really hasn't done anything - they even say "efforts", not "success in doing so". While I agree that picking up the pieces after Bush would be difficult, and I do like the guy, so far Obama isn't proving to be any better. Who the hell else was up for the prize? Because if he had any competition at all I'm starting a riot.
My mp3 player Rick Rolled me. I honestly had no idea that I had the song, then one day, bam. It was terrifying.
Simply put, yaoi is for horny teenage girls to imagine >two hots guys naked. It's crazier than yuri just because there are more guys than girls in most anime, video games, etc. and well, girls have a tendency to be more hotness-rabid. The more they like a character, the more likely they'll pair him up with someone. It's less of a fascination with gay sex (usually) than it is a desire to see two loved characters as a couple. So again, no need to judge. Some AkuRoku might be extreme but I have to admit that Roxas and Axel sorta set themselves up for this kind of stuff, what with Roxas' first words being "Ngh, another dream about him" and Axel's whole "Made me feel like I had a heart" speech. Note that I really have no opinion on the subject of yaoi.
Speaking of breast shots! o.O I haven't seen a picture of you before. You're so preeetttyyy :=D: And Rissy, I am jealous of your nails. And your sunglasses. And your beautiful curly-ish hair in the first pic. And your cleavage, so don't worry about it. You weren't doing it any more than anyone else was. Spoiler Ick, I look tired...
3 4 0 7 9 ~
You can't mean- that I've finally seen the most amazing horror film known to mankind?
House of the Scorpion's been sitting on my shelf for years. I'm finally going to break down and read it - conveniently enough I can use it for an English assignment. Otherwise, the rest of the books in the Dune series, A Clockwork Orange, Farenheit 451, and I'll probably re-read the Lord of the Rings trilogy or some of the other Tolkien stories. I have always wanted to read the Great Gatsby, though; maybe I'll join you in that. Manga-wise, I want to get through a few more volumes of Code Geass and finish Chrno Crusade.
Facebook, definitely. Its layout is easier to use, it has games and quizzes, you don't have to put up with seizure-inducing profiles, and all in all it just seems... friendlier. I agree that Myspace is better for bands/organizations, though.
We had to read the Lightening Thief sixth AND seventh grade.. Some people liked it, but it really wasn't my type of book; it reminded me too much of Harry Potter and the writing was quite simplistic for "advanced reading". And, I mean, twice. xP
Yeeess! It's about time they pick this up again! There are so many animes out there that need to be redone or continued. Can't wait for 2010, then, because this just made my day :=D:
Zexion's Death Note. Because you know that's what it is. Really though, it's my favorite because it's the only one you'd never think could be used as a weapon.
No! Don't let it die! :why?: 34077
Everyone's was pretty weird :| But I think Vexen in general cracked me up the most, what with his total pedo laugh, and his "Y-y-y-yamero!" turkey moment. Plus he looked the creepiest. Repliku's deserved credit, though, and Larxene's only because it seemed so odd to hear her laugh.
I'm doing well, procrastinating on homework on a forum dedicated to a children's game... yup, that's my life x3 Oh, and while being sneaky and...
Sora calls Ariel "darling". No. Not cool. Atlantica was terrible, no question. But my two worst experiences were spending outrageous amounts of time at the end of KHII finding all the treasure chests I'd missed, and in KHI, I had been playing for five hours straight and hadn't saved :stupid: and the freaking power went off... I almost broke the television screen xD
Uwaah, pretty font color *o* Again, welcome!
Awesomesauce! I'm considering trying to take up the saxophone sometime. Right now I play euphonium and trumpet :)
I'm kupo for kupo nuts, kupo. Where in the hell is Carmen, San Diego?
With YGO's success it was only a matter of time before it was ripped off. I tried watching it a while ago, and got lost around the same time you did. It was like a cross between Yu-gi-oh and Avatar: The Last Airbender (what with all the "elements" and "creature civilizations")... a really complex cross. But it has its humorous moments and a significant fanbase :|
Ooh, band! What instrument do you play? And it's great that you're talkative; the more active posters the better. Read the rules, be careful around the spamzone or it will eat your soul, join groups, make friends, and above all else enjoy your time at kh-vids! We're a nice bunch here ;) Again, if you need any help, there are plenty of people you can ask.