'Tis true, 'tis true, though I must say you would've done better without the panda. Do you like waffles?
I built a gigantic keyboard out in the desert and typed this by firing missiles into the keys. It was costly, but so worth it.
Snaaaake, it's a snaaaake, ooohh it's a lemon meringue pie. Why don' th' durn kids stay offa mah lawn?
Except... then it died again. What happened to the 1000-a-day mind-exploding number spamming? :why?: 34085
Because the pigeon didn't know any better, poor bird. Why is speaking incorrect Japanese thought to equal internet coolness?
:B|: I cast you from this forum into the fires of Hell. Even though I unfortunately lack the power to do that.
But it seems the subject has already been changed, to the time in which the subject will be changed.
Waves of Heartless (maybe about 10), instead of all 1000 coming at you at once, and each with increasingly fewer but increasingly difficult enemies. I agree, 5000 would be better as well. More variety, and no reaction commands. They made it way too easy. And I would have liked the battlefield to have been bigger, or have the fight spread out over a few different screens. There should be some Heartless that don't flock to you and you have to seek out. Final Fantasy characters assisting you would be a cool bonus, but not too much, and add, like, 1000 Heartless for every person that helps you. Anything to make it need more strategy, really. The whole game was mindless button mashing but this fight was ridiculous.
Waiwait. Tidus is Teedus now? :blink: Vivi was my favorite. FF9 needs moar lovin'. Plus I loved what small part he played.
The Luxord battle confused me so much! xD I never figured out how to work the 'games' so I'd be turning into a card every time I turned around. So, naturally, I loved it. Sephy was fun too, albeit rage-inducing, and... I actually liked the Demyx battle. A lot. Besides the fact that I was killing Demyx.
D'awwwww What is the chemical formula for glucose?
Oathkeeper looked amazing and was a pretty good keyblade in itself, but... form boost + paired with Oblivion... Decisive Pumpkin and the Ultima Weapon were both tied for second, though Ultima for me was only good for the Sephiroth fight, and after that there's not much to use it on anyway. Pumpkin, the combo boost was great, and the pumpkin things it gives off when you attack are awesome. Plus, the sound. Too many blades to pick from >|
I only just now realized that Bach's Invention No. 8 is played as a trumpet heralding throughout several points in this song. How should this make me feel?
ohmnomnom We all had like a half gallon of chocolate milk after swim practice yesterday :=D:
Here's the story: http://www.wtkr.com/news/nationworld/sns-ap-us-candy-bar-lawsuit,0,6805901.story Summary: A schoolteacher in Indianapolis attempted to give an autistic child a peanut-filled candy bar (he had a severe allergy) in the hopes of making him too ill to go on the field trip that day. Apparently he was disruptive and she didn't want to have to deal with him. Maybe not national news, but, honestly. He could have died and she was so nonchalant about it. Just because they're autistic doesn't mean they're any less human. Thoughts?
Easiest: Hard to say just one, especially when I've got all these Gameboy originals that take about five minutes to beat :| Pokemon Snap was hilariously easy, though. Laughing gas pokeballs. Hardest: FFIV, sadly enough. Gave me permanent emotional scars. I'd never been killed by random encounters when I was level 99 until I played this game.
Well then here's two numbers a day :=D: 34081
Oh dear god.
Pictures please? xD I'm going as a pseudo-gothic Nurse Joy. My friends've got a whole Pokemon entourage.