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  1. Darkcloud
    (Sorry if this doesn't fit into this category, but I wasn't sure)

    I'm trying to decide what to write next, at least in terms of priorities, so I'd like your help in terms of deciding:

    1)Sora, Riku, and Kairi start a new adventure together, and their first stop is the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I haven't completely decided what point in time in the Naruto series they'd visit in, because I've been skipping around the Naruto episodes airing on Toonami, and Naruto Shippodin.

    2)A rift in the time/space continuum has opened and has sucked Squad 7 into the most unlikely of places...Gotham City. There Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Jiraya have to contend with the strange stares, customs, and criminals of the city, as well as figuring out how to get home, why there's a guy in a bat costume trying to arrest them, and what the Akatsuke want with the city.

    3)A sequel to the Sora's Christmas story, only this will be a Valentine's Day special. Sora's trying to ease back into life on the Destiny Islands when, predictably, he is summoned again. We find out a bit more regarding the relationships of Sora and Kairi, Zack and Aerith, and Tifa and Cloud...among other things.

    4)If you don't like any of the other options, feel free to let me know if there's something you want me to write about. If the idea looks good, I'll think it over.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jan 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Darkcloud
    A few days late, I admit, but I've been dying to post this: Hearts/ChristmasPic8_edited-10.jpg

    I'm looking for improvement, so please give me your honest opinion (but at the same time, gently please).
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 28, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Darkcloud
    Anybody looking forward to it? Seen it? Know anything about it?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 4, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Darkcloud
    Okay guys, I'm going to try and condense these this time:

    Sora laid in his hammock, dozing in and out from the cool breeze blowing by, and at the same time waiting. It was annoying when the Destiny Islands cool down to 70 degrees farenheit; warm enough to play outside, but too cool to swim. Plus, Riku and Kairi still hadn't returned yet...

    It had been a couple of weeks since they defeated Xemnas, and read the message in the bottle Kairi found. Why the king still needed them in Radiant Garden was still a mystery to him. It wasn't like they were gone all this time, but all the same, Sora never got to see them anymore; they kept returning to the islands every evening, but would then leave bright and early the next day, refusing to tell Sora anything of why the king needed them. How they kept leaving the islands was a mystery itself...

    The sun was going down fast, and out of the corner of Sora's eye he saw Riku and Kairi suddenly appear around a corner, racing until they got to their houses. They quickly shut the doors behind each other, apparently determined to make sure Sora hadn't seen them. Sora sat up straight, angry now. This was getting ridiculous! Sora had just spent two years fighting heartless, all sorts of warriors of darkness, and practically himself trying to get everyone he cared about back together, and when he finally gets everyone together again, they go doing who-knows-what, leaving him behind! Well enough is enough, Sora decided! As soon as tomorrow rolls around, I'm going to hitch a ride and find out what they're up to, whether they like it or not!

    CnC so far?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 2, 2007, 82 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Darkcloud
    This is not finished yet, I still have to put in a background and color it, but:

    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Darkcloud

    Help Gah!

    What on earth? I was King's Apprentice yesterday (410 posts), but then when I log on today my post dropped to 396 and I was demoted back to Gummi Ship Junkie! So now I'm trying to make up for...whatever it is that posts do, besides disappear on me! Did I do something to anger the higher ups or something?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 6, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Darkcloud
    Take note folks: You do not want to lose a bet against Kairi and Namine, as Sora just realizes:


    And to think, this is just from a foot race!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 4, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Darkcloud
    I noticed that some of the more popular video games and tv shows have their own catch phrase or saying (Ben 10, It's Hero Time!, etc.). I wonder...does Kingdom Hearts have it's own catch phrase? If not, anybody have any idea what it should be?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 1, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkcloud


    Have you seen these two threads?

    I about busted a gut when I saw them!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 29, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkcloud
    The answer is: a drunk!

    I kid you not. It happened at about 8-9 pm. He had knocked on our door, I opened the door, and saw a guy, neatly dressed, didn't really smell of liquor, and didn't slur his words. Keep this in mind, I had never seen a drunk before at the time, so I didn't know what to expect. Plus I didn't know he was a drunk at the time. Anyway, he asks, "Hey, is Cody here?" (Cody's my suite mate). I say, "Sure." and in he goes to Cody's room. He opens the door without knocking, Cody looks up at him, and says, "Aw, no, not you!" The guy takes two steps, up to Cody's carpet, and falls on his back and laughs like no tomorrow.

    Turns out the guy's class had to go to some sort of drink requirement, and they had to drink half of what they would normally drink. He drank ten beers, because I guess he normally drinks 20...10 appeared too much for this guy anyway. He laid there laughing his head off for a few minutes, before somebody else knocks on the door again. This guy, named Fonzy (go figure) comes in, thankfully sober, and sees the drunk in the room. He tells the drunk it's time to go to his room, and the happy drunk complies. Fonzy has the guy's arm, the guy thanks me for letting him in, etc. and they go down the hall, the drunk hitting the walls along the way. Cody's in awe, and I can't stop laughing at it all.

    Any thoughts?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 24, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Darkcloud
    What the heck?! I finally get up to 300 posts, and my title as 'Twilight Town Denizen' (which kind of sounds cool, considering who my avatar is supposed to represent), and I go to being a 'Gummi ship junkie'...That sounds so much worse!! Like I've become a drug addict, or something!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 18, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkcloud
    I don't know if there's a thread for this, but I haven't seen one, so ^^
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 20, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkcloud
    Okay, this is my first story thread that's been in the works for months! Be warned though, these will be a little long. Please be honest about it, point out any errors, etc. Hope you like it!


    Surrounded in darkness, he lay floating there. When his eyes opened, everything seemed the same as if when his eyes were closed: dark, and pitch black. Where am I? Is what he wanted, and tried to say, but for some reason, he was not able to do so. He stood up, looked around again, expecting to find some change in the last two or three seconds he was thinking. He was wrong in that expectation. Okay, let’s figure out what we know so far, he thought with his head low and arms crossed, I’m in some kind of void completely surrounded by darkness with no end in sight. I have no idea how long I’ve been in here, and have no idea how to get out, plus I can’t speak. This is just great. He sighed, with one hand rubbing both temples. I wonder if they’ll find me… as his thoughts trailed. Suddenly he realized, Wait, who are they?

    ‘They’ were two girls, both close to his age. One was a dark brunette with hair down to just the base of her back, reddish-brown eyes, a few inches shorter than him, with a round-ish face wearing teardrop-shaped earrings. She had the garb of a fighter, wearing a black top and black shorts with a kind of long-dress-in-back/miniskirt-in-front combination that looked fairly new, and a little strange to him. The black gloves, however, were different. They looked like they were made of strong material that had been worn down over a long period of time, and from the look of her eyes, she is not someone you would want to mess with. In his mind, her face had a relieved expression, almost like she was going to cry, yet happy at the same time. It was as if she was going to say “I’m so glad you’re here, I thought I’d lost you.”

    The other was also a brunette, about the same age as the first girl, except with longer, lighter colored hair that was tied back with pink ribbons and braided down to the base of her back, and with brilliant green eyes. At first glance, you could obviously tell her favorite color was pink: she had pink ribbons, a pink skirt with a lot of frills (which were white). Although her expression was the same as the brunette wearing black, hers was somehow more gentle and friendly. At first glance, she seemed like a frail girl, but her eyes somehow gave her the aura of strength, as if there was much more to this girl than meets the eye. Wow, the man thought, amazed, do I really know these two? Why can’t I remember their names? In his mind they suddenly looked rather crossed, and that frightened him greatly. He quickly shook his head hard. Still, why do I feel nothing towards those two. They look like they care a great deal about me, and I might be more than just friends with one of them. Why can’t I remember anything about them?

    He sighed again. He didn’t need this many questions at once. He closed his eyes, moved his head back so he was facing the ‘sky’, and opened his eyes. “Why are you two so important to me?” This time those words came out of his mouth. He brought his head back down and saw white smoke pouring behind him through the darkness. He turned around and saw a white light about ten feet away from him. He broke into a run at the light, determined to not let anything stop him from getting to the other side, because for some reason, in his mind, it felt like his luck. The light got so bright that he closed his eyes while running...

    When he came to, he was lying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket covering him. The room itself was shaped like a small cave, domelike, but with a window and door. He groaned. He was getting a little tired of winding in places he didn’t recognize, let alone never been. He sat up, not realizing that the ceiling was much closer than it appeared and hit his head, and fell back into the bed “Oof!” The door opened, just in time to see the head hit the ceiling. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and had long, spiky, jet-black hair. He had a blue shirt, with two shoulder pads strapped on, one on each shoulder. Although the rest of his baggy pants couldn’t be seen, his three black belts were visible. “Ah, you’re finally awake. Sorry about putting you in my closet, but it was the only available space I could actually put you in ‘til you recovered.” The man had an embarrassed smile on while he was explaining. “But it’s a wonder you can sit up at all. You’ve been out for 7 days, I was starting to wonder if you were going to make it. In any case, a guy I know should be here soon, so while he’s here he can take a look at you. He’s pretty good at healing.” The bedridden man looked down at his stomach. Maybe it was because he had been out for so long, but he didn’t feel very hungry. He looked at the spiky-haired man with a quizzed look. Did that mean that him being in that weird ‘dark dimension’ was just a dream? “Umm…thanks…who are you?”

    “Ah, right. I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I? My name’s Zack. Zack Fair,” Zack took a step back, turned and waved behind him, “and this is my humble hut. And, you are?” The bedridden man sat up again, slower and cautious of the ceiling this time, while rubbing his temples with one of his hands, “I’m…” Why can’t I remember my name? He tried several times to remember his name but after a few moments, Zack got the message. “Okay, don’t worry about it. Like I said, my friend’s pretty good at healing. Maybe he can help with your memory also. Anyway, do you have any other questions?” Zack watched as the man stretched for a second. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was definitely something familiar, both comforting and disturbing at the same time.

    This was his first time to see him to be sure: He had silver hair, spiked and slicked back, except for a few strands that fell forward. It was spiked so that it covered his ears and flowed down to the end of his jaw line. His eyes had a strange gleam in his blue eyes, a lighter shade of blue surrounded by what looked like his natural blue eye color. His lean build looked like he had seen a little sun, with his slight tan, but that was understandable; after all, he was found in the desert a few miles outside the hut. His hands were what pricked Zack’s curiosity the most: They were a little gnarled, and had a few scars, like he had seen a lot of fighting, especially with a weapon. He looked at Zack, “Where are we, exactly?” Zack’s eyes narrowed a little, He even talks like him, “You are in a desert. The closest city is abandoned, but just outside that city is another city called Edge. Ring any bells?” The silver haired man shook his head. This still doesn’t explain that ‘dark dimension’ he was in earlier. He closed his eyes and shook his head; it’d probably be better if he kept it to himself for now.

    Suddenly, an explosion sounded outside the hut. The silver haired man quickly looked back up, then outside the window. There was blue and purple smoke billowing around a shadow in the shape of a man not more than twenty feet away from the hut! Zack spoke, “Sounds like my friend’s arrived.” The man looked back at Zack and raised a suspicious eyebrow, His friend is involved in explosions? Zack laughed at the look, “Don’t worry. He doesn’t act it, but he likes to make a dramatic entrance. I’ll be right back.” Zack went to the door of the hut and left outside to greet his new visitor.

    As Zack walked toward the new guest, the visitor walked toward him as well. As the smoke cleared, his appearance was revealed to be that of an old man. Despite his apparent age, he walked tall and briskly. His pointed hat, with stars and moons on it, and long blue robe practically screamed that he was a sorcerer of a high caliber. His long grey hair and beard confirmed that he was indeed old, but one look at how piercing his eyes were, and you would be a fool to assume he was senile, let alone challenge him to a fight. Still, his smile was surprisingly warm to Zack. “It’s been too long, Zack. How do you fare?” Zack gave a small bow to his former teacher, “Welcome to my home, Master Yen Sid. I know this is sudden, but I have a guest who needs your attention.” Yen Sid responded, “Of course, Zack. Please show me this person.” Zack led him to inside the house where the patient waited...


    Tifa slowly came to. With her right hand she pushed herself upright, and with her right, she clutched her side. She slowly managed to get herself upright, but had to lean on the wall of the rocky cliff for support. She hadn’t left Hollow Bastion yet when she collapsed. Her ship wasn’t twenty feet away when she felt the pain that made her collapse. Yet, even after all that, it was the image she saw in her mind before she fainted. She saw a man with very spiky blond hair lying on the ground, everything around him pitch black but him. He had an unusual black garb on, with a shoulder pad on his left shoulder with wolf’s head, clutching a ring in it’s mouth, connecting the pad to his shirt. He looked like he was about to accept defeat, and as he was passing out, he was being engulfed by darkness. This last thing she heard before she blacked out was “Tifa…” With fire in her eyes, she struggled to get to her ship and plotted a course for wherever it was that man was, since she was looking for him before she had this vision. “Cloud, I’m coming…”
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 6, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Darkcloud
    My gut tells me it'll be in a world that hasn't appeared yet in KH, but then again it could just as easily be in a place they've already been.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 4, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Darkcloud
    Okay, guys and girls, I've been at this for awhile, but it's finally done. Please give me your rates of my brand, new, fresh-from-the-factory avatar and sig. Be honest, but at the same time, please be kind. I'm still experimenting with photoshop, so that's why it might look a little weird.

    Thanks to khchick55, twilit_shadow, and StupidAquarius for their help, by the way.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 4, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Darkcloud
    I need help with my sigs. I have shrunk them down so they fit the 500 x 350 requirement, but it still gets rejected. So I shrunk it down by about 100. Still rejected. Here are some copies if you know what to do: Hearts/scan001002_edited-4-1.jpg Hearts/vlcsnap2-480704_edited-4.png

    If I have similar cuts the size of avatars of these images, I don't have any problems. It's just the sigs that I have main troubles. Please help if you can. I'd really appreciate it.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jul 23, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Help
  17. Darkcloud
    Who would you like to see as a nobody? As you can guess from my name, I'd like to see Cloud as a nobody!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 3, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Darkcloud
    As you can read from the title (at least I hope you can read) I need some help. I'm looking for some good pictures of Cloud Strife, particularly in Advent Children. I'm mainly looking for a good headshot of Cloud in the scene where he sets Zacks sword back up after it is knocked down. The one I'm really looking for is in the above mentioned scene, there is a good, large headshot of him talking to himself. I'm not picky though; if you have a better picture please let me know or post it. I've tried googling it, and I found the strangest things. Please help.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 2, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Help
  19. Darkcloud
    Does anybody besides me want to see worlds that aren't from the Disney universe? Post your answers if you want to...well, answer.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, May 3, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Darkcloud
    Good evening, fellow KH maniacs. As you can guess by the user name and title, I am darkcloud, and I, well, need help with an avatar and a signature. I have an idea of drawing an Organization XIII (in my case XIV) version of Cloud from the game. Here's the problem: I NEED HELP WITH IT!!! :eek: All I can come up with is a possibility of what the Nobody of Cloud Strife could look like. So what I am asking is this: PLEEEAAAASE send my your ideas of what color Cloud's skin could be, his hair color, name, heck even clothes and possible attitude. You can even send his shoe size if you wish. I don't care! I need help that badly!! I will even add your name in reference if the idea is good in the result of the final drawing. If I forget to add you as the reference, well, feel free to remind me.

    ...I apologize for sounding desperate.:p
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Apr 25, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Discussion