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  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
    I saw this video and thought it was awesome:

    Pay attention to the environment, especially after the beginning bit.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jul 2, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Music
  3. Darkcloud
    ...from DNAngel:


    Sorry if the title misled you, KH Riku fans!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Darkcloud
    Shout any catchphrase that you've heard over the years:

    That's a fact, Jack!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 24, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Darkcloud
    Okay, I'd like to say a few things before we get to the main attraction:

    1. Yeah, I know. It's June, nowhere near Christmas, but at the same time, at the rate I'm going, this'll be done by then.

    2. I've had trouble with my scanner, and photoshop's not agreeing with me very well, so this first update is going to look very...dirty. Please bare with me.

    3. This is based off of 'Sora's Christmas', which is in the creativity corner. This is in the 'traditional art' because...well, they're drawings, so if I placed this in the wrong section, sorry.

    4. (And finally) If you know this, can you please let me know what the appropriate size would be to post these pages? On some of my works, when I try and post the picture instead of the actual link, not everyone could view all of it because it was cut off, and I would like to avoid that again.

    With that out of the way, here are the links: Hearts comic/Episode1page12.jpg Hearts comic/Episode1page34.jpg Hearts comic/Episode1page56.jpg Hearts comic/Episode1page78.jpg Hearts comic/Episode1page910.jpg Hearts comic/Episode1page1112.jpg
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 23, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Darkcloud
    I thought I'd ask the people who've written anything (stories, poems, etc.) what inspired them to write their work. Was it a specific song? Someone else's story? Anything?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 19, 2008, 48 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Darkcloud
    I hold my head high,
    Feeling the wind rushing by,
    As my arms stretch for flight,

    I’ve had all I can stand,
    Of the people who want to me to call ‘friend’,
    The people of joy turning into my source of pain.

    I jump, feeling the wind rush past, the earth coming closer,
    I pull up, going towards the sky, my pains diving,
    The flight becomes a blessing.

    My glide upward becomes an actual flight now,
    Each beat with my wings becoming harder and harder to maintain,
    The flight is now a fight.

    I hear the people from below, and look down,
    Some asking for me, some asking where I’m at,
    Now they care?

    I look back up, to the direction of my flight and fight.
    There’s nobody here, no one to keep me company, no one to ease my new pain,
    The loneliness I now feel inside.

    A dilemma has arose,
    Do I continue to soar, towards my new, free exile,
    Or do I land, to be the invisible and ignored amongst the crowd?

    New things will arise, no matter which is chosen,
    Will the choices bring about gifts or curses?
    I feel like a bird with a broken wing.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jun 11, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Darkcloud
    Okay guys, help me out here. I know we've covered this time after time, but I think I missed something, because I'm pretty sure I've met all requirements up to this point:

    What does it take to reach premium around here?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, May 19, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkcloud
    ...I figured, since we had a 'fact'...oh well, nuff said.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, May 5, 2008, 5,179 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkcloud
    Since we'll be having some free time soon (what with summer vacation descending upon us soon), I'm going to try and do some comics over some of my stories for you guys. So my question is this: Do you think I should go with colored manga or black and white?

    Sorry if this in the wrong place. Please move if not, thnks.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, May 4, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Darkcloud twinkies...or donuts...not sure which.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Apr 27, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkcloud


    Has anyone ever read it and/or heard of it?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Apr 24, 2008, 38 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Darkcloud
    'Nuff said.

    I'm the Tiger:
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Apr 21, 2008, 50 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Darkcloud
    What'd you wish for?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Apr 13, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Darkcloud
    You know how Sora's partnered up with Donald, Goofy, and whoever on which world he's on? Well, a thought just occurred to me: Suppose another emergency presented itself, and Sora, Riku, and Kairi had to split up and go to different worlds: What partners would Riku and Kairi most likely be paired up with, if we had an option?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Mar 13, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Darkcloud
    You don't always fit in,
    With the crowd or with friends,
    Some say that you're right,
    While others say that you've sinned,
    Some days your friends turn into foes,
    Appearing right out of the blue,
    But no matter which they may be,
    They both are gunning for you,

    Because you tried to do your best,
    At who you've chosen to be,
    Because you dared to be different,
    You wanted to be able to say 'I am me',
    Now the question of 'who is really who' to you,
    Is hanging up in the air,
    While those you know are against you are determined,
    To make sure you're not spared,

    You know you're doing the right thing,
    Even with all the pain that's been spent,
    But there are times, even days,
    When you can't figure out why everyone hates the fact that,
    You dared to be different.

    Something I needed to get off my chest for awhile now. Sorry if it looks a little weird, it was originally going to be a song.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Mar 10, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Darkcloud
    What are all the insults that are delivered to Edward Elric because of his size? I mean his responses:

    "Who are you calling a measley little pipsqueak?!", etc. Please help out!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Feb 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkcloud


    ...We gotta get you your own avatar and signature. Seriously, it throws me off so much whenever I see your blue name, and there's no avy or sig of any kind behind it. We can't let this go on, we gotta do something about that...
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Feb 4, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Darkcloud
    Okay, I've looked over 52 pages of topics in the KH2 forum, so if this topic has already been listed, I apologize.

    I'm not bashing the ending or anything, I'm asking if anybody else thought there should be more of 'this' or less of 'that'. To put bluntly: How do you think KH2 should've endede? The same, or something a little different?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jan 21, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Darkcloud
    Alright, guys and girls, since everything is picking up, including school, work, and tempers (some more than others, understandably and respectfully speaking), I thought I'd start this story a little early to help relieve some of the stress. This story takes place after 'Sora's Christmas':


    As the school bell sounded and the sun starting to set a little, Sora landed face first on the dirt road ground with a loud THUD, his book bag sliding a good pace ahead of him. Dirt clouds formed and settled around and on his blue school uniform. While lying there, he coughed, spat out dirt and wiped the small line of blood coming from his mouth. He turned a little to face the group responsible. They were taking a big risk in doing this in the woods just outside the school, but the group didn't care.

    There were three of them altogether. The one who threw Sora was a good three heads taller than him, and about twice as wide. His head was shaved and his black sunglasses reflected a good deal of light the sun was emitting towards. His blue school uniform barely fit him, while his custom, black, fighting gloves fit him rather well. Rude was a guy of few words, but then he barely needed to talk anyway.

    The second guy was about as wide as Reno, but only two heads taller than Sora. His unusual bluish-purple hair hung down in large spikes/dreadlocks. Although he was almost as strong as Rude, Seymour was more the brains of the group rather than brawn. He didn't talk that much either, since their third member did almost all the talking for everyone.

    The third member was looking down at Sora, smiling coyly at him. He was only a couple of inches taller than Sora, and his unkempt, brilliant red hair extended to a ponytail from behind him. Reno could never resist shooting off his mouth, and whenever he smiled, it only showed that his pride and arrogance was as large as the sky itself.

    Reno walked a couple of steps towards Sora, still smiling coyly and playfully taunting, "Well, Sora, you certainly didn't spend a year away from us to train. You going to tell us why you were gone, really, or are you just going to continue to cause trouble?" Reno raised an eyebrow a little, "Keep in mind that if you decide to keep it a secret from us, Rude will have to give you a few swimming lessons out on the beach." Rude cracked his knuckles, while Seymour rolled his eyes. Why am I here? Seymour often thought these things whenever kinds of situations appeared. He certainly wasn't needed...

    Still on the ground, Sora stared at them defiantly, calmly saying, "I already told you guys why I was gone."

    Reno tossed his head back and laughed, "I can't believe you! What makes you think I'd believe something so stupid as that story?!" He lowered his head back down and shrugged, "Oh well, you had your chance. Let's prepare him for his dip, Rude." Rude slightly smiled, cracked his knuckles. He started to proceed to Sora, when Sora's book bag flew and hit Rude in the head. Thing is, Sora didn't throw the bag. The three of them looked to where the bag flew from, a shadowed area just outside the trees next to the road they were on.

    Riku stepped into view. His uniform's jacket was being held one-handed, over his shoulder, while the other hand was holding his book bag. The white sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and one of his eyes (the only one visible) showed an erie calm through his long hair. Riku set his book bag down, and began rummaging through it, looking for something, "You guys having a party without me?"

    Reno's smile faded just a bit, "Stay out of this, Riku. This is between us and the kid. Besides, you can't take on all three of us!" Riku didn't even look up as he continued his search, "I beat you guys, both at 1-1 and 3-1, just the other day at the beach. Did you get smacked so hard that you don't remember, Reno?"

    Reno's coy smile was now replaced with an angry glare. He snarled, "The only reason why you won was because we just got done with our training! We had been going at for five hours straight with no breaks!"

    Riku found the white, arm guard he was looking for and pulled it out of his bag, "If by 'training' you mean 'napping', then, yeah, I can believe that. Can it, Reno!" Riku snapped as Reno was about to object again, "You've been making excuses for as long as I've known you, whether it's about training, homework, or bullying. You three have been gone for the last five years at the Shinra Military School, or as I like to call it 'Shinra Bootcamp', and the only thing you've accomplished is losing a few pounds."

    Riku slipped the arm guard on, and placed his jacket down, "Since I've returned, I've been deemed the hall monitor of our grade, and this is still technically school grounds. You say I only won on a technicality? Well, the teachers have all left for the day, and you three seem to be brimming with energy. So here's your one chance, Reno," Riku assumed a defensive stance he often used on Sora, "either put up or shut up."

    Reno grinned again, and simultaneously the three of them pulled out large, wooden batons and charged Riku, Reno leading the charge. Riku ducked as Reno took a swing at him with the baton, and kicked Reno so hard that he flew back, leaving the baton behind, and collided into Seymour. The two of them flew back a few more feet and then landed hard, both knocked out. Rude turned as the two flew by, and when he turned back, Riku jumped in the air and landed a good kick to Rude's head.

    Proving to be made of a little stronger stuff than Reno and Seymour, Rude wasn't knocked out by that kick, but instead was a little dazed. Riku picked up the baton, jumped in the air again, and broke it against the stunned Rude. Rude fell to the ground with a loud THUD, everything shaking as he landed. Now he was out.

    Riku shook his head, picked up Rude's leg, and dragged him to where Reno and Seymour were laying, and placed him next to the two of them. Riku thought for a moment, then said, "Oh, what the heck?" He rearranged the positioning of Rude and Seymour, so that the looked like they were hugging Reno in their sleep. Riku rubbed his hands a little, "That ought to keep them out of trouble for awhile," he turned to Sora, a little annoyed, "You alright?"

    Sora's head drooped a little. He looked away, "...yeah. Thanks, Riku."

    Riku sighed, "Come on. The others will be worried about you." The two of them started walking down the dirt road, which led the way to their homes. Riku spoke up again while they were walking, "Why are you letting them push you around? You can beat them a lot faster than I can, so why aren't you fighting?"

    Thread by: Darkcloud, Jan 13, 2008, 111 replies, in forum: Archives