Search Results

  1. Darkcloud
    Pretty self explanatory (if this is already made, sorry). Which Disney character do you see the user above you as (ie, so-and-so is Maleficent, etc.)?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Mar 19, 2009, 112 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Darkcloud
    We've all seen the FusionFall game thing on Cartoon Network, so I figured...why not? Let's make our own spin on it.

    This will take place about an hour after the invasion actually occurs.

    -No god moddling
    -No controlling other peoples characters
    -Keep it PG-13, from language, romance, to violence
    -Can have up to three characters
    -First come first serve on any CN/KH characters

    We'll need a certain minimum of characters before we start. Post/pm who you want to be, and I'll add you to the list.

    Dexter- Braveheart
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Mar 3, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Darkcloud
    ...this would not be it.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Feb 11, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkcloud

    Pure Beats~

    I've been asked to tell you that Pure Beats~ is leaving There've been a lot of changes that have been happening back and forth for her, both on this site and off. Some of the the changes have left rather large impacts on her, and in order for to move on from them, she feels that she has to leave.

    She also asked me to say this, from her:

    Tootsie: My first friend on the site, and still my closest friend. You were always there for me and I thank you for that. Once I get MSN, I will find a way to tell you so that we can still keep in contact. You are and always will be my Insane Sister.

    Himura Battōsai: You too were one of my closest friends. Like Tootz, you were always there for me and I thank you so much for that. Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, you are still my Multislacking Buddy.

    Forever Love: Oh, the random conversations we used to have. They were tons of fun. I'm sorry to see these end, but maybe they will continue someday.

    P E A N U T: I'm going to miss our random convos, what with us always coming up with ways for us to stay out of boredom.

    darkcloud: You are like a brother to me and I thank you for that. You were always there and we had very random conversations that always made me laugh.

    Skittles: Even though we only recently started to talk again, I'm going to miss my fellow VK and Ichihime fan. I'll miss you lots.

    Sorafan: Kadaj sister, you are an awesome friend. We had a lot of great convos and you are just a great person. Thanks for always being there for me.

    Thank you so much.

    If you all need to contact her, she'll still be on deviantART:

    Before I forget, KHEnegmatic+ (assuming I spelled your name correctly), Forever Love, and P E A N U T, I need you three to please pm me; I've got somethings I need to relay to you.

    If I hear something else from her, I'll try and let you know.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 26, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  5. Darkcloud
    Sorry if this has been posted, and at the same time, the title is pretty self-explanatory: What song would you have as your theme song?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 3, 2008, 100 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Darkcloud


    You've moved on,
    Leaving me behind
    I wanted to go with you,
    For us to be together,
    That was the plan, but
    You've told me your feelings,
    Aren't the same as mine,

    Time's passed,
    People've come,
    You've gone,
    I'm here, and nothing,
    Wants to cooperate with,
    The intentions of others.
    What does that mean?

    You've moved on,
    You've met someone,
    It's only a matter of time,
    Before the two become one,
    In grace, marriage, honor, and courage.
    Things are going as planned for you,
    and you're happy.

    I'm moving on,
    Or at least, I'm trying to.
    Unavoidably, you've hurt me,
    I've hurt me, and this will probably stay.
    I'm trying to change, to heal,
    so maybe I can have, in myself,
    Life, Spirit, Determination,
    And Hope.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 17, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Darkcloud
    Not sure if this is in the right place, but...

    Can anyone show me the symbol of Sora's 'Valor form'? I don't mean straight from his clothes, but just the symbol itself, without Sora?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 20, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Help
  8. Darkcloud

    New Username

    I'd like to try and change my username sometime in the near future, but I'm not sure which I'd change it to. Aside from the listed, any ideas (please, no 'brightcloud'; I hate that)?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 13, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkcloud

    Cuban Pete

    Those who don't remember this song should be shot!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Oct 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Darkcloud


    My mind is aching,
    My soul is breaking,
    How much longer are you going to lie to me?
    Every time it appears,
    My goal is within my reach,
    You snatch it away with ease,
    All for 'concern and worry'.

    My heart is failing,
    I lose another piece of myself,
    With every breakdown that emmerges.
    Why must you do this to me,
    To us?
    Do you honestly think I'd leave you,
    If I obtain my true desire?

    This would give me inner peace, but if you continue,
    You'll only bring me pain.
    I need to leave,
    In order to save us, don't you see?
    You know this, yet
    you hold on, despite the harm you do.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 25, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Darkcloud
    For all those who have a reason to 'pfbt', let your voice be heard!

    PFFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBT! Teachers who refuse to make any sense!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 22, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkcloud
    Something about it seems strange to me:

    The image of it looks like it's mainly of the Soul Eater, but I can see characteristics from other keyblades in it as well. Any thoughts?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 11, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Darkcloud

    Burn Notice

    Sorry if this thread's already been made, but:

    This is one of the best shows I've ever seen, on USA. Has anyone else seen this?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 7, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Darkcloud
    Welcome, folks.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 3, 2008, 306 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Darkcloud
    Pokeball, GO!!

    I captured the first visitor message!! *makes peace sign*

    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 2, 2008, 125 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Darkcloud

    Happy moments

    I was walking around campus today, and found the majority strangely happy...usually no one is this social. It got me to thinking when I was that happy. So, I thought I'd ask: What's your happiest moment?
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Sep 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Darkcloud
    lol, I saw that some members were having a hard time with this, including reacting the wrong way, so here's where we really have some fun (please note, these aren't real nominations, so please don't pm me or Rosey with these nominations). If you can think of other nominations, please post below, and I'll add it to the category:

    Most likely to be drunk:
    Most likely to be drunk and not remember:
    Worst couple pairing:
    Best kiss:
    Worst kiss:
    Most likely to cater a banana stack:
    Best imaginary KH mod:
    Best banned member:
    Longest poster:
    Shortest poster:
    Best person in denial:
    Worst person in denial:
    Most likely to date a convict:
    Most likely to banned and/or derepped:
    Weirdest member:

    That's pretty much all I can come up with. Cast your votes, kiddies, or list another nomination (no cursing preferrably).
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 28, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkcloud

    Drawing ideas

    This thread is mainly for, as the title suggests, drawing ideas. I've seen a bunch of drawings recently, and I've gotten some inspiration from them, but only to a certain extent. So, I thought, what do people like to see in a drawing, so I made this to find out: Basically, post who or what you'd like to see, whether it's a fight scene, or a tender moment between two characters (no hentai suggestions, please). If anyone wants to use these ideas and draw them, go right ahead: This thread is mainly for inspiration so people can draw.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 27, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Darkcloud
    lol, 'insert word here'.
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 21, 2008, 276 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Darkcloud


    Order In The Court!!
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Aug 19, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone