That man can sing! Any thoughts?
[pfft, yeah, right. How many of you fell for that?]
Hello, and welcome to the Game Show Network. I'm your current host, Trebek Sajak, and we welcome our new contestants, from the various worlds of the Disney universe. As you all know, our contestants compete through various obstacles for the prize on the other side. The obstacles will vary from our classic 'Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune Arenas', where our contestant must put their wits to the test, to our new additions, such as 'New Olympian Gladiators', where speed, strength, and skill are subject. The rules are as follows: Cheating is prohibited (however, our security staff is sick with various forms of flu, dysentary, colitis, and AIDS, so we will have to ask the contestants to honor this rule). Sabotage of the various game arenas are not allowed. If caught, expulsion from the games will follow, along with repossession of any and all prizes currently won by the contestant. Help from the audience, unless specified in the game rules, is not allowed. Immediate expulsion will result. Profanity and adult rated themes are not allowed. We would like to remind the contestants that this is a family show, and although action is encouraged, it should still be kept within the PG-13 range. Stealing the prizes is unacceptable, as well as using them to win the current challenge (once again, security is currently unavailable, so we ask the contestants to honor their word and ours). The prizes are as follows: A first class trip to any world in the universe, courtasy of McQuack Airlines. Remember, if it's not McQuack, it's not worth flying! An all expenses paid trip to the Hawian Islands, complete with a tour of the main islands, by your favorite blue, fluffy, and all around naughty alien, experiment 626, codenamed Stitch! (Caution: Avoid tour hours with allowed doses of coffee) And finally, our grand prize: A free, 7 days, 6 nights, all access trip for 4, to the one, only, and always magical, Kingdom Hearts, the source of all hearts! Uncover the mysteries surrounding the heart, all while discovering who you really are, along with what your heart truly yearns for! And now, let's meet our contestants...... ---Can have up to 4 characters. Can be either 'hero', 'villain', 'audience member', or 'alternate announcer'. List of contestants. Xemnas-AmericanSephiroth Luxord- willi211191 Larxene- Shadow_Rocks Roxas- The Graceful Assassin Sora- Brexen Riku- Brexen Cloud- Darkcloud Zack- Darkcloud Kairi- Moonday Yuffie- kingdomhearts530 Sephiroth- supersoravsdarkriku Pluto- Thedeadguy Mickey- AndrewTamari101 Axel- shmilo Master Xehanort- willi211191 Xehanort's apprentice- willi211191 Leon- TwilightBlader Kefka- TwilightBlader Demyx- Odamadilo Zexion- Odamadilo Reno (unofficial securithy)- Odamadilo Alternate Hosts Trebek Sajak- Darkcloud Goofy (announcer)- The Graceful Assassin Terra (announcer)- supersoravsdarkriku Donald Duck (announcer)- Thedeadguy Audience members 'random audience member'-DemyxPlaysMySitar Namine- kingdomhearts530
Ah, it's good to have it back. :3
I dressed up in boots,
Did any of you ever want to fight alongside Sora, in his adventure, or get fed up with him so much that you thought you could do it better than he could?
Who has it? I know it ain't me.
Who'd do what?
Because I'm in the future.
Somebody tell me they remember this: Somebody's up to no good....
Is this problem with my computer, or is this the site's doing?
Pretty much self explanatory; post the Disney worlds you DON'T think would do the KH universe any good. Do NOT put the 'That's So Raven' series in the games!
Here's a new game I heard just the other day: You take your mother's maiden name, combine it with the name of your very first pet, and that's what your hooker/stripper name is supposed to be. EX. Pet: Cuddles Mom's maiden name: Stevens New name: Cuddles Stevens. Hopefully, yours will be more impressive.
I thought I'd make a pic of Kairi in a prom dress (obivously). Cnc would be appreciated, since I'm going to be making a lot more of these.
This is more of a eulogy thread. Gone are the days where there were decent, let alone great, cartoons, and we are stuck with the splinters at the bottom of the barrel. Let us commemorate the great shows of the past, by posting, either, our favorite cartoons, or the ones we feel are the true heroes of yesterday. ...yeah, you get the idea.
If I had known my being gone a week would stir up this much commosion amongst my friends here, I wish I had brought with me a better reason than 'my internet was down'.
Man, I feel old.
Gotta say, I didn't think it would make it this far. Alrighty, folks, you know what to do!