Yeah. First opening all the way. He was beaten by a Shantotto.............and I wan't even trying. Got the good armors off it to If you guys would like to know more please PM or VM me. I love to talk about this stuff.
My dad..............isn't like all I think I'm gonna head up to bed later.
No. Bought New about 45-49 and the art collector book/guide for like 36-39. The clerk was on my ass though for not preordering.
Omg no way!!!!!!!!!
He's clearly a time traveler.
Well at least I can save up. Spent almost 100 on FFXIII2
Best move he had, decided to master it. Ject is far more dangerous imo. Finished Labyrinth in 012. The last boss was a disappoint.
Oh god I had a similar encounter............... But it's all water under a bridge now.
He made me LMAFO. Crash..........surprised me.
The "first Experience" one/
My day.......just got interesting. Have you seen the thread?
Exactly!! That's how I was and pretty much am today.
Dude that's cool with me.
That's how I was for the DS. Not really a Nintendo fan anymore.
That and they look good. U a Nymph fan huh?
I do that as well. Most the opening pages.
Ohhhhh Snap.
If/when probably KH3D. That's it.
Indeed which is why I love it so much.
Hmmm interesting. The only difference is I use Omni shield on mine. But agreeing with the player's self commentary, I don't fully like playing as him. But at least his mechanics are better in 012.