Color taken? Need any corrections? Username: Garxena Rank: Young Justice Real Name: Wally West Super Name: Kid Flash Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: (right side) Costume: Bio: At the age 13 when visiting his uncle Barry, history repeated itself and granted Wally the same super speed powers. He became Kid Flash. Personality: Impulsive, competitive, goofy, science whizz Powers: Superhuman Speed: Perhaps the most obvious power that Kid Flash has in his arsenal; it allows him many interesting abilities. Creating small tornadoes, which can lead to devastating effects. Creating high frictions hot enough to cause burns, which comes useful at times whenever somebody gets a hold of him. By running at high velocities, Kid Flash can also make himself into a human battering ram. Superhuman Endurance: Kid Flash can run at an undetermined amount of time and is very sturdy against punishment, as he has been shown crashing several times and recovers rather quickly from blows. Supercharged Brain Activity: Kid Flash's mental abilities are also hyper-accelerated, simple computations can be done at lightning speeds and he can devise strategies and solutions to problems when fighting villains in no time at all. Equipment: Kid Flash costume - Wally wears a reverse-colored variation of Barry Allen's costume. The cowl has a hole on the top so Wally's hair is out and has distinct shoulder pads. The suit itself is highly-resistant to friction as it is capable of being worn and used by him without wearing out for a long period of time. Goggles - goggles to help protect Wally's eyes from incoming debris; they can also see certain levels of light spectrum. Identity Known: The Justice League and Young Justice Other: Kid Flash and Robin are best friends. Kid Flash will sometimes call him Rob for short. Robin, and some other people, call Kid Flash KF or Kid for short. (It is stated on Young Justice’s Wiki that Robin told Kid Flash his identity but did not tell Batman that he did.) Weaknesses: Hyper-Accelerated Metabolism - Wally's metabolism functions several times faster than normal, in fact, he constantly needs a large quantity of food to stabilize himself, otherwise his body will fail because of the lack of adequate nourishment. He is also shown to have eaten Miss Martian's burnt cookies with no ill effects. Accident prone - Because of his inexperience, Wally sometimes gets into accidents when using his speed. Control - Unlike the Flash, Kid Flash needs to accelerate and decelerate when stopping and going.
Contemplating taking Kid Flash.... Objections?
Terra's leg muscles cramped; after days of pushing against bonds as her only movement, supporting her weight was difficult. She balanced as best she could and looked over her shoulder at Kid Devil. "Stay out of the way," She told him. "I don't want you going all crazy again. No offense, but you really freaked me out." It wasn't the kindest thing to say, but Terra had never been very delicate with choosing her words. __________________ It was a good thing Green Lantern said something because Elena's mouth nearly dropped open at the sight of Superman. Batman may have been Elijah's idol, but Superman was Elena's inspiration. She followed Green Lantern and Superman, struggling to keep herself balanced and up to speed with the heroes -- Superman was enough of a distraction to trip up her focus. She had no idea what to say to either of them so she just kept quiet for the moment.
Hey, it's no biggie, Maka. I'm going through a whole lot of crap right now too. I'm back in physical therapy so that will be taking up most of my time. I will post when I can, but know that if I'm not it's because I'm in serious pain. Right now, I'm not in the mood to take immaturity or rudeness from anyone. Just a warning I should snap at you.
OOC: Read the OOC/discussion thread, both of you.
I shall make use of it now! Let's all wait for Maka shall we? I know everyone wants to post and have fun ('cause that's what it's all about right?) but we shouldn't get to far ahead, especially if it's the thread-master we're leaving behind. 'Kay? ^~
Terra pushed Kid Devil as far away as she could using her feet without hurting him. It was challenging but not impossible. She then struggled to get to her feet and keep her balance. She was up against a proverbial wall -- she had no way to defend herself or Kid Devil; the best she could do was keep the beast's attention on herself. "Hey ugly!" She jumped up and down -- a stunt that must have looked ridiculous -- to retain the monster's gaze. _________________ "Thank you," Elena was glad that the pressure of cameras was gone. Now that she didn't have to worry about the photographers, she was able to appreciate the rather large room she was in. It felt professional and fantastical at the same time. Then Green Lantern's question brought back her focus. She bit her lip; she had no idea how to explain herself without saying too much. She didn't want to talk about her brother. "It's a favor for someone important to me."
That's awesome! I can't wait to get back to some good ol' anime cons. The next ones I plan on going to are Anime Vegas in September and Anime Banzai in October. I can't wait that long!