Oh, that's simple. xD Should I just change it to the Samurai Rangers?
So what need to be fixed?
This was what I wrote up in my math class today (not really in your format, but that's easily fixed): Name: Hope Masterson Age: 17 Gender: Female...
Well that kinda screws over my character bio then... >> I'll have to fix it.
THERE IS?! :0 I learn new things every day. It's been a few years since I've watched any episodes.
Thinking about joining your Power Rangers thread. Would an OC girl red ranger be okay?
Yeah! We'll get super more attention that way.
Username: Garxena Real Name: Elena Lily Black Alias: Thyella Age: 18 Squad: X-Force Appearance: Elena wears grey pants (slightly baggy with six pockets -- two in front, two in back, one on the side of each leg), a purple t-shirt with a red design on it, black shoes with purple laces, grey fingerless gloves with same red design; her thick, wavy black hair is almost always in a centered braid with a red elastic, leaving her blue-grey eyes exposed. Other Appearance: Elena has no costume as of yet. Personality: Elena has a hard outer shell; she only shows her true feelings to her brother, Elijah. She’s not very confident with herself when she is alone but is more open around Elijah. She doesn’t think highly of herself, yet she sees her brother as the world’s greatest person. Biography: Elena was born a twin to Elijah; she was born blind. For nearly her whole life, Elijah was her eyes. The two spent their entire lives together, sharing bedrooms, bathrooms, classrooms, friends and the like. Elena was read to by Elijah every night, stories of overcoming adversity and great adventure. When she and her brother discovered their powers, they kept them a secret from their parents and left together for the X-Mansion. Powers: Spoiler Can control air Can only use the air around her (using the air inside her lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation) If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly After using air with her lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elena will need a moment to catch her breath Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials) Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes Other: Elena “sees” with her use of air. By constantly emitting a small amount of air from her body, she can feel what it hits and can discern the shape of the objects around her (much like a bat’s use of sound waves). However, she cannot tell what is living or not (for instance, someone could stand very still against a wall and she could take them for a bookcase) and nothing is very clear (like seeing a silhouette at night). Username: Garxena Real Name: Elijah Hawthorn Black Alias: Anemos Age: 18 Squad: X-Force Appearance: Elijah wears dark blue jeans with a maroon hoodie (the word “Stillwater” is tagged on it in white) that covers his forest green, black lined t-shirt; his shoes are midnight blue with black laces and no design. His bright blue eyes are often covered by his shaggy black hair that he lets fall where it may. Other Appearance: Elijah has no costume as of yet. Personality: Elijah is very much a protector, especially towards Elena. He has a warm heart, which can turn cold as steel if any harm comes to Elena. He is a joker, making up for Elena’s lack of a sense of humor. He doesn’t think of himself as the hero Elena makes him out to be; he sees her as the more inspiring one. Biography: Elijah is Elena’s twin brother. Seldom being away from his sister, he has done everything possible to help her through life. But rarely has he treated her like she has a handicap; he wants her to feel like any other young adult. When he and his sister discovered their powers, he was opposed to Elena’s idea of keeping it a secret from their parents. But when Elena pointed out how her parents already viewed her as different, “special,” he agreed to not discuss anything with their mother or father. It was then that Elijah suggested the X-Mansion to Elena. Being 18 and out of normal high school, he said, it was perfectly in their rights to leave home. To his relief, Elena agreed. Powers: Spoiler Can control air Can only use the air around him (using the air inside his lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation) If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly After using air with his lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elijah will need a moment to catch his breath Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials) Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes Other: While Elena and Elijah have the same ability, they both have different styles of how they use. Elijah’s is sharper and more direct; Elena’s is smooth and tricky.
Nope. We've been chattin' 'bout cosplaying. =)
OOC: We still love you, Maka! (And I can certainly relate to having a crappily busy life.)
Since I can't buy anything for my computer to make my own graphics yet, I thought I'd ask some very nice people to make a signature/banner for me. I was hoping for this picture (http://www.asiamediajournal.com/amj/userfiles/Ben_FusionFall_main.jpg) without the CN logo. I'd also like "True hero" somewhere on it (maybe in place of the CN logo). If it could be made in the "cutout" format, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks so much!
I've done a couple homemade cosplay but they weren't as good as the ones I bought. To me, it's worth the money to buy one that you know will last a long time and look epic.
There are a few cons in the UK (like Kitacon; just google to find them). Some of the BEST cosplayers I know live in London (http://www.youtube.com/user/JenxtheJinx).
I've seen a bunch of male Naruto cosplayers. They make me happy. xD The 2010 Anime Banzai was October 8-10, so on the 10th (Naruto's birthday) I gave HiChew to all the Narutos there. =D They loved me! If you do go as L, be prepared to hear people saying that L is only done because it's a cheap cosplay not because he's actually loved by people. I got it a lot at the '08 Banzai. The best Death the Kid cosplay that I've seen cost $290 without the wig. Insane quality and detail though (http://www.cosplaymagic.com/soeadekidco.html). My sister bought her Edward Elric cosplay from this site and it's also where we're getting our Soul Eater cosplay. Whatever you do, don't buy from milanoo.com. It's cruddy quality and it takes about 2 months to get to the States. I've seen so many Sora cosplayers in the past few years that they're starting to become an eye-sore. I know KH is a big deal and it's still going on, but it's getting to be overexposed. I almost did an Org. XIII cosplay group (I would have been Demyx) but then I decided it would be way too crazy. Fullmetal may be crazy to do too, but I love it more than KH so it's worth it to me.
It's always fun to run around in tiny skits and barely-can-classify-as-a-top shirts! xD My sister and I are going as Maka and Tsubaki (along with Ed and Al) to the next cons we're going to. Can't wait for September and October to come again!
It amazes me how many people haven't been to one. >> They're not just for otaku, you can go if you're a norm. xD You'll just be a little weirded out. lol
I'm too lazy to put it in my own words so here's a good "definition" of an anime con: http://anime-convention.urbanup.com/845661 (Look at #1 for the best.)
That's hilarious! I wish I could get struck by lightening and get super powers! (Infamous anyone?) Anyway, that's an interesting tidbit for KF's character; kinda explains some stuff.
Terra jumped to the side, used her shoulder to cushion her collision with the floor, and rolled away. She sat up watched the flames produced by Kid Devil. The tiniest part of her was afraid of the amount of raw power the boy had; the rest of her was just amazed. ________________ Elena took a deep breath, attempting to get over the fact that Superman -- Superman -- was actually talking to her. "I'm not here to be a part of your League." She kindly corrected her icon. It took her a moment to get out what she wanted to say, but if she wanted the questions to stop she had to make things clear. "I'm 'shy,' you're right about that, but for good reasons. I can't be a part of a team -- any team. It didn't work out so well the last time I tried, and I'm not willing to try again. I just want to get what my brother asked for and leave." Before she knew it, she'd said too much. She'd mentioned her brother and inferred about her 'ex-boyfriend.' Frustrated with herself, she faltered in her flight and dropped in the air about a foot, but quickly recovered herself.
Yes to the first question. (I shall fix it.) Oh, and I'm not as big on info about Kid Flash as some of the other heroes (I just thought he needed to be taken [and I think he's cute!]) so feel free to correct me or fill me in on stuff as needed. I'll be watching him more carefully on YJ and getting some comics [from the library].