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  1. Garxena
    Elena shuddered; Elijah looked small compared to Wolfman. She held out her hands ready in front of her; if Elijah needed her she'd have to mover quickly. She steadied her breathing to calm herself so she could focus more. She couldn't mess up by having a fuzzy picture of the world.
    "If you insist," Elijah kept up his coy attitude. He was intimidated by the sheer size of Wolfman, but he wasn't going to let that show. His feet firm on the ground, but still ready to move at the first necessity, he flung his arms in front of him and clapped his hands together, releasing a powerful gust of wind.
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Garxena
    Just a little something I've been working on for the past couple months. I thought someone might enjoy reading it. Maybe give me some ideas about puzzles for later on. This is only the introduction; I'll put more up if people are interested. Enjoy!

    I know who I am. I know who I am! The hero pressed his back against a gnarled tree, clutching his sword and trying to smooth his breathing so that his enemy would not hear him. A small orb of light hovered by the hero’s shoulder, giving off comfort and reassurance. To the orb, he whispered, “I know who I am, Dew.â€
    “You can do it, Link!†The tiny, female voice of the orb replied. Dew, only visible as a ball of light, floated down to Link’s left hand and touched the three connected triangles that the back of his hand bore. Link stared at the mark of the Triforce and squinted his eyes to make out Dew’s silhouette. “You are courage. You’re not just my hero.â€
    Link nodded, his bright blue eyes now peering over his shoulder and around the cover of his tree. A large shadow, created by the setting sun, centered his field of vision – his enemy. Link could not doubt himself now. No, now was the time for what the Triforce recognized him for: courage. Link gripped his sword and, with a yell, leapt out of his cover to engage his enemy once more.

    “Link! Heeey, Liiiiink!â€
    Link bolted erect in his bed. The yell from outside his home in the tree had jolted him from his dreams. Breathing out a sigh of relief that what he had thought was so real was really just a dream, he hopped out of his bed and went to the window to see who it was that had woken him so early.
    “Great, you’re up! Come on out here; let’s race!†It was Link’s long-time friend, Tippo, waving his arms excitedly to urge Link to join him. What was he doing awake just after the sun had risen? And already dressed for the day too? If he wanted to race Link, couldn’t he have waited until a more decent hour? But they were best friends, and Link couldn’t help but smile at the enthusiasm Tippo showed. He nodded to his friend and went back inside to change into his day clothes.
    Life in Hyrule was peaceful, especially in Ferryar Forest. Days went in and out with routine, and any happy surprise was welcomed. Yet, Link’s days were different from everyone else’s. He had an urge for something more that he didn’t understand. With no parents and no available answers to his many questions, he often used any spare time he had to go exploring around the forest with his horse, Epona. He and Epona were the only family each had; Link had found the mare wandering in Ferryar Forest only a few years past. She loved music and Link was no stranger to playing the ocarina. While everyone in Ferryar Forest welcomed Link and treated him as one of their own, Link knew from several tell-tale signs that he was not one of them. His skin was lighter than the Ferryians’, his eyes sky blue while theirs were deep brown, his hair was blonde while the Ferryians had black or brown hair. And most importantly, the back of his left hand had a mark that was most certainly not a mishap. Three connected triangles with one upside down triangle in the middle of them made one whole, larger triangle. It was not a strange mark to a Hylian; all knew it was the mark of the Triforce. The princess of Hyrule, Princess Zelda, had the same mark; she was seen as the Wisdom of the Triforce.
    “Wisdom, Power, and Courage,†Link muttered to himself. He was one of the few who didn’t fully believe in the legend of the Triforce. In the homely village of Ferryar Forest there were no superstitions, threats, or dangers. Ferryians had their gods like everyone else did, but the Ferryians’ gods did not include Nayru (the Goddess of Wisdom), Din (the Goddess of Power), or Farore (the Goddess of Courage).
    “Alright! Let’s go; Athina is up too and she’s got Epona and Joro waiting for us.†Tippo patted Link’s back once he was out of his house and on the ground. The two headed off towards the fenced in field next to Athina’s house. Sure enough, Athina had Epona and Joro with their tack on, waiting for Link and Tippo. Athina had set up barrels and jumps for the two competitors to race around.
    “Good morning, you two,†Athina greeted her friends. “Link, Epona had some knots in her mane. Did you even brush her yesterday after herding the sheep?â€
    “Um,†Link rubbed the back of his head. He had indeed forgotten to brush Epona after their chores. But he hadn’t even thought about it that morning thanks to his disturbing dream.
    “I did it for you this time,†Athina handed Epona’s and Joro’s leads to their respective riders. “But you’ve got to take better care of her.â€
    Link nodded in apology to Athina and mounted Epona, adjusting the reigns in his hands. Epona burred, anxious to get going. Link smiled and patted her neck. Their bond was more than rider and horse. He looked to Tippo to see if he was also ready to start.
    “You know you’re going to lose, right?†Tippo challenged. Joro shook his head and paced eagerly.
    “Hey, let’s have a friendly race, boys,†Athina smiled. She knew it was just Tippo’s usual banter, but felt a need to say something anyway. Her eyes met Link’s for a brief moment; he thought he saw her cheeks turn a little rosier but before he could be sure, Athina hurried off to the fence and called the start of the race.
    “Come on, Joro!†Tippo kicked the gelding into a canter and quickly got ahead of the dazed Link. Link hurried Epona forward, weaving through the barrels with ease; it was just like riding through the trees of the forest. Tippo had already jumped two of the six wooden jumps Athina had set up. There was just the turnaround and he would be back to the start in no time. Link urged Epona to move faster. She leapt over the horizontal wooden poles easily; Link gripped her sides with his legs as she came along Tippo and Joro. The two galloped back towards Athina at the same rate. Link smiled at Tippo’s laugh; neither of them knew who had won. They both slowed their horses and looked to Athina for a verdict.
    “The winner is,†Athina paused, walking over to them. “Tippo and Joro!â€
    “Ha!†Tippo exclaimed, jumping off of Joro and rubbing his mane. “Great job, buddy.†Link stayed on Epona. “Now that you’ve had your morning beating, you should get started on your work, Link!â€
    “You had a head start,†Link defended himself.
    “You were busy staring at Athina!†Tippo teased. He laughed aloud at the surprised looks on Athina and Link’s faces. Good heartedly, he waved for Link to leave. Being such good friends, all three knew each other’s schedules. Today, Link had to start by gathering some more furnace wood for the bakery; it was more of a favor to the owner than an actual job.
    With only a small awkward moment of hesitation, Link turned Epona around and squeezed her sides to get her into a gallop. They jumped the fence and headed off to the woods.
    Thread by: Garxena, Jun 1, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Garxena
    Elijah pushed himself and Elena up into the closest tree with a blast of wind. He let go of her hand and glided to another tree, closing the distance between himself and Terry. Their plan was the usual: Elijah would go in directly and Elena would stay in the shadows to help him out. "You looked a lot better when you had tree branches blocking your face." Elijah jeered as he flipped out of the trees and landed in front of Terry. He sized up his opponent; uncomfortable with his challenge now that he was face to face with it. He kept his arms loose by his side, ready to move when he needed to.
    Way to go. Elena rolled her eyes; she never liked how Elijah went right in, head first like that. She positioned herself carefully, so as not to rustle leaves, then slowly and silently gathered an air current around herself to get to the next tree. She still kept far away and high up enough to stay out of sight; she only moved so she could get a clear picture of the two without branches getting in her way. Please don't get yourself hurt, Elijah. Or do anything stupid.
    Elijah kept his eyes on Terry, resisting the urge to look towards Elena to see if she'd moved or not. He needed Terry's attention on him, not the trees. "Maybe we should just skip this, huh? I mean, it's not like you're gonna beat me."
    Like that. Elena groaned inwardly. This large shape before her was not what she had been expecting. She and Elijah had never sparred with anyone bigger than their mentor (and that had been extremely challenging). Not to mention that this shape was on all fours -- was this a human they were fighting? Or perhaps a shape-shifter like their squad member? She didn't dare put out any more air to get a better picture than she already was and risk Terry noticing her.
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    It has begun! =D

    Don't worry, we won't do too much without you, Terra. I don't mind if you make little posts either.
    Post by: Garxena, May 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    The world seemed colorless to Rae; the rain didn’t help to brighten anything. She had questions that she very much wanted answered, but couldn’t find much will to think on them too much or ask them. As Barret carried her, she stared straight ahead. A small part of her noticed she did not recognize anything that they were passing. Wherever they were wasn’t Kalm. Rae’s head pounded; memories struggled to push through.

    Kalm, 1997. She had been inside with her mother, cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to start on that night’s dinner. Rae had had an especially good day at school and her mother saw fit to celebrate with an extravagant meal made from all they had on their farm. Rae’s father was outside, gathering a few more necessities for the dinner. Then the terror began. The Grace’s neighbor banged on their door, shouting something indiscernible. Before anyone could get to the door, the Grace’s home and land was firebombed, along with the rest of Kalm. The next thing Rae remembered was someone pulling her half-alive body out from the rubble of her home and yelling, “I found another one over here!â€

    Rae blinked, rain and tears mixed on her cheeks. Where was everyone she knew? Where was she?
    “Who’s this?†Rae didn’t recognize this new voice, and she didn’t see who’d spoken.
    “All I got out of her was ‘Rae,’†Barret replied to the new speaker. His tone was familiar, making it clear that he wasn’t a stranger to this new person. “She’s not doin’ so well.â€
    “So why’d you bring her here?†The question implied some suspicion of Barret’s motives.
    “Caleigh, I couldn’t leave her sitting in a puddle in the rain,†Barret sat Rae in a chair; she still didn’t look towards the woman Barret had called Caleigh.
    “You could have actually. What are we supposed to do with her? You knew I wouldn’t turn her away,†The sound of footsteps and smell of smoke came closer to Rae. She leaned to the side to keep away from Caleigh; she didn’t agree with this first impression. Her stomach twisted in knots. What was giving her this uneasy feeling?
    “Help her,†Barret replied as if it was the most obvious answer. “She looks like she’s thirteen and a thirteen year old girl shouldn’t be wandering around in the rain. Something’s happened to her.â€
    “Well ain’t that the understatement of the year?†Caleigh sighed. She couldn’t argue with Barret there; the girl before her obviously had something wrong with her. She was about to say more, but the girl raised a trembling hand and pointed to the door. “Guess she doesn’t want to be here either.â€
    Barret ignored Caleigh’s remark and pulled up a chair next to Rae. “You can’t go back out there. You’ll get yourself even sicker.â€
    Rae lowered her hand. She was sick? Was that why she felt so confused and weak? Maybe she did know these people and this place and had just forgotten because she was sick. But Rae had never heard of such a sickness and Barret had introduced himself only minutes ago. This was definitely a new place for her and new people. Rae kept her eyes on the door. As soon as she was able, she was going back to Kalm and searching for some answers.
    “She’s not much of a talker, is she?†Caleigh observed, flipping a cigarette in her fingers. “Good luck figuring out anything about her.†She walked away from the two and back into the kitchen.
    “Ignore her,†Barret was still focused on Rae. “She tries not to show her soft side around guys like me. Mind answering some questions for me?â€
    Rae shook her head slowly. If she answered Barret’s questions, maybe he’d answer hers.
    “Why were you out in the rain all alone?â€
    She shrugged. Honestly, she couldn’t piece it together herself and she wanted to know as much as the next person.
    “Okay. How old are you?â€
    “Eleven,†her reply was a whisper.
    “Really?†Barret had sworn she looked older than that. “Where are from?â€
    There was a long silence before her answer finally came out, “Kalm.â€
    “Kalm?†Barret breathed, confused and surprised. He didn’t understand. Kalm had been firebombed four years ago.
    Post by: Garxena, May 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Garxena
    Elijah shot out his hand, and with it a blast of air, toward Terry. The twins had stayed reasonably close to their mentor; it made Elena more comfortable. Elijah understood that, while Cyclops wasn't blind like Elena, she had her own little connection to him. It was nothing like her connection with her brother, but Elena gained a sense of poise knowing that there were other mutants out there (or just ten feet away) with abnormal sight.
    Elena paid close attention to Elijah's gust's path. If he hit Terry like he intended to, the landing wouldn't be very pleasant. She balanced her brother's maneuver by pushing the air near the ground into a slowly rotating circle; that way, Terry wouldn't be hurt if he was as uncoordinated a faller as she was. This was training after all, not a real battle.
    Post by: Garxena, May 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Profile Post

    Thankies! =D

    Thankies! =D
    Profile Post by Garxena for Snow Princess, May 28, 2011
  8. Garxena
    Well you did tell me that you wanted as little spoilers as possible. lol You'll like the epicosity when it happens though. =D

    I looked over the timeline and I've figured out a way to make it work now. LilBueno's idear shall be used!

    I'm making a disposable OC and then we'll start; hopefully this weekend too!
    Post by: Garxena, May 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    Elena's head snapped toward the sound of Ivan's voice. For a moment she thought he was insane, calling out like that, but then decided that it was an interesting strategy. Elijah probably would have done the same thing if he hadn't been with her; he was very direct in his preferred tactics. She listened for the snaps of tree branches or rustle of bushes. Those who hadn't already announced their presence by yelling were doing an excellent job of avoiding attention.
    "Over there," Elijah pointed up in the trees. He'd tried to be as inconspicuous as he created a wind to ruffle the leaves and light branches of the trees. To his luck, he'd spotted someone.
    "Where?" Elena ran her fingers along her brother's arm and then pointed in the same direction. With a small blow of wind, she was barely able to determine the shape of someone up in a tree. They weren't too far away, but the distance wasn't what bothered her. In this space, with so many trees and things to hide behind, Elena was at a disadvantage. Elijah would have to handle most of the challenge.
    Post by: Garxena, May 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
    Elena held her brother's hand as the two of them trekked to what they thought to be a good enough hiding place. Of the two, Elena was the more nervous. She'd never done anything like this, and the prospect of a new terrain unsettled her more. Elijah squeezed her hand in reassurance. In a soft voice, he asked, "Can you find anyone?"
    Elena extended her free hand and sent out a very gentle wind, one that would seem natural to most people. "Trees, bushes, rocks... They must be in or behind the terrain. Sorry."
    "Don't worry about it," Elijah replied. "We'll just have to settle for finding them the old fashion way."
    "Good luck with that," Elena smiled. She could listen for the others, but Elijah would have to be the one to look for them.
    Post by: Garxena, May 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    I like the "FOR SURE" part. XD I'm ready to start whenever everyone else is. ^^
    Post by: Garxena, May 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena
    Interesting character! Can't wait to start this RP! =D
    Post by: Garxena, May 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
    I'm gonna PM you to keep LilBueno out of the loop. >XD

    Edit: Also, I just noticed a dumb mistake on my part. I put Barret in the intro to the story, but he's in Corel not Midgar. >> What a derp that was, huh? Suggestions for fixing it?
    Post by: Garxena, May 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    I've been thinking A LOT about this whole Zack thing lately. My heart and brain are going two different directions with this. I've figured out a way to keep Zack (THE BEST CHARACTER EVER CREATED) alive and still have the proper story continue with Cloud and all that jazz. But while I'd LOVE for that to happen, my brain is like, "Noez! You must do the real story! D<" So now that I'm all confused, you all get to decide!! Should Zack live or die?
    Post by: Garxena, May 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    Okeyday. Yeah, we're starting on pg 15 still. There's a gap between June and December where we can do our own snazz. :3 By the way, the OOC thread is up.
    Post by: Garxena, May 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    PM me with a preview post. It can be a scene from a game, movie, or OVA, or just something you create. I'd just like to see how you write him.
    Post by: Garxena, May 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Garxena
    Here's there OOC thread for the RP, Black Gold. Let the OOC discussions commence!
    Thread by: Garxena, May 19, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    Have you not watched Avatar: The Last Airbender? It was animated in Korea. And Avatar: The Legend of Korra is also being animated in Korea.
    Post by: Garxena, May 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Garxena
    Are you ready for the most epic Final Fantasy VII RP ever?! If you answered yes, you're in the right place! If you answered no... What's with your dilly-dallying?? Beginning in the year 0001, this thread will go all the way through 0010! Interested but have questions? PM me and I'll be glad to talk with you about it in more detail. =]

    OOC thread -->

    28 June 0001 @ 10am

    Rain, cold and thick, blasted down on everything it could and put up a fight to reach everywhere else. The miserable weather perfectly reflected the lost girl’s mood. Though her eyes were an unnatural blue, brighter than a clear sky, they were now dulled and glazed. The girl had Mako poisoning. She stumbled down the empty street; every sensible person had gone inside. The girl tripped over her own foot and feel into a puddle. She knelt there, rain pouring down on her, with no motivation to get back up.
    “What are you doing?â€
    The deep voice came from the man that now stood in front of the piteous girl. Distantly curious as to who was speaking to her, she raised only her eyes to investigate. The man was tall and muscularly large. His brown skin and deeper brown eyes were more attention-grabbing than his ripped, sleeveless vest and dark green pants. The girl gave no answer to his question.
    “Are you okay?â€
    There was that kind, strong voice of his again. It brought comfort to the girl. After all that had happened, she somehow felt like she could trust him. Maybe it was his build, maybe his hands, maybe his attention, maybe her own desperation. No; it was his voice.
    “No,†the word rasped from the fourteen year old girl’s mouth. She could barely speak, it was so difficult. The rain, still coming down mercilessly, nearly drowned out her feeble voice.
    “What happened to you?†To the girl’s surprise, the man crouched down to her level.
    “Can’t remem–…†the girl’s voice failed her. She wasn’t terribly upset about it; she felt like she was drained of all energy and couldn’t bother with emotions. She hung her head, too tired to hold it up any more.
    “My name is Barret Wallace, and I’m going to help you,†man introduced himself.
    “Rae,†the girl struggled to get her name out. Her electric blue eyes dropped to the puddle she was still kneeling in.
    “Alright, Rae,†Barret hoisted the girl off the ground and held her like one would hold a baby. “I know some good people who’ll get you back on your feet.†With no response from Rae, Barret just continued on, “AVALANCHE ain’t about to turn away someone like you.â€
    A small part of Rae wondered what AVALANCHE was and what Barret meant by someone like her. But she didn’t have the energy to think on it fully.

    1. Forum rules are to be followed
    2. Refer to timeline or me if you have question
    3. I am a grammar Nazi; I will bug you about your writing (like a total tosser). If you really have trouble, type up your posts in Word, fix them there, and then copy and paste them to the reply box in kh-vids.
    4. You do not need to have played all the games in the VII compilation (look to the timeline, FF’s wiki, or just ask me if you need to know about a game’s, movie’s, or OVA’s storyline)
    5. I will allow for 5 1 other OCs (excluding Turks at the bottom of the character list); first come first serve; PM your OC to me using the outline below the rules
    6. LilBueno is the cofounder of this. Snow Princess, Machina, and Bushy Brow are the SOLDIER to my presidency as Shinra. (... That means you've got to listen to them or they'll use deadly force.)
    7. If I see any “listen to this video/music before you read this post†things in ANYONE’S post, I reserve the right to stalk you down and slap you in the face. Hard. Just don’t do it. Kay? Good.
    8. This one should be obvious: type AVALANCHE and SOLDIER in caps (that’s how it is); the word “a†shouldn’t precede SOLDIER (ex: “Protect your honor as SOLDIER.†not “Protect your honor as a SOLDIER.â€)
    9. If you want the timeline I've created, you'll have to e-mail me at because a Word document cannot be an attachment on kh-vids. Just put "Black Gold timeline" as the subject of the e-mail.
    10. I'm not gonna be a freak about color coding characters for this thread since there are so many characters and so few colors. If you want to do it, go ahead, but make sure no one else is using the same color/font/format as you first.

    Age (use the timeline for help if you need it):
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers (reasonable; model other FF characters from other games if you absolutely cannot think of anything yourself):
    Appearance (picture, description, or both):

    Username: Garxena
    Name: Raelynn “Rae†Grace (nickname pronounced like Ray)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Bio/Personality: Raelynn was born in Kalm and now lives in Midgar with AVALANCHE. Four years ago, she was orphaned in the Kalm extermination and taken to be a part of Shinra’s Mako experiments. Believed to have been a failed subject, she was rejected by Shinra and left to fend for herself. She was a happy, bubbly, and extroverted girl before the cruel deletion of Kalm in 1997; now she is silent and mistrustful.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers: Foresight, tracking (sees visions through dreams, can induce visions if she has something someone owned/wore or touches them directly)
    Blue-white leggings under the dress and white, Converse-style shoes; her eyes are Mako-blue (not the purple in the picture)

    Username: Garxena
    Name: Caleigh Anama
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Bio/Personality: Born in 1975, she has grown to be strongly opposed to Shinra. A tactical member of AVALANCHE, she is tough on the outside, but is fond towards younger people. She lives in Sector 5, Midgar in a two story building; most of the AVALANCHE members who come to Midgar stay in her home to keep under the radar. She took up smoking at age 18 when she heard it would relieve stress.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers: A fairly good fist fighter; carries some knifes just in case.

    Username: Snow Princess
    Name: Lightning
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Bio/Personality: Born in 1982 in Gongaga, she and Zack became close friends quickly. The two spent many days together discussing SOLDIER and sharing their dreams of one day joining the elite group. Lightning is determined, concentrated and independent. Lightning's early solution to things that annoy or upset her is to distance herself, either emotionally or physically. In 1997, she left for Midgar with Zack; the two swore to each other that they’d reach SOLDIER 1st class together.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers: Gunblade

    Username: Snow Princess
    Name: Aveline (French for BIRD!)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Bio/Personality: Aveline grew up in Midgar, her entire family working for Shinra as far back as she could remember. Her mother was a receptionist at Shinra headquarters and her father, brothers, and cousins were all security guards and infantrymen in the army. She herself had been trained to do the same as the rest of her family before her, despite being the only girl.
    Aveline was a very quiet girl from childhood to her late teenage years, boyish in her own way, being raised with only men and a distant mother. When she wasn’t training, Aveline would read and research SOLDIER members and Shinra itself. With the help of her family’s deep ties, she could access materials others couldn’t usually get in the libraries. One member she found the most interesting was a man named Sephiroth. His details and past were something she could never figure out, and whenever she asked her family about him, she only heard the usual praise of his abilities as SOLDIER.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers: Typical fighting training in hand-to-hand combat, skilled in fighting with double daggers, trained by her father for 15 years and counting.

    Username: LilBueno (Red Robin) (Boy Wonder) (Shell Bullet) (Webhead)
    Name: Legas Storm/Legendary Turk/Death God of the Battlefield
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20 (That's a guess. I have no idea. Should I make him older?)
    Bio/Personality: Legas was born in Junon. He originally started out in an Anti-Shinra group. A few years ago, an arms dealer betrayed his group during negotiations and all of his comrades, including a little girl who was very special to him, died. Shortly after, he was recruited into the Turks (ironically part of the organization he fought against) by their leader Veld. Two years ago, in 1999, he was sent to rescue an arms dealer. He recognized him as the same arms dealer from before who betrayed him. When asked about it, the arms dealer denied it so Legas left him to die in a collapsing building. Because of this, he was put under house arrest by Shinra in Costa del Sol. He actually enjoys his punishment because it gives him time to get to know the women of the beach town. He was recently visited by Tseng for recruitment, being told about a new possible threat to Shinra. He refused to become a full-time member again and now acts as a freelancer for Shinra instead of a Turk, though he still operates like one due to being one in the past.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers: Unlimited supply of bombs that come out of his sleeves! (I couldn't think of what else to say xD) He's able to chain the bombs to each other. He's also able to use timed bombs and can control their detonation with his gloves. He's extremely agile and quick, able to make it across battlefields in short amounts of time throwing bombs everywhere and strong enough to survive if a bomb blows up too close to his body. He really is a Death God of Battlefields.

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Lent Mitsuri
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Bio/Personality: A young teen from the Midgar Slums who was scouted and signed up for the Soldier Programme.
    He has shown some astonishingly quick progress and has risen to SOLDIER; Second Class.
    He uses moves of the fire variety, however... his flames are for some reason Black in colour.
    Because of this strange turn of events and his amazing potential, he has been assigned to train under Lightning.
    He is a bit more laid back than his new instructor and takes things at his own pace, be warned though... he can be hot-headed and also get pissed off rather easily. He also doesn't know when he should back down. He has no idea 'nor could he even care about why his flames are a different colour.
    • Weapon:
    • 'Zemetsuguri'. A Merge Blade - (Two average size swords that can be merged together to make one big blade, roughly the size of the Buster Sword once merged.)
    • Limit Break: Black Nova Blitz - An improvised move of his own creation. Instead of surrounding his opponent in rings of fire, Lent releases multiple slashes of black fire towards his opponent coating them in a wave of black flames. He then charges forwards delivering multiple slashes empowered by channelling his black flames into the blade(s). He then quickly backs away and clicks his fingers causing the fire around his opponent to create a huge explosion.
    • Other: As well as the regular SOLDIER like talents, he is able to use his Black Fire abilities anytime, regardless of whether he has a fire type Materia with him or not.
    Wears the normal Soldier outfit.

    Username: Protecter212
    Name: Leonhardt Miyahara
    Gender: Male
    Age (use the timeline for help if you need it): 19
    Bio/Personality: A young adult who was born in Junon’s lower level, growing up in a loving environment with his parents taking whatever knowledge he would grab at the time and trained under his father, a retired travelling swordsman as Leo grown older and heard the stories of Shinra and the SOLIDER’s such as First Class Sephiroth which the most known at the time but after arriving in Midgar, the SOLDIER program had already ended and he had little to no money to to return back home so he decided to wander around Sector 7 and with his last few Gil, paid for a drink at a bar until he was approached with an offer from a man to join AVALANCHE to get some pay from it.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers (reasonable; model other FF characters from other games if you absolutely cannot think of anything yourself): Skilled swordsmanship, he is reasonably muscular but able to become light on his feet and leap far distances sicne he initally trained to become a SOLIDER.
    Appearance (picture, description, or both):

    Username: Tana Panda
    Name: Vance Valentino
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Biography/Personality: Vance is an ex-SOLDIER member, First Class. He worked for Shinra for a long time to support his family, a wife and child. Through a series of events (to be revealed later) Vance finds himself not wanting anything to do with SOLDIER anymore; in fact, he has a lot of hatred toward Shinra: they are the reason his wife and child are now dead.
    Using the skills he was taught in SOLDIER, Vance was able to fake his own death; he staged an explosion in a Mako reactor, placing another body in his place. He hoped that it would be enough to fool Shinra and not have them follow him; Vance was heartbroken, and he had no reason to live among people anymore, let alone as SOLDIER.
    Fleeing from all the main continents of the world, Vance finds a new, isolated, empty home on an island with one cave in the center of it. This was the perfect place for him to use to hide himself from the world. At the back of his new home is a mysterious pool of Mako energy, with a small piece of Materia in the middle; Vance doesn’t bother to touch it, though. The ex-SOLDIER stays here, biding his time, trying to find a reason to keep on living, leave his cave, and get revenge on those that ruined his life.
    Weapons/Abilities/Powers (reasonable; model other FF characters from other
    games if you absolutely cannot think of anything yourself): Two blades for combat; one is a Katana, the other a short-sword. These were his weapons in SOLDIER and the only blades he still possesses for fighting.

    VII COMPILATION’S CHARACTERS (in order of timeline appearance; crossed characters are deceased at our starting point, underlined characters are taken):
    Professor Hojo:
    Lucrecia Crescent:
    Vincent Valentine: Bushy Brow
    Grimoire Valentine:
    Nanaki (Red XIII): Snow Princess
    Professor Gast Faremis:
    Cid Highwind:
    Reeve Tuesti:
    Barret Wallace: Bushy Brow
    Dr. Hollander:
    Genesis Rhapsodos: Terra/Prince/Machina
    Angeal Hewley:
    Gillian Hewley:

    Sephiroth: Snow Princess
    Rude: LilBueno/Red Robin/Boy Wonder/Shell Bullet/Webhead
    Reno: LilBueno/Red Robin/Boy Wonder/Shell Bullet/Webhead
    Rufus Shinra:
    Zack Fair: Terra/Prince/Machina
    Aerith Gainsborough:
    Shalua Rui:
    Cloud Strife: LilBueno/Red Robin/Boy Wonder/Shell Bullet/Webhead
    Tifa Lockhart: Snow Princess
    Shelke Rui:
    Yuffie Kisaragi: Bushy Brow
    Godo Kisaragi:
    Elmyra Gainsborough:
    President Shinra:
    Legendary Turk (Death God of the Battle Field): LilBueno/Red Robin/Boy Wonder/Shell Bullet/Webhead
    Elfé: (scrapped character)
    Professor Rayleigh:
    Angeal Copy:
    Cait Sith:
    Minerva (Goddess of the Planet): Garxena (because I sense this will be abused...)
    Don Corneo:
    Mr. Coates:
    sprothe: Terra
    clod: Bueno

    Create your own Turk! (initiated in BC; use the OC format)
    Rod Turk:
    Gun Turk:
    Two Guns Turk:
    Shotgun Turk:
    Martial Arts (male) Turk:
    Martial Arts (female) Turk:
    Katana Turk:
    Thread by: Garxena, May 18, 2011, 191 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena
    It's later in the week. ^~ lol
    Post by: Garxena, May 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home