Honestly, I'm quite upset with the way things are going on this site right now. >[ And I'm happily surprised to see you back. ^^
I've noticed that too! I tried joining RPs of other people that I didn't know too well but they didn't work out very well, sadly. But the reasons...
Even though the Creativity Corner gets neglected, at least the Current Event section gets some attention. I don't look on Yahoo or anything very...
Oh right, nominating. XD I got so excited! lol I never did this before because it seemed that no one cared (just the same couple of people all the...
I have nothing to do right now (just fixing up my Roxas cosplay), so I'm gonna get to voting! : D
Thinking about dropping out of this thread. Thought I'd mention it before it started. It just seems to me that the more I join other people's threads, the more my own get ignored.
Where exactly do I send the nominations to? I've been on this site for four years and I've still not been involved with the KHV Awards. XD
I have to say I'm only slightly let down by this (only because I was expecting some other work of literature). The possibilities of what the "extra information" could be are keeping my attention rapt. But, at the same time, I puzzled over what she meant by saying that we were now an important part of the story. Does that mean we, the reader, are actually going to make decisions that lead the story another way? Or does it mean that we can insert ourselves into the story? Or is it simply just a roundabout way of saying that she wouldn't have been able to do this without us? Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to October ever more than before!
You two can fight to the death over him. I'll get the popcorn. XD
Really? 'Cause all this time I thought you were the source of the DBEs. >3
My brother just got back from work and brought me home two of them. XD And this is why I love him.
I trust that Link wouldn't attack me. ... He'd save me from monsters, sweep me up on his horse, ride with me into the sunset, and forget all about that lame Zelda chick. :3
"Call me Anemos," Elijah replied. He'd stopped dead in his tracks. He knew he was in over his head -- he'd known that from the first hit he'd taken -- but he wasn't about to back down. He was outmatched physically, and only had Elena's smarts to keep him one step ahead of Wolfman. He kept his mouth shut about Elena; the longer she could stay hidden the better. "But, you know, little doggy," He widened his stance, one hand raised and one hand lowered to the side to signal to Elena that he needed her help. "You're the one who's in trouble here." Elena spotted her brother's sign instantly. He wants to try that? He's stupid! We can't control it well enough yet! Before she was able to protest silently or otherwise, Elijah began to swirl the air around him. Elena copied his motion to stable the growing winds. With an opponent as large as Wolfman, they'd need a lot of gale forces to lift him into the air, and much more to spin him. She pushed harder to add to Elijah's growing mini-tornado. We're gonna mess it up again. I can't keep up with him!
I'M BACK! Since I thought of nothing but Disney while I was away, I've still got to think of a villain and fixing Terra's bio a bit. But my brain is totally fried right now... sooooo... I'll do it over the weekend or Monday (Monday for sure).
“Have you looked in a mirror recently?” Caleigh raised an eyebrow. “You’ve got some of the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.” Rae still didn’t look at her. Why would her eyes be blue now when they’d been brown the rest of her life? Her headache worsened. Bright lights invaded Rae’s vision; warm air made her half-conscious self uncomfortable. A cryptic voice spoke, “She’s interesting. Use plenty of Mako with this one.” What was that? Some distant memory coming back? Rae kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to say anything to Caleigh or Barret about whatever had just happened. Who had spoken? And what did Mako have to do with her? Mako was what they used in SOLDIER, wasn’t it? She didn’t know much because her parents never liked to talk about it very much. “Don’t fret over now,” Caleigh tried to appease. She saw that she’d upset Rae somehow. She finished putting together Rae’s sandwich and brought it to the table on a simple, white plate. “Go ahead and eat.” Kindly, she placed her hand on Rae’s shoulder. The girl’s eyes glazed over as if she were sleeping with her eyes open. “I’ll bet you two boxes of cigs that this plan blows,” Caleigh told Barret. “No way does Chelsea have the balls to pull it off.” “You’re about to lose two boxes of cigs then, Inky,” Barret replied. “Don’t call me that,” Caleigh retorted, placing a hand on her tattoo. “You couldn’t have come up with something more original?” Rae blinked repeatedly after Caleigh took her hand off her shoulder. Rae wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball at this point. What was happening to her? What was she seeing?
I claim Terra (think she should be a rogue) and Kid Flash (is he still buddies with Robin?)!! =D Still thinking of a villain....
"You wish!" Elijah replied confidently. No time to think of any plan now; going in head-first was just gonna have to work. He charged forward, feeling the disapproving look that his sister was giving him, and swung his arms out to the side, creating two powerful gusts. If he could hit Wolfman with both of them, he might be able to get in close enough to land a punch or two. It wasn't his strong suite, but it would have to do.
Rae’s stomach grumbled. How long had it been since she’d eaten? Her unnaturally blue eyes looked up at Caleigh. “Hungry? Okay, I’ll whip ya up something. What do you like?” Caleigh got no response. She stood up from the table and rubbed her hands together. “I’ll just make a little of everything and you can pick what you want. Does that sound good?” With still no answer from Rae, she sauntered into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. “’Kay… I guess I need to get some more food. I wasn’t planning on having anyone over until Chelsea got here. That’s fine; I can still make you a sandwich at the least.” Rae’s eyes looked back to the door. She could still hear the rain pouring outside. As much as she wanted to think further on her situation, it hurt her head too much to do so. She looked back to the floor and listened to Caleigh talk as she made Rae something to eat. “You know, your eyes are so blue,” Caleigh began casually, crunching her cigarette on a plate full of others on the kitchen counter. She got out some bread and went back to the fridge to look for something to make the sandwich out of. “They remind me of the eyes those SOLDIER creeps have. Your mom or dad have blue eyes like that?” “My eyes are brown,” Rae managed to respond, confused. She already had an awkward first impression of Caleigh but now she had the thought that maybe the woman had had one too many cigarettes. OOC: My Zack! D< You can have the icky Sephiroth.
"Did she say Kalm?" Caleigh hurried back over to Barret and Rae. They both remained quiet. “Well, come on! Get her to say more!†“No more for now,†Barret stood up and looked sternly at Caleigh. His eyes flickered to Rae but then focused back on Caleigh. “Let the girl be.†“What the hell are you talking about?†Caleigh snapped. “She could give us answers about what happened that day! We all know Shinra’s responsible for what happened. This girl survived the fire-bombing! She –†“Fire-bombing?†Rae croaked, straightened herself in her chair. It couldn’t be. That was impossible. What did Caleigh mean by “survived?†What happened to others? To her parents? Rae suddenly got dizzy, her head pounding from all the confusion. “Take it easy,†Barret tried to calm Rae. To Caleigh, he said, “Stay here with her. I’m going to call Chelsea.†Before Caleigh or Rae could say another word, Barret walked to the counter, picked up the phone, dialed, and walked to another room to which he promptly shut the door. Rae lowered her eyes to the floor, thinking the solidity of it would quell her dizziness; she was wrong. Now everything sounded fuzzy; whatever Caleigh had just said to her didn’t register. “Hey,†Caleigh sat down next to Rae at the table. She spoke more collectively than she had only a moment ago with Barret. The poor girl next to her evoked a pity the woman had never felt. She had so many questions to ask, but those could wait until the girl was feeling better. “Look, you don’t have to stress about answering me. I just wanted to say that you can stay here as long as you need. Don’t go telling Barret I’m soft though!†She smiled. The best thing she could do now was to reassure Rae that she was safe.
"What the --?!" Elijah skid backwards from the force of Wolfman's attack. He probably would have been on his back if Elena hadn't supported him with a cushion of air. He scrambled to think of a new strategy; attacking head-on obviously wasn't going to work. If he and Elena were both out in the open, would that be better? Or would it be more dangerous? Elena couldn't see Wolfman's attack; her being on the ground with Elijah would just be more trouble. But Elena's use of her powers was more appropriate for the situation. Elijah frowned, still puzzling over what to do. What hit him? Elena lowered her hands, glad she had supported her brother but confused as to why she'd needed to. Whatever it was, it wasn't solid. I'd be able to see it if it was. A small breeze came from her when she reached out her hand to try to get a better picture of their opponent.