Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball. They're all absolutely ridiculous and funny! And they never make any sense! If you...
But at least there are some other funny shows on now too! That's it. No more Spanish for you! XD
I love Cheese! And I miss that show... T~T He needs to stop having a life!! D<
He'll be all like "Whuuut?" And then we'll be like "Do it now!!" And if he disagrees, we'll beat him with a carrot. See? It's not your fault, it's...
She won't be for long. I've got epic plans for her! Bueno has no choice in the matter! >D Noooo! You must blame it on other people!
I wonder who will keep these two in check? XD The funny thing is it's usually not the RP maker's fault that their thread dies; it's the fault of...
I can just see them chasing each other all over the place at lightning speeds. XD "Love meee!" "Neveeer!!" He posted in his Pokemon thread not too...
Ohmahgwash, this'll be great! XD We can be the comic relief! If I remember correctly, I think Bueno said all the major villains are dead, so I...
Nah, I kinda like that idea. It's interesting, and I don't think anyone else is doing that. (Plus, we all know how Wally likes to hit on the...
Just read Jesse's bio. How could I have forgotten her? >< Looks like Wally is all grown up at that point though. Editing will be needed! We could...
(You're my 3001st VM! : D) I just love Wally as Kid Flash! I wasn't too into the Flashes before Teen Titans and Young Justice on Cartoon Network...
That's another thing that's got me still contemplating this thread. It's not that I can't write a villain, I've done it before, I just can't find...
It's 12:55 where I am. lol I should be in bed now too, but I don't want to walk up the stairs to get into my bed... I'll give some more thought to...
I change my plan then! I'm going to get a degree in physics and become an elementary school teacher! :3 I'd give it to you, but I don't think it...
I know I'm going to major in theatre, but I thought I'd look into some business classes as well. Everyone I've talked to has said that a business...
Oooh! Texas is where I'm planning to be in the next couple of years! Huston or Dallas, or somewhere near one of the two. I'm waiting to college to...
In a moment of pride and arrogance, Anemos still tried to push through with the mini-tornado attack. But the winds, despite their strength, were too weak to lift Wolfman away from Anemos. "Move!" Elena yelled to her brother. She broke off her effect on their sorely imperfect attack and jumped from her hiding place. Using a burst of wind behind herself to give her more speed, she took Wolfman's attack on her shoulder and hit the ground hard. "Thyella!" The winds created by the twins vanished as though they were just a summer breeze. Anemos hurriedly hoisted his sister up onto her feet. He extended his hand toward Wolfman; it looked like a simple stop sign, but he'd actually thickened the air between them so much that it was like a brick wall separated them now. "You're such an idiot." Dizzy, Thyella's air-vision was thrown off. She dropped it completely and reached out until her hand was solidly on Anemos' chest. "You're the idiot for even trying that move," She retorted. "Can you see?" Anemos asked quietly. His protective-big-brother side didn't want Wolfman to know his sister was blind. "Not right now," was her soft reply. She never completely understood her brother's want to hide her blindness, but she never questioned it either.
I don't want to charge anyone to join! D= lol Joking aside, though, I wanted this HP RP (<-- haha!) to take place long after the end of the books....
Well, things can always get worse. But I somehow manage to find something to complain about all the time. lol The bitter-sweet news is that my doc...
Okay! I invited you. ^^ With the whole thing that happened with Pottermore, I have a better feeling about the HP idea now.