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  1. Garxena
  2. Garxena
  3. Garxena
  4. Garxena
    I can change Kyle's temperament if ya'd like. Having a bunch of people who are willing to fight might cause a lot of problems. Unless! Unless they are buds and therefore wouldn't want to fight each other. It could be something known as group polarity or group-think in psychology. It's a cool effect where people who hang out together a lot act like each other or adopt the same kind of personality. But that could have downsides to the story as well. I think it'd be best if not everyone knew each other. Maybe a couple, but not all of them.

    EDIT: Then again, it could be frickin' hilarious to watch them fight all the time! And then slowly grow to accept each other. Now I've got ideas scrambling around in mah brain!
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Archives
  5. Garxena
  6. Garxena
  7. Garxena
  8. Garxena
  9. Garxena
  10. Garxena
    ALL DONE! :D Yay for gender changes!

    • What is his/her name: Kyle Ferryar (KF to his friends)
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 18
    • Half Species Type: Faerie
    • Height: 5 foot 3 inches
    • Body shape: Almost rectangular, but defined.
    • Hair color, skin color, eye color: Red-brown hair, layered but not too long; tanned Caucasian; dark green eyes
    • Typical outfit they wear: Long, navy blue jeans with yellow-gold lightning design down left leg. Black converse shoes. Dark red T-shirt.
    • Moral views: Murder is wrong, unless under desperate circumstances; I-will-punch-your-f-ing-face-if-you-get-on-my-nerves (he has no issues getting into fights).
    • Basic personality: Edgy and fun but only around those he’s closest to. He has a hot temper but is pretty good at keeping it under control.
    • Favorite Saying: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the actions you take in spite of your fear.”
    • Do they or do not have a job? What kind if so?: Yes; works at a video game store.
    • Method of transportation: His car or bike depending on weather.
    • Favorite genre of music: Pop
    • Their theme song: Raise Your Glass by P!nk
    • Favorite place to be: Arcade
    • Goals for the present: Find out who he is, and in the process, who killed his mother.
    • Long-range goal: Master his abilities and find a purpose for them – a purpose for him having them.
    • Do they go to middle school/high school?: Just graduated high school
    • What kind of place do they live in?: Apartment
    • Any kind of pet? What kind if so?: Yes; shiba inu
    • Favorite foods: Miso soup and pizza
    • What is their financial situation?: Middle class
    • Hobby: Video games, reading, martial arts, meditation
    • Normal Skill: Very good at tactical video games and puzzle-solving video games; can hold his breath under water for a full minute.
    • Supernatural abilities: Levitation (not flight); aerokinesis (with reasonable limitations); invisibility
    • Favorite book and/or last-read book: The Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce
    • What is the bedroom like?: Messy, but an organized mess
    • Parents?: None now
    • Fears: Snakes
    • Other things that weren’t covered here: Kyle happily grew up with his mother as any other single-parented child would. But when he hit 13, he started to notice that he was different from the other kids at his school and his friends. His mother tried to explain things to him but Kyle, disturbed by what his mother was saying, denied everything. His relationship with his mother suffered greatly for it. When he was 16, he got his first job working for a video game store (a job he still has today). He enjoys video games because they explore different worlds and characters; and he subconsciously is trying to find something to relate to. When he was 17, his mother was killed in a car accident by what police told him was a drunk driver. That’s when Kyle finally decided to believe what his mother had told him: he was genetically engineered, and he was part faerie.
    Post by: Garxena, Jun 24, 2011 in forum: Archives
  11. Garxena
    Profile Post

    He's gonna be a BAMF!

    He's gonna be a BAMF!
    Profile Post by Garxena for Maka Albarn, Jun 24, 2011
  12. Garxena
  13. Garxena
  14. Garxena
  15. Garxena
  16. Garxena
  17. Garxena
  18. Garxena
  19. Garxena
  20. Garxena