This is not a cry for attention; it’s a message for help. I don’t even know how to begin this. It’s too long of a story for me to even condense down because this has been going on for quite a while. A lot of you guys know that I was admitted into the hospital all of Thanksgiving week, right? Well, apparently we believed my heart condition was getting worse and it’s about time for a transplant. We came up to Phoenix this past December but there were no surgical consults at the time (probably on vacation). Well, I met with them yesterday. It’ll be a lot of paper work and planning, but if I do get accepted by a hospital for a transplant, I basically have to pack up my things and move near the hospital. The doctors explained to me exactly what it was going to be like. Once I get my procedure and have a healthy heart, I’m going to feel better than ever. I can do stuff and I could never think of doing before! Still, it’s a big commitment for me to make. I’m going to be given a number of medicines to keep my immune system down. If I don’t take it after the transplant, the antibodies will attack the heart and my body will start rejecting it. Because my immune system will be down, I can’t be around sick people. I couldn’t take the risk of getting an infection and possibly die. There are tons of other risks that I can’t remember. I would be more susceptible to cancer, which scared me. I had trouble sleeping last night; not going to bed until very late and waking up every half hour or so. I’ll also have to change my dietary habits now so it wouldn’t be as bad when I have my new heart. Less cokes, no sugar/salt, zero junk food. Just fruits, veggies, water, and chicken. I’ve already decided to go through with it, no matter what. I’ll have to become mentally tough and my life is virtually changing tonight. My parents can’t see it, but I’m scared to death of everything that’s around me now. I do get some peace though, mostly because of this site (surprisingly). I guess the point of all this rambling is that I need some help KHV! Some words of encouragement, prayers, or something like that. I may seem stable now, but I think I’m about to lose my mind. I want to do this; I want to get better and be me as long as I can. This small family of ours actually is sometimes the one thing that keeps me going. I finally want to thank everyone who’s sent me good wishes thus far. It’s been a rough few months and it’s not going to get better. Especially an awesome young lady who’s always got the right thing to say to me. :lolface:
L has the most simple cosplay costume, but get the most fangirls at any convention. Seriously, I must've been asked for pictures countless times and I know that I was "sneak-hugged" at least twice. Fangirls, I love you and I hate you (the obsessivly Yaoi-fans anyway), but you may want to calm down for a minute.
This sentence is false.
And only you can solve it! Okay, so Monica Rial is going to be coming to a local anime con this weekend. There's going to be two autograph pannels but I'm most likely only going to make it to one of them. We are instructed to only bring one thing for her to sign (besides our programs) in order for everyone to meet her. My problem is, what should I bring! This is where you come in KHV! Should I have her sign: Soul Eater Volume 2 Manga (It has Tsubaki on the cover) Soul Eater Playing Card (Tsubaki on the 4 of Clubs) My Bride is a Mermaid Volume 1, Disk 2 cover (Maki is on the cover). I know that this is probably a very useless problem, but I'm bored and need an idea.
I was just informed that today is the birthday of Utada Hikaru and Edgar Allen Poe. ... Once upon a midnight dreary while I ponder weak and wearly, please, oh baby, don't go! Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight! It's hard to let it go. Only this, and nothing more.
Freud's theories. When you can legally talk about the science of pedophillia. On a side note, still no cure for cancer.
The idea behind this anime is about as straight foward as the title. Young Nagasumi almost drowns while he is visiting his grandmother for summer vacation. Luckily, he is saved by a beautiful young lady. It turns out that the girl, Sun, is a not only a mermaid but the daughter of a Yakuza boss (Yakuza is the Japanese equivalent of the Mafia). According to mermaid law, if the mermaid is seen by a human, that mermaid must die. Sun's father doesn't think that's right, so he decides to want to kill Nagasumi instead. However, it is revealed that neither of them have to die if Nagasumi decides to marry Sun. It's hard to put this in a particular genre. It has a lot of shojo rom-com elements but it also has a lot of shonen pieces put in as well. At the beginning, it seems to be just like any normal comedy about a disfunctional romantic love. It is a very fun anime to watch; it's well thought out and the art looks amazing. I really like the voice acting for this one too. The Japanese dub is really worth a watch. However, I really prefer the English dub. The voices seem to match the characters more in my head and it seems a lot more over the top in english, which is something that this anime should have. Thoughts?
This story is kind of based on a theory that I have about what will happen in the Kingdom Hearts universe. I can't really put my idea into words, and I felt that even if it wasn't where the story was going, it would make a pretty decent fanfic. I also need an outlet for when I'm stuck on my bigger writing project. It wil also keep my mind off of other things that are happening in my life. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FANFICTION MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS TO ALL THE KINGDOM HEARTS GAMES. THIS INCLUDES 1, CHAIN OF MEMORIES, 2, 358/2 DAYS, BIRTH BY SLEEP, AND RE:CODED! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED, TURN AWAY NOW. Dedication: Too all of those on KH-Vids who've helped me keep my sanity of the past few weeks. Slaughtermatic, DPWolf, Twilight_Nobody13, P, Stardust, Spunk Ransom :), Terra, Fearless, Misty, MaM_1, Jayn, Sakura Angel, and the others who I have thanked in the past and in the near future. Kingdom Hearts: Let the Finale Begin! by tummer Part One: Awakening “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.†– Matthew 5:15 Prologue: Inside the Realm of Darkness, two beings have crossed paths. One of the beings had recently been deceased while the other had been gone for quite some time. The newer being wore a dark coat while the other appeared to be in old age. Despite many of their differeing features, they were one in the same person. “I see that you have failed as well,†the one who called himself Xehanort said, almost mocking the other. “You wouldn’t have needed me if you had done your job in the first place,†the black coated figured named Xemnas returned. “This was your entire plan to begin with.†“Patience,†Xehanort ordered. “In the end, we will both get what we want. I will have my youthful body again while you will have your heart.†Xemnas wanted to smile. For as long as he remembered, the one thing that he would die for was a heart. Since he was now in the vast Realm of Darkness, he would have been forever curse without feeling. He was a Nobody, someone who wasn’t able to feel. It didn’t feel like a coincidence that he ran into who he use to be in this large space. “If we join once again,†Xemnas started, “does this mean that he will return?†Xehanort let out a cool laugh. “I had almost forgotten about him. Yes, he will return to hinder our progress, but the darkness will take care of him, just like before.†It had been much more than ten years since Xehanort took the body and soul of a young Keyblade Master. Ever since then, the soul of that young man had fought to keep the darkness from spreading. At some point though, the darkness had become too much for the young man’s soul to handle and that once strong voice became deathly silent. At that moment, Xehanort’s heart was ripped in two: A dark being that went by the alias “Ansem†and the Nobody named Xemnas. “One more question,†Xemnas added, “when you and I join as one, does this mean that you and I can wield a Keyblade?†“We will be too weak because of him,†Xehanort explained in a bitter voice. “However, his mere presence will bring about some kind of Key. Once we’re strong enough, we’ll forge our own Keyblade of Darkness. Once that’s done, we’ll find ourselves a new Wielder, one from which we can extract pure light and pure darkness.†“Once entities of pure light and pure darkness lock in combat, the true x-blade will be crafted. We’ll use that blade to unlock Kingdom Hearts.†Xemnas’s body began to glow as he spoke. Their souls were beginning to form back into one. “Why not just find a Wielder of Darkness instead?†This was the first time Xehanort was puzzled. “What is your plan Xemnas?†No other dialogue was spoken between the two beings. Both Xemnas and Xehanort were one whole being now. The heart had once again found its proper vessel. There lied only one, dark presence in the area now. Although his hair was gray, the standing man was filled with youth. He looked weak, but he began to chuckle. All of Xemnas’s thoughts and memories had poured into Xehanort’s mind. His initial thought: the plan into crafting the perfect x-blade to unlock the true Kingdom Hearts. Even in his weak and vulnerable state, Xehanort couldn’t help but feel like he had already won against his adversaries. “Looks like cruel irony has chosen you to be my x-Blade,†Xehanort mutered to himself. “It looks like I’d better get to work.†Chapter One: COMMING SOON! Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading! -tummer
One of the most popular songs to come out of 2010 was Cee Lo Green's "F*ck You". On the surface, it appears to be a simple song about one man who sees the love of his life around some other man. Seeing such a thing would cause any man to lash out in anger, whether it be yelling or just swearing at the two of them. However, when Cee Lo Green appeared on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, he admitted to not have had this kind of experience. So, what is the true meaning of the song. In fact, it sounds like an anthum to the rest of the world. It's like a letter from America, telling the rest of the world that they need to calm down. The first part of the song is obviously to England. "I see you driving around town with the girl I love and I"m like f--k you!" Obviously, this is an allusion to the days before the American Revolution. The girl represents Lady Librety, which is symbolsm for freedom. The higher ups in the English Government back then kept freedom (in this case, soverinty) from the people who lived overseas. The second main verse is obviously the money problem with China. "Now I know, I had to borrow; begging, stealing, lying, cheat. Trying to keep you, trying to please you, because being in love with your ass ain't cheap." It is clear that the United States are in financial trouble with China, racking up a huge debt because of our overseas exporting. The United States needs to keep a good relationship with China, but having it does not come cheap. And this is al complete BS. What I just did is a form of rhetorical analysis, which wasn't too hard to come up with. The fact is that you can find symbolism in almost anything in the media (songs, poems, novels, etc.). Just because I can find something in a song or a book doesn't nessesarly mean that it is there. It just means that I have a rather strange way of making connections between one thing to another. Remember, just because you can find something doesn't mean that it is there. The aurthor may have made the connection by mistake or didn't intend for it to be that way. This was done just because I'm home alone and have nothing else to do. The Game.
This is more or less my interpretation of what happens in the Kingdom Hearts series regarding Heartless, Nobodies, etc. WARNING: THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS TO KINGDOM HEARTS, KINGDOM HEARTS 2, KINGDOM HEARTS: CHAIN OF MEMORIES, KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 DAYS, AND KINGDOM HEARTS: BIRTH BY SLEEP! There is one question that has bugged players of the Kingdom Hearts series ever since the first game was released. After Sora releases Kairi's heart from his own body, he becomes a heartless. We all know that whenever someone with a strong heart goes to the darkenss, the create a heartless and a nobody. This is true in the case of Sora, in which he created both a Heartless and a Nobody. However, some have wondered why Sora's Heartless was a Shadow, the lowest of the low when you're talking about Heartless. Some wonder exactly why his Heartless was weak. I see it this way, it's not the stegth of the heart that determines the Heartless that you are (also, remember that many of the stronger heartless are Emblemed Heartless). What creates a Heartless is the strength of darkness that is in ones heart. The stength of your heart alone determines the kind of Nobody someone is. Here's a good example: Look at Xehanort (after the events of Birth by Sleep). At some point between those ten years, Xehanort gave in to the darkness that was in his heart, creating a Heartless and a Nobody. There was a great amount of darkness that filled his heart, giving him a very powerful Heartless. Xehanort's heart was also very stong, which is why Xemnas was created in the process. Using the same idea with Sora, his heart was very storng. That is why Roxas was able to wield the Keyblade and become a part of Organization XIII. However, we also know that Sora was a very kind person who cared very much about his friends. He had little darkness inside his heart, which means that when he became a heartless, there had to be an equal manifestation of his darkness. This also makes sense to why I think (again, this is just what I think) Kairi didn't have a heartless. She's a Princess of Heart, meaning that not an ounce of darkness was found inside her heart. Namine, her Nobody, was obviously created from this, but she never became a heartless. No darkness means that there is no Heartless to create. It's just one theory of this entire situation. tl;dr? Law of Conservation of Mass: What you put in in is what you get out. Amount of darkness in your heart equals how strong your Heartless is.
[video=youtube;Ye39mgcHC3E][/video] ;-;
A robber breaks into an empty house dressed in a Santa costume. He searches for the family's tree and finds it in the middle of the living room. As he approaches the tree, he hears a strange voice. "Jesus is watching you". The robber stops for a second and decided that it was his imagination. He grabs a couple of the bigger boxes and shoves them into his bag and hears the voice again. "Jesus is watching you." "Who are you," The man asked as he turned around, slightly frightened. He stopped what he was doing and truned to the voice. "My name is Moses," The voice said. "Jesus is watching you and he's not happy." Frightened, the robber turned on the living room lights. He was able to find the source of the voice. It was a parrot in a cage, staring at him. On top of the cage read "Moses". The man laughed, thinking about how rediculous he was. He continues to shove a number of gifts into his bag. The parrot continues to say "Jesus is watching you". Then, the man stopped. He heard what sounded like a growl. It wasn't a noise that the parrot could make. He turned around and saw a fully grown rottweiler, glaring his teeth to the man. The man then turned to look at the parrot. "Get him, Jesus."
This is an idea that I've had for some time now. It is obvious that we beleive in God, but I feel that this group isn't being used to its full potential yet. This was going to start out as its own group, but the KHV server wouldn't allow me to delete any old, unused groups I had. So, I decided to post this here as an extention to the user group. This is being posted on a Tuesday night, however, regular posting will be on Wedensdays or Fridays at the absolute latest. I'm seeing this as a demo devotional, so it's going to go on for about five weeks. If it goes well, many more devotionals to different aspects of the game will be created. Introduction: Spoiler I love playing the Kingdom Hearts games, I’ll admit that. The storyline is well thought out and the characters are well developed. I am also a man of faith, someone who is in love with the living God. I won’t lie, I’m not a perfect Christian, but I am trying to be. In reality, there is no such thing as the perfect Christian (except for Jesus), but you can try to live that life. Take a look at Sora in the Kingdom Hearts games. He is the perfect example of an unfathomable fountain of love. He is only just a young boy when he has a run with destiny. When he travels around the world with his Keyblade, he encounters new friends and has a love for helping people. In the Sora Series, I will tell you not only about the love that God gives to us, but how we can spread a similar love. However, we will first discuss our destiny and how we should approach it. I ask that you do this devotional daily and look out for upcoming ones that are related to the gaming series. If you forget to do it one day, it’s no big deal. Remember, no one is perfect. At the end of each devotional, I will ask you a couple of questions. Please answer as truthfully as you can. Do not fear judgement or persecution. Also put down some prayer needs or requests. Week One: Destiny (12-7-10) Spoiler Sora never asked for the Keyblade to appear to him, or to go on an adventure that would cost him his life. If it were up to any other teenage boy, he would probably just chose to stay home and ignore what the worlds needed. Sora decided to act unselfishly about what was going on around him and hope that his destiny would lead him back to his friends. Along the way, he helped others when he could’ve just as easily ignored them and searched for the Keyhole. In this, Sora is similar to Jesus. Jesus went around preaching the Good News, but he also stopped to heal the sick and the weak. He could’ve just as easily passed them by and cover more ground. Jesus acted in an unselfish manor, even to his death. In the following passage, Jesus is praying to his Father on the night he knew he that Judas was going to turn him in. While reading the scripture, think about what it would be like if you were asked to die for someone else: Scripture: Luke 22: 39-44 39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.†41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.†43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Jesus was God, but he was also a man. We all have a belief that everything will work out for us, but we can still doubt God’s power. Still, Jesus knew that it was His destiny to die on the cross and forgive the sins of mankind. Sora knew that his own mission would be dangerous, but he still accepted it. Applying it to our own lives, many of us don’t understand our own destinies. Sometimes, we are faced with moments where we feel that we are powerless. When I went to the hospital during my Thanksgiving break, I was praying to God that I was tired of the pain and I wanted to be mended. I even asked if my heart condition could just be passed to someone else because I didn’t feel up to it. I was wrong though, because God doesn’t give us anything that we can’t handle. Whether or not, whatever happens is God’s decision. Jesus asked if God was “willing†to lift his burden, but he still obeyed God to the very end. In the end Jesus was rewarded for his faith and Sora was reunited with his friends. 1.Is your faith currently being tested that you just want it to pass? 2.Is it possible that your current tribulations may lead you to something better in life? As the week goes by, I want you to watch God work through your struggles. Know that God does not want you to suffer unjustly. It’s all about having faith. Week Two: Treasures (12-15-10) Spoiler One of the fun parts about the Kingdom Hearts games is collecting treasures that can aid you in battle. Have you ever thought how much time you spend on finding every last treasure chest, or obtaining everything to obtain the Ultimate Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 2. I know I’ve spent a lot of my time playing completing the game until I get bored and want to play the whole thing over again. However, when you decide to restart the game, all of those treasures don’t matter. If you start on Destiny Island, the first floor of Castle Oblivion, on Day One, or in Twilight Town, all of those treasures aren’t going to matter. I’m not saying it’s bad to collect these things, sometimes you need them to unlock secrets of the game, but it’s not really going to matter once you hit the “new game†button. Us as human beings are not blessed with a “new game†button though. We’re just given this one life and we have to make the most of it. One thing that you do need to survive in this world is money. Now, having a lot of money isn’t bad at all, but it is bad if it corrupts your soul. Money isn’t the root of all evil, but it can lay the foundation of those roots. In one of Jesus’s early preaching’s, he talks about what you should treasure in this world. Later on, he says something about what could happen if you treasure something else. Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24; Luke 8:36 19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 25 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? The main focus on this particular lesson is that you should treasure things that will grow your heart instead of you worth in earthly possessions. How many of us have a lot of DVD’s? More than one game system? An iPod? I have all of these things, but how many of us have something not of this earth that we can treasure. It could be your relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. The second scripture, the one from Luke, it is in context when Jesus is telling us about following him. He said that we must be willing to give up everything in order to follow him. They just took their clothes and nothing more. However, they were always provided for because they were his followers, even when it didn’t look like they would survive. Sora didn’t have much when he left to find his friends. However, the one thing he did treasure was his bond with Riku and Kairi. That’s not something you could put a dollar sign on. When he was taken from Destiny Island, he only had the Keyblade and his clothes. He even saved the worlds from darkness on more than one occasion, which could have probably made him a king or something greater. Sora didn’t want that though. In the end, all he wanted to do was to go home and be with his friends. 1.What do you treasure the most? 2.If Jesus came back today and asked you to follow him right then and there, giving everything else up, would you do it? 3.If you had no more money and lost everything with a price on it, how would you react? **NOTE**: All inserts of scripture in this devotional series is taken from the New International Version Bible. Source:
I just went through my collection of everything Japanese oreinted (games, manga, movies, etc.) and I decided to just calculate it all into how much I spent. Granted, I didn't buy all of these in the same are; some were bought at out of business sales, others at pawn shops, and just some stuff at conventions. I tried to keep that in mind when I did my calculations. It turns out that I have spent at least $526 on posters, video games, merchandise, anime, and a whole bunch of other stuff over the past 3 years! Man, I don't know if I should feel happy or depressed...
Granted, I wasn't the biggest fan of the anime and I only wathed it because we were viewing it in our anime club, but (yes, it contains spoilers) Spoiler Damn, what the hell kind of ending is that?! I mean, you were trying to build up for a great climax and we got this! At first, I thought this anime was going to just cop out and go with the whole "it was only a dream" cliche, but I went one step further. The damn boy's a demon. And what about LIzzy, does she live happily with Ciel in the end? Does she beleive that he's dead? Does he decide to turn her into a demon as well? Another thing, way to be with screwing over Sebastian with Ciel's soul. One of the club members summarized it right when he said that Ciel was a "Demon tease" by promising hims his soul and then turns out to not only never get to eat is soul but he still has to be his butler. Apparently you can kill demons, and I would be super pissed, so why doesn't Sebastian just kill him? And if you say because "He's one hell of a butler" I will stab you. [/end of rant]
I'm still stuck in the hospital (and at this point, I have no idea why) and I'm most likely going to be stuck another night. I'm gonna go insane! Give me some cool/funny things to do at the hospital! Help me KHV, you're my only hope.
If any of you kept up with my latest news. Just to let you know I am fine. The medicine appears to work, myfever is down, and the pains have stopped. If all is still going well, I should be home tomorrow for lunch (well, the dinner is lunch in my house) and to tel them that I'm okay. Surgery is still a possiblity, but it is not one right now. I've defenitly had a renewed looked on life and faith. Everyone, I want to thank you for the good wishes and prayers. After all, isn't that what Thanksgiving is all abou--(shot for being sappy). Thank you KH-Vids!
and they've finally allowed me to walk around the ICU for a bit, but that means they've unplugged everything from the machines. Apparently, the arm cuff is connected to a pump, and on the monitor it says "pump timeout". I read it as "Pimp timeout".
I just realized on how big of a part this forum has been on my life. I recently have started to write my letters to friends and family that will be delievered and distributed for after I die (just so I can have the final say on stuff and no, I'm not suicidal). I was thinking about who I would write letters for and I actually began to write my final message for KH-Vids, I couldn't bring myself to continue. I was remeber my life on this site and how much it's helped me through the rough times and many of the great people I am blessed to call my friends. It's hard to write a small goodbye to a lot of you mainly because I don't want to think about it. I can't imagine myself here one day, talking to one of you and the next day being gone. While I do wish to go to the magical place in the clouds, I realized just how much I love life on earth and want to continue on for a little bit longer. KHV is always there when I need a laugh and always there for when I need a pick me up. yeah, that's about it. You can continue with your spam now. :D
I finally realized who you remind me of. Because she says she's seventeen when everyone obviously knows better.