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  1. Scarred Nobody
    I"m going to sit down and watch Bridesmaids...
    No real interest in watching it; family rented it and stayed away from it. That is, until someone informed me that it was the worst movie they had ever seen. I hate myself so much right now.

    They say it's like The Hangover...didn't like that one much either...

    Enjoy my misery KHV.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 30, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Scarred Nobody


    An era ago, I would walk the Earth,
    smiling at those who needed one
    and held all my pain inside myself.
    No one was suppose to see the darkness I hid.
    It all was meant to be buried deep in my heart
    and be forced out in due course.
    My darkness was to be mine only to bare
    and to create myself callus to the world's
    attack on my very soul.
    I lived for others to smile, but to create fake my own.

    Then her soul crossed into mine.
    Another heart, also nearly broken.
    The Voice spoke into my ear,
    "She is important, be haste,
    give her what your heart desires for"
    Obedient, I have her companionship.
    She saw the beast within my heart,
    but she accepted the broken soul
    to her life as a friend. T'was how
    it all became clear, the Voice's words.

    Our passing lives were similar in grief
    but we judged not, and saw the person inside the other.
    One day, the goddess sank into despair
    and my destiny with her was made clear.
    That day, she was more important than all else
    and she forever will be that to these eyes.
    If to only have her companionship forever,
    my dying heart would slowly heal.
    Even now, it does surprise me
    that she agreed to have my soul to keep.

    Now I know that Heaven does exist
    for true love does not simply end in death.
    In her eyes, I can see a solemn peace.
    There's only us and this is
    the spark of our life, a new era.
    Our broken pieces are made into one.
    We are one soul, one worth fighting to keep solid.
    Through sickness or worse,
    my eternal companionship is always her.
    In her heart, I gladly belong.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 27, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Scarred Nobody


    Not Hufflepuff!! Anything but!! Please Mrs. Rowling; let me have a re-do!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 24, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Scarred Nobody
    Found out that they had a picture generator, where they had stills and quotes from the film.


    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 21, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Scarred Nobody
    Where's Lisa Lampanelli?!
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 20, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Scarred Nobody
    I would just like to tell you that I absolutely hate you for all the mentally scarring phrases and images that will follow me deep into my adulthood. You are the pure definition of "Cannot be unseen/unread". To make matters worse, this is for an internet class, meaning that if I want to pass this class, I have to actually read depth.

    Thanks for the memories,

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 19, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Scarred Nobody
    I told her she had to wait until she's older. I'm just looking out for my baby sister! ;_;
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 17, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Scarred Nobody

    Will you marry me?

    [all aboard the band-wagon!]
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 17, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Scarred Nobody
    I've been trying to delete one of my old groups that I don't use anymore. Every time I try though, it tells me I can't do it. Why? Or can one of the mods delete it?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 17, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Scarred Nobody
    Yes, I'm bored, and I have nothing else to do. Its just a small bit of an act that I've been thinking up in my head.

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 16, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Scarred Nobody
    Comedian Gabriel Iglesias will join the ranks of Daniel Tosh, Carlos Mencia, and Sarah Silverman and get his own television show on Comedy Central. The comedian, commonly known as by "Fluffy", has two hour long Central Specials already under his belt (and one old thirty-minute Comedy Central Presents special). The next step up is obviously television -- and Comedy Central has just done that. What is this show going to be called you may be asking? Gabriel Iglesias Presents: Stand-up Revolution. The new series will start at October 6, 2011 at 10 PM Eastern Time.


    I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Hopefully, it's not some other sketch comedy show, which will probably end up short-lived like Mind of Mencia, and the even-shorter lived Jeff Dunham show. The only successful sketch show on Comedy Central was The Chappelle Show, which ended for personal reasons for Dave Chappelle. Even at that, Chapelle Show had a different kind of humor than the other shows.

    From the title, I think it's going to be another spin-off of Comedy Central Presents, probably pitting two comedians against one another. That alone, is an alright idea.

    Off the top of my head, the two big shows staring comedians are Tosh.0 (Daniel Tosh) and The Sarah Silverman Program. Both shows brought something different to the table, and are generally funny. Being different did get them to where they were now; although, different isn't always a good thing. Anyone remember Lewis Black's Root of All Evil? I guess at Comedy Central, different can only guarantee you a second season. So, unless your name is John Stewart or Stephen Colbert, good luck with being a regular on the line-up

    Honestly, I hope that this show does okay. This guy is one of my favorite comedians, and I always want to see something interesting be successful. Depending on what type of show it is, maybe that wish will come true. I will say this, stand-up comedians should stick to what they're good at: stand-up comedy. More often than not, the transition to weekly television shows will become a strain on them. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 16, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Scarred Nobody
    Yeah, since Mike started doing karaoke on KHV, I decided to try a bit of it myself. I know I'm not a great singer, and I play a better Mark, Collins, and Angel, than I do Roger (from Rent). Still, I decided that it was all just for fun. Forgive me

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 11, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Scarred Nobody
    Okay, so I'm home alone for the night, and I'm allowed to order a movie. I've been searching around the On Demand list and I found two movies that I've really wanted to see for a while. Those two movies are Psycho and the Planet of the Apes. Both of the original films are available and they're the same price. Right now, I'm leaning more towards Psycho because I'm a bigger horror fan than science fiction.

    Which do you propose I watch KHV?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 4, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Scarred Nobody
    Released October 21, 2011


    As stated in the trailer, Paranormal Activity 3 takes place around eighteen years before the events of the first and second movie. It appears to be an old family movie, where you get to see the childhood of Katie and her sister Kristy. As explained in the two previous films, this appears to be at the time where strange things happened, and a dark being entered their lives. The movie this time around is directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, who also directed the independent documentary Catfish.

    After seeing the trailer, my initial thought was "Thank goodness I was too much as a coward as a kid to play Bloody Mary". To me, the first movie was okay, and the second one was an improvement. Unfortunately, the good stuff in both of the films happened towards and at the very end of the films. Hopefully, they decide to put a little more effort into the scares and make some sense with this interesting series. I'll probably see it, partially because of the trailer, but mostly because of what happened at the end of the second movie.
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Sep 3, 2011, 19 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Scarred Nobody
    Yep, I'm making one too.

    Classes start for me tomorrow. I had to downgrade this year from an university to a communtiy college. I don't have enough credits to transfer to any of the universities over here, so I'm filling out my criteria this year, hoping to get into a good one soon. Unfortunately, financial aid at this school is terrible and unorganized. Thankfully, they're going to at least give me a waver on my books. I'm still going to have to wait on that new computer though...

    I'm going to be taking four classes at the college itself and one class online. I lucked out and got them all in the morning, and I have no classes on Fridays! :)
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Aug 28, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Scarred Nobody
    This is basically me, being bored. My latest anime obsession has been My Bride is a Mermaid (Seto no Hanayome). It's actually a really good anime, so you guys seriously need to check it out. Anyway--back on topic. This is more just messing around with colors, sizing, and placement. Images are taken from Google Image searches. It's nothing too surprising, just having a bit of fun! :lolface:



    You guys could use these if you wish
    C'n'C please
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Aug 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Scarred Nobody
    Why are you guys still popping fireworks? I loved them just as much as the next guy, but I'm trying to watch TV. :/
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Aug 19, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Scarred Nobody
    Unfortunately, I've had to deal with using Norton for the past year on my computer (my mom for some reason trusts it). So, now, it just doesn't want to work for me anymore. Does anyone know where I could find a free anti-virus software?
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Aug 3, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Scarred Nobody
    Happy birthday Twilight! I hope you have a good one. I wish I could shove myself into a ten dollar box and mail myself to you but the idiotic mail person said that there were restrictions, whatever those are. Anyway, just wanted you to say 'Happy Birthday' and I love you!!

    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 23, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Scarred Nobody
    There is no past. Thank God this moment's not the last...
    Thread by: Scarred Nobody, Jul 21, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone