[http://textsfrombennett.tumblr.com/] On the one hand, it makes me laugh that someone out there like that exists. On the other hand, I am very sad that someone out there like that exists. ;_;
[video=youtube;pvI7dKCRUlw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvI7dKCRUlw[/video] Bad Kids Go To Hell Coming sometime in early 2012 Not yet rated (although it will probably be R) Based on a graphic novel of the same name I went to the panel at a convention early in November, kind of skeptic about it from just the trailer. The plot got me interested, and I became fully invested in it once I finished reading through the graphic novel. The makers of the comic are also on the creative team for the movie, which has its own good and bad. It looks pretty good though.
Apparently, in the Philippines, they get duck eggs that have a somewhat formed chick (although has no feathers, beaks, claws, any of that stuff) and eat it. It's suppose to be good if it's warm. Just felt like sharing what happened in speech class today. (pondering if I should upload the video...)
Smile KHV; life ain't that bad.
You two are about to start to throw down when your opponent decides to take their pants off, take a crap in their hand, and hold their crap in their hand. What do you do?
Stage One: The gunshot came from out of nowhere. Everybody ducked, but there was no way it was going to miss its intended target. The sniper, whoever he or she was, knew exactly the actions of its target during this given scenario. The target was trapped like a rat around the people, making it far too easy for his killer. “Clawtooth!” Cat <3 Sora cried out through the crowd! On the floor, drenched in his own blood was Clawtooth. The bullet had entered his chest, killing him almost instantly. She ran through the crowd, trying to make her way to the body. All the members stood around, completely terrified by what they had just witnessed. Of course, it could have been any one of them that could have shot the gun. One of these members is a murderer. “We have to find the gun,” Maka immediately said. “I agree with Maka,” Jayn added. “I’m a bit hungry actually,” Plums said shyly through the crowd. What do you do? (A) Look for the gun (B) Make a sandwich
On Kh-Vids, sometimes there’s the occasional topic that gets the pot boiling with all the members. Sometimes, the members troll other members while others take things way to seriously. Many times, one will spawn off from the other to create a meme effect within the group and forever live in forum history. On most days, nothing happens, and I slowly grow to hate you all.
Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
An old youth pastor of mine posted this on her facebook: "I need a new good book; something christian, inspiring, and thought provoking.... any ideas?" Feeling tempted to post "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". The best part about it: I'm not trolling. It's a serious recommendation. It fits the description she wants and is filled with Christian allegories! So, wut do, KHV?
Posted in the spam zone to get more posts. This question is more for people who like to read books. Would you think it's cool if the author of the book added "extras" at the end of the book, such as author commentaries, a "making of the story" section (where the author describes what it was like writing the story), character bios, and an author interview?
Okay, so, I'm just sitting in the library, minding my own business. I got tired of listening to music on my MP3 player and watch random videos on YouTube (because I am a terrible student, and I don't feel like studying for my foreign affairs test in my political science class next period). So, I put my headphones into my computer and clicked on the first video I saw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slhdPyDcb1A&feature=feedu The only reason I'm telling you the video I'm watching is because of the opening. Apparently, the headphones weren't in right, so it not only blasted on FULL volume in my hears, but also on the regular speakers on my computer. And the god damn video wouldn't pause. At all. I clicked the video, clicked the pause button, pressed space bar. Nothing worked! Finally, it stopped, and I fixed everything. And, note, I'm in the library at my college (yes, we have class this week (stupid damn school system)), and everyone's quietly studying (except for me because I'm a horrible student), so when something that loud blasts...yeeeeaaaahhh.... I'm waiting for someone to kick me out now...
There. Happy? HAPPY?!
FOR THE LoVE OF GOD! JUST SAY RIBS!! [video=youtube;OrivW49zMkM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrivW49zMkM[/video]
Why can't I get this song out of my head?! [video=youtube;grGV5Rl2HHU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grGV5Rl2HHU[/video]
Hey depression. What's that? You're coming to visit. Well, that's nice of you. How am I? Well, school sucks and I'm not feeling too well about myself. Yeah, it does suck. What; you got me a present? Self-inflicted bruises? Thank you so much. But I already took my heart medicine; I don't think it's a good idea to take another dosage too soon. Yeah, my chest is hurting pretty bad, and the crying is making me think I'm going to experience an heart attack. You need to stay for a while? Well...okay.
here...piggy, pig, pig... ...here...piggy...pig...pig...
Pie . Spoiler
It’s eating rare candies by the DOZEN for you to accept it. That Gastly you just called ugly? Its been trying to learn a new move for ages to replace its Mean Look. That Slowpoke you just tripped? He has a learning disability that makes him legally ******ed. See that Hitmonchan there, with the scars? He fought in all 8 gyms so you could get your badges. Copy and paste this if you’re against Pokébullying. Help save a Pokémon with a visit to a PokéCenter
Ponies. Ponies everywhere. [And I got a bit caught up on my Bakuman collection. Also, got myself an Ash Ketchem hat, and a free graphic novel "Bad Kids Go To Hell". It's a good day]
I get to go meet Haruhi Suzumiya tomorrow! ...and i missed out on a chance to meet Mark Hamill today