This! This explains why I am insane. [video=youtube;OoXaDeM2UwU][/video]
I'm in the middle of class right now. What should I do?
I guess this is just further use that everyones human and we'll break down every once in a while. This is just more or less venting about stuff. For the past few days, I've been feeling a little depressed. For one thing, I feel like I'm annoying all of my friends who I talk to on MSN/Skype. I notice that I'm talking too much about my faith and I can feel that it gets them uneasy. I never learn when to shut up about certain stuff, no matter how much I try. My real life relationships with my friends seem to be in tact, but I can't help but feel jelious of him. We're going to have so many things coming up, some that I cannot do because of my condition. Last week, I went rock climbing, and my mom yelled at me because I was putting too much stress on my body. I know I'm not suppose to push my body, especially the left side (where I had surgery in February) but she didn't even seem to be excited that I conqured something that was amazing. I think it's my family that's getting to me. My younger siblings treat me like dirt, which is the cold hard truth. They follow whatever's in the main stream media and ignore anything else. They can make fun of anime and Japanese films all they want and I have to take it but I"m not allowed to point out the morality of their favorite music artists (Kesha, Drake, etc.). I even miss out on stuff that I want to do because of my siblings especially my sister. I think they see her as their second chance, since she wasn't born with my condition. Anything she does, she gets supported in. Even if I wanted to do something that I found iteresting, I would be an "embarassment". She plays softball, meaning we travel alot. We can aford a trip to a National tounmament for many girls but we can't aford for me to go to a Christian Youth Convention that I got INVITED to because of my poem?! I'm currently missing a Bible Study because ROTC has something to do at the school. I just sometimes feel like I was the mistake. The only thing I have going for me is my academics. I'm an honor's student right now, which is probably one of the only things that I have going for me. I'm trying to keep it so I have something over my younger sister. In my mind, it's the only praise I get, and I want my parents to be proud of me at least once in a while. She gets everything when I get some. Yes, I have nice stuff, but it's either because I bought it or i EARNED it though my grades. She does very little and gets much more (Me: Got into college, gets a laptop; her: has about a "C" average, gets tons of bats, starting at $100 each). I can feel some of my grades slipping and that terrifies me. I lose my honor's status, I feel I'll lose everything. I want to really be an actor or a writer but I'm going for a career in secondary education because my parent's don't see it as "a real job". They pay for my tuition, so I guess I dont' have much choice. I guess the world's just piling up on me, I don't know how to handle it. Advice would be nice. I'm not suicidal or anything, just a little depressed.
What the--?! What does this mean?
Okay, so it's not really completed yet, I just need to turn in my introduction and two body paragraphs of my essay which is going to be about 8-pages. I'm still kind of skeptical if I'm on the right path with this. This is the begining of my 'Young Christina Adults Should Read Harry Potter' essay, so in case if you were wondering if it was going to be boring. WARNING: DOES CONTAIN MILD SPOILERS TO HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS! AND PLEASE DON'T PLAGARIZE THIS, FOR IT IS NOT FINISH AND I CAN STILL TAKE THIS ESSAY ANY DIRECTION. BECAUSE PLAIGARISM IS CHEATING, RIGHT? *WINK**WINK* Spoiler The Magic of Christianity (Tentative) “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This is a lesson that was previously taught by the Christian Messiah Jesus Christ, telling his followers that they must realize what they must truly treasure besides their material possessions. This line was also quoted, and is a central theme, in one of the most famous novel series of this generation. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (later changed to the Sorcerer’s Stone in the United States) were published in the United Kingdom by J. K Rowling. Her small project had then evolved over the past few decades to seven books and a hit motion picture series. This series has captured the imaginations of people from all walks of life. Within these novels are deep moral teachings of classic biblical philosophy and metaphors; and I do believe that this is one series that Christian young adults should read to help grab a perspective on their faith. It wasn’t until a year ago that my own family truly found God. When I want to discuss the upcoming movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, with my friends, I can feel an uncomfortable feeling around us. Even when I joked around at a party about ditching class to go to the midnight viewing of the movie in the upcoming months, my aunt heard me and said “I have a few things to say about Harry Potter”. One complaint that Christians seem to make about the Harry Potter series is that we are making a hero out of someone perform the dark art of witchcraft and wizardry. One main point that they make comes from the Old Testament, Deuteronomy 18:10, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft”. Another scriptural passage that comes from the New Testament is Philippians 4:8 which reads, “fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable." . If young adults were to actually be allowed to read the Harry Potter novels, they would learn that there are many things honorable about this series. The novels play on the sacrifice of others, the overall theme of love, and how God is always there for you in the darkest times. Ms. Joan Rowling also purposely put in various parables from the Gospels as well as other teachings into her seven fictional novels. In 2007, months after the release of Deathly Hallows, MTV reports that Rowling opens up about the connection between Harry Potter and Christianity. She actually believes that the parables in the stories are quite obvious and wasn’t open about the connection between the two stories because “I thought it might show people who just wanted the story where we were going.". Her main objective of keeping the secret was so that the books followers wouldn’t find a way in spoiling themselves. Reading back through the final book, it is obvious that there are obvious Christian morals. any volunteers? I just need thoughts more or less. PS: Man, I love college :lolface: PSS: I'm just looking for thoughts on it. PSSS: Has anyone else noticed there are a lot of 'look at my essay' threads this year?
Okay, so at my college, we have to pay up some cash if we want to print out stuff at the libraries, student union, etc. So, whenever I press print, it asks me for my name so we can go to the printer computer, find our file with our name next to it, pay, and then it'll print. So, am I the only one who puts in names of anime characters as my name and watch people's reactions as they read through the list of documents and see someone whose named "Xemnas" or "Ryuzaki"?
Dane Cook's coming to town. Should I go?
and I'm stuck. help me KHV!
Okay, so I decided to browse through the movie listings, to see what's at the cheap movie thaters ($3). It turns out that they're showing Toy Story 3 in 2D. The wierd thing is that one of the other theaters is still showing Toy Story 3 in 3D ($7 and that's including 3D). Is it really worth the extra $4? A group of firefighters only watched as a family house was burnt to the ground. Why did they just watch as the flames engulf the house? Because they didn't pay for the use of a fire department. The firefighters were ordered not to do anything to help the house or the family involved. Now, I get it, these men were doing what they were ordered to do. Still, it takes a special class of person to watch as a family's house be burnt to the ground, maybe have someone left in there by mistake, and just not care enough to do anything about it.
[I'm trying to log onto facebook but I think that the site is down! I tried another computer and got the same "cannot find website" message. Is this happening for anyone else?]
Dear Comcast, I do not have to money to buy the stupid converter for my television. I don't even understand why you had to change in the first place; your stupid upgrade does nothing for the picture quality! I want to watch The Daily Show, but now that doesn't seem possible! Now it's just a useless box that can play video games. THANKS A WHOLE FUCKING LOT! -Tummer P.S. Tell the Devil I said 'hi'.
...had a pimple that was stratigically placed on your lip and it looks like you have herpes?
My siblings were watching a little nickelodean (some dude with a puppet was talking) (fake laughter) Me: What's today's date? Brother: The 3rd Me: What time is it? Sister: 4:16 Me: Good, so I know the exact moment when a little piece of me died inside. 8(
So, this first came to mind when I went to Barns and Noble. On the giant Twilight display, they ahd a book called "Twilight and Philosophy". Now, I understand finding many political and strange undertones in novels, but do you think people go a little too far with it. This is different than the authors who purposely put such things in their novels (Frankenstien, Narnia, Harry Potter); but I'm talking about professors/instructors finding something that wasn't purposely put in there by the author. Last year, I wrote a poem and read it out to the class. I will admit tht I put in small alliteration and one biblical metaphor, but my teacher said she found so much more, some things that I didn't even know existed. I kept my mouth shut about it, but I hate how we're told to find something that's not even purposely there.
After watching a documentary called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, I was doing my research of Richard Dawkins. I seached on YouTube yesturday and found this: [video=youtube;QyHojo9Q3nw][/video] Now, putting religious views aside for a moment, do you beleive that what Richard Dawkins said at the begining was uncalled for? I don't want this to turn into a religous debate, more of a moralistic one, one involving respect for another. Now, I believe that this was completely uncalled for. He took what millions of people believe and perverted it into something disturbing and horrible. He even defends what he says, saying that he was stating fact. That may be true, but up to a point. He crossed the line and just plain out poked fun and criticized what people believe.
Just found out that I"m home alone for the night! How should I celebrate KHV? But, I don't want this guy breaking into my house... [video=youtube;Xn7EAJvYx3c][/video]
I can't beleive that I remember this video; and I haven't seen it in so long. Of course, it was in color when I first saw it, and it was on the Disney Sing Along thing. I would watch those videos all the time (the best one being from the Disneyland series) I guess Kingdom Hearts does have it as background music, but to remember the video?! [video=youtube;w9DQnT1Awig][/video] Of course, this comes from the guy who also has THIS in his playlist... [video=youtube;KdV-c9d6Sa8][/video]
Just a quick favor; I'm a little depressed right now, so can someone find something that will make me laugh? It's been a long day.