Thanks. About how long does shipping take? And if I want to pick it up in the store, is there a preorder code or something I need?
Last February, My uncle preordered a game (Days) for me online. It's out now, and he says it will be delivered to me in the mail. I went on gamestop.com, and the site has two games at the bottom of the main page for preorder, which are listed as "pick up in store". But when I click on them for more information, they say that the preorder will ship to you. Understandably, I'm a bit confused. Does anyone know what exactly happens when you preorder a game from Gamestop over the internet?
:=D: F*** YEAH!!!! Man, it seems like I've been waiting for this forEVER!
What? It's a charger that plugs into an electrical socket in the wall. A USB charger would be usefull though... Random Question: Do I need to have the comupter on to charge the DS? Here's a pic: Spoiler As you can see, it plugs into the wall. Spoiler My DS.
*looks at pictures* :why?:
I believe that you can play as other characters in mission mode - not just multiplayer. Spoiler There's also a strong possibility that I have no idea what I'm talking about - I haven't acually played the game.
...and my (original) DS charger decides to stop working. I drained my DS with Scrtibblenauts, does anyone know where I could get an origional DS (not lite or DSi) charger? GBA SP ones work too.
Random Episode 3 glitch - When I first got to monstro, I ran straight up and ended up going off the map, where I was unable to move. BTW, episode 3 is much better than episode 1 and 2. good job!
same here.
...... To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be...
Not that the new skin isn't good (it is), but I like the old skin better. It's more familiar.
An edit? *looks at picture* Spoiler :/8D:
I like chocolate milk.
Spoiler Spoiler That's what she- *shot*
They can both be summoned in scribblenauts.