Who 'ya gonna call? Spoiler GHOSTBUSTERS!
I saw someone at my school with a plush papou fruit on her backpack. No idea who she was though.
not much. Surfin' the web to keep boredom at bay. Seeing what the Spam Zone is up to.
I think I've heard of one of those; here's a link: http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=archivev3
hmm... I seem to recall a similar "head tracking" feature for the wii (or at least I saw it on youtube). It does look quite 3D, though. Anyway, I hope they'll still make non-3D games. I too still have a DSPhat.
This? Spoiler But I love spam! But anyway, my relevant comment to this thread: We're like neo-n0obs. We have most of the random spirit, yet also have a handle on basic punctuation and grammar. And, like most new classes, we shun those we came from. In conclusion, I offer this slogan for the website: KHV: where even the noobs are sophisticated.
Hmm. It would probably be anime. No way they'll get people to sit around and watch a cutscene collection (The first season of Sonic X followed the games' plots, so they'd probably do that before expanding into new stuff.) Anyway, if it gets made, I'd watch it. But It'll probably get bundled with KH3 FM, and never released here. :(
I'd buy XIII-2. However, Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII sounds like all the FFXIII people will want. From reading the Wikipedia article, though, Versus sounds AWESOME. (KH battle system ftw!)
Eh. 1000 Dragons? At once? At FFXIII graphical levels? Pretty sure that's impossible. But anyway, it sounds like he's planning on adding QTE's. But then again, I've never played Uncharted so I don't know what they did with the cutscenes.
It is Spoiler a replica of the engagement necklace that Snow gave to Serah on Day 11. (I don't actually think that's a spoiler, but just to be safe...) But anyway I kinda want the L'cie one. But seriously, $169? Damn.
A sniper? HOLY S-
...and to quote a commonly sung Christmas Carol, "He sees you when you're sleeping He sees when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness' sake." And also, [totally switching topics] at Catholic masses, we not only eat Jesus's body but drink his blood. The world is not meant to be thought about with an unbiased and inquisitive mind.
I looked at the sky and thought that once. It confused my Mom. But anyway, this post has to be on topic. I eat a cup of cheerios as a snack occasionally. It is quite good.
Here you are. Spoiler inb4killedthejoke
Not to get off topic, but does this mean that Spoiler the Org. XIII have a possibility of returning? :=D:
Well, IMO, bomb threat people are terrorists. If they call in a threat, people are scared, and I believe that is the goal. If they were trying to kill someone, they would let the bomb go undiscovered until it explodes.
Ethnic sheep? In any illustrations I've seen, the sheep is black. Pitch black. Given that "Ethnic" is probably a pollitically correct term for a person of African descent, is the song now about a brown sheep?
Maybe it's that book Zexion's always reading? But yeah, it was probably Saix or someone getting sick of his slacking and writing down exactly what he had to do for his mission.
While we're talking about the top of the building, I have a question. How is it possible to jump off a SKYSCRAPER and land on the ground unharmed? Both Roxas and Riku do it. And while we're talking about that, what was the point of Roxas running up the skyscraper if he was just going to jump off it as soon as he got to the top?
We have a facebook page? cool. *joins*